Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper

Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper

Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper:- B.com 1st year, B.com 2nd year, B.com 3rd year,  Bcom financial accounting notes, business statistics notes, business communication notes, business economics notes, business environment notes, Business law notes, coast accounting notes, income tax notes, corporate law notes, public finance notes, principle of management notes,

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Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper

B.com 1st Year Notes


1. What is The Business Communication In Hindi
2. Meaning And Definition of Communication In Hindi
3. Objectives Of Business Communication
4. Chapter Wise Notes Basic form of communication
5. Chapter Wise Notes Meaning of Communication Model In Hindi
6. Chapter Wise Notes Effective Communication In Hindi
7. Communication Audience Analysis Study Material in Hindi
8. Self Development And Communication


01. व्यापारिक सन्नियम – एक परिचय (Business Law : An Introduction)
02. भारतीय अनुबन्ध अधिनियम, 1872 (Indian Contract Act, 1872)
03. प्रस्ताव एंव स्वीक्रति-स्वहन एंव खंडन (Proposal and acceptance: Communication and Revocation)
04. अनुबन्ध करने के योग्य पक्षकार (Parties Competent to Contract)
05. स्वतन्त्र सहमती (Free Consent)
06. न्यायोचित प्रतिफल तथा उद्देश्य (lawful Consideration and object)
07. स्पष्ट रूप से व्यर्थ घोषित ठहराव (Agreements Expressly Declared as void)
08. संयोगिक अनुबन्ध (Contingent Contract)
09. गर्भित अथवा अर्द्ध अनुबन्ध (Implied or Quasi Contracts)
11. हानि रक्षा तथा प्रत्याभूति अनुबन्ध (Contracts of indemnity and Guarantee)
12. निपेक्ष तथा गिरवी के अनुबन्ध (Contracts of bailment and pledge)
13. एजेंसी अनुबन्ध (contracts of Agency)
14. वस्तु विक्रय अधिनियम, 1930 (Sales of good Act,1930)
15. विनियम-साध्य विलेख (Negotiable Instruments)
16. चैक – एक परिचय (Cheque : An Introduction)
17. प्रतिज्ञा – पत्र एंव विनिमय- विपत्र (Promissory Notes and bills of Exchange)
18. धारी एंव यथा विधिधारी (Holder and Holder in Due Course)
19. चैको का रेखांकन (Crossing of Cheques)
20. प्रक्रमण एंव अभिहस्तान्कं (Negotiation and Assignment)
21. उपभोक्ता संरक्षण अधिनियम, 1986 (Consumer Protection Act, 1986)
22. विदेशी विनिमय प्रबंध अधिनियम, 2000 [Foreign Exchange Management Act, (FEMA)


01. व्यावसायिक अर्थशास्त्र: एक परिचय (Business Economics: An Introduction)
02. उपयोगिता विश्लेषण (Utility Analysis)
03. मांग एवं माँग का नियम (Demand and Law of Demand)
04. माँग की लोच (Elasticity of Demand)
05. उत्पादन फलन (Production Function)
06. उत्पत्ति के नियम अथवा परिवर्तनशील अनुपातों का नियम (Laws of Return or Law of Variable Proportions)
07. समोत्पाद वक्र (Iso-quants)

08. पैमाने के प्रतिफल (Returns to Scale)
09. आन्तरिक एवं बाह्य मितव्ययिताएँ(Internal and External Economics)
10. अल्पकालीन तथा दीर्घकालीन लागत वक्र (Short-run and Long-run Cost Curves)
11. बाजार, बाजार मूल्य एवं सामान्य मूल्य (Market, Market Price and Normal Price)
12. पूर्ण प्रतियोगिता (Perfect Competition)

13. अपूर्ण प्रतियोगिता (Imperfect Competition)
14. एकाधिकार (Monopoly)
15. अल्पाधिकार (Oligopoly)
16. सीमान्त उत्पादकता सिद्धान्त (Marginal Productivity Theory)
17. लगान (Rent)
18. मजदूरी (Wages)
19. व्याज (Interests)
20. लाभ (Profit)
लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)
• क्रियात्मक समस्याएँ (Numerical Problems)


01. Business Environment Importance and Classification
02. Meaning of Globalization Disadvantages Liberalization
03. Various Concepts Related To National Income Meaning Definition of National Income
04. Meaning of Fiscal Policy Objective Developing Economy
05. Effects of inflation
06. Meaning of Monetary Policy Reserve Bank
07. Suggestions Ending Meaning Social Injustice
08. Meaning Of Industrial Sickness Reason
09. Due Poverty in India Meaning of Poverty
10. Infection Meaning Savings and Investments
11. Due to Unemployment In India
12. Meaning Industrial Policy India Characteristics
13. Industrial Growth in India
14. Parallel Economy Meaning of Black Money Government Effects Stop Black Money
15. Concept Components And Importance
16. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
17. Major Elements Current Industrial Licensing Policy
18. Characterization Purpose Privatization
19. New Export Import Policy of India


  1. B.com 1st Year Financial Accounting Chapter Wise Notes in Hindi
  2. B.com 1st Year Type of Account Final Account Golden Rule in Hindi
  3. B com 1st Year Financial Accounting Meaning of Ledger And Defination
  4. Bcom 1st Year Suspense Account Errors Trial Balance
  5. B.com 1st Year Final Account Trading Profit and Loss Balance Sheet
  6. B.com 1st Year Financial Accounting Meaning of Adjustments
  7. B.Com 1st Year Capital and Revenue Items Meaning of Capital and Revenue
  8. Meaning of Branch Account and Objectives of Financial Accounting Notes in Hindi
  9. B Com 1st Year Insolvency Account Insolvency Acts in India
  10. Financial Account Meaning and Definitions of Hire Purchase System


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B.com 2nd Year Notes



खण्ड-अ-कम्पनी सन्नियम
• लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)
• दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer Questions)
01. कम्पनी– एक परिचय (Company-An Introduction)
02. कम्पनियों का वर्गीकरण (Classification of Companies)
03. निजी कम्पनी (Private Company)
04. कम्पनी प्रवर्तक (Company Promoters)
05. कम्पनी का निर्माण- समामेलन एवं व्यापार का प्रारम्भ (Formation of a Company: Incorporation and Commencement of Business)
06. पार्षद सीमानियम एवं अन्तर्नियम(Memorandum and Articles of Association)
07. प्रविवरण (Prospectus)
08. कम्पनियों का प्रबन्ध संचालकगण (Management of Companies-Directors)
09. कम्पनी की सभायें (Company Meetings)
10. कम्पनी का समापन (Winding-up of Company)

खण्ड-ब-औद्योगिक सन्नियम
• दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer Questions)
01. कारखाना अधिनियम, 1948 (The Factory Act, 1948)
02. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 (Industrial Dispute Act, 1947)
03. श्रमिक क्षतिपूर्ति अधिनियम, 1923 (The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923)
लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)




  1. विपणन- अर्थ, कार्य एवं महत्त्व (Marketing Meaning, Functions & Importance)
  2. विपणन मिश्रण (Marketing Mix)
  3. विपणन वातावरण (Marketing Environment)
  4. उपभोक्ता व्यवहार (Consumer Behaviour)
  5. बाजार विभक्तीकरण (Market Segmentation)
  6. उत्पाद अवधारणा (Product Concept)
  7. उत्पाद नियोजन (Product Planning)
  8. पैकेजिंग (Packaging)
  9. ब्राण्ड तथा ट्रेडमार्क (Brand and Trademark)
  10. उत्पाद जीवन चक्र (Product Life Cycle)
  11. विक्रयोपरान्त सेवा (After-Sales Service)
  12. मूल्य निर्धारण (Pricing)
  13. वितरण वाहिकाएँ अथवा वितरण माध्यम (Channels of Distribution)
  14. भौतिक वितरण (Physical Distribution)
  15. प्रवर्तन (Promotion)
  16. विक्रय संवर्द्धन (Sales Promotion)
  17. विज्ञापन (Advertisement)
  18. वैयक्तिक विक्रय (Personal Selling)
  19. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन-प्रकृति, क्षेत्र एवं महत्त्व (International Marketing Nature, Scope and Importance)
  20. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन पर्यावरण (International Marketing Environment)
  21. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बाजार की पहचान एवं चुनाव (Identifying and Selecting International Market)
  22. विदेशी बाजारों में प्रवेश विधि सम्बन्धी निर्णय (Foreign Market Entry Mode Decisions)


  1. Meaning definition and Roles of Entrepreneur Notes
  2. Entrepreneurship An Introduction Theory and Nature Characteristics Notes
  3. Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Environment and its Roles Notes
  4. Meaning Definitions Qualities Functions and Types of Leadership
  5. Meaning Nature Causes Management of Business risks
  6. Meaning Definitions Principle  Importance of Decision Making
  7. Promotion of a Venture Opportunity Analysis Notes of Entrepreneurship
  8. PEST or STEP Analysis External Environmental Analysis Notes
  9. Legal Requirements for Establishment of a New Unit Notes of Entrepreneurship
  10. Meaning of Working Capital Raising of Funds Notes of Entrepreneurship
  11. Venture Capital and Documentation Requirement Sources Notes of entrepreneurship
  12. Entrepreneurial Behavior Innovation and Psycho Theories Notes of Entrepreneurship
  13. Social Responsibility of Entrepreneur Social Responsibility Notes
  14. Entrepreneurial Development Programme Notes of Entrepreneurship
  15. Role of Entrepreneur Notes
  16. Export Promotion and import Substitution Notes of Entrepreneurship

B.com 3rd Year Notes


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  1. Auditing Meaning, Objectives and Importance
  2. Classification of Audit
  3. Audit Process
  4. Internal Check
  5. Audit Procedure Vouching
  6. Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities
  7. Depreciation and Reserve
  8. Company Audit
  9. Appointment, Remuneration, Rights and Duties of an Auditor
  10. Liabilities of an Auditor
  11. Divisible Profits & Dividends
  12. Audit Report
  13. Special Audit
  14. Investigation
  15. Cost Audit
  16. Management Audit


  1. Money and Functions of Money
  2. Money Supply
  3. Role and Kinds of Finance
  4. Financial System
  5. Capital Market and Financial Intermediaries
  6. Commercial Banks
  7. Structure of Commercial System in India
  8. Regional Rural Banks
  9. Cooperative Banking in India
  10. Process of Credit Creation
  11. Development Banks
  12. Non Banking Financial Institutions
  13. Unregulated Credit Market in India
  14. The Reserve Bank of India
  15. Monetary Policy



01. Financial Management An Introduction Bcom Notes
02. Financial Planning Bcom Notes
03. Capitalisation Bcom Notes
04. Capital Structure Bcom Notes
05. Theories of Capital Structure Bcom Notes
06. Leverage Bcom Notes
07. Dividend Policy Bcom Notes
08. Management of Working Capital Bcom Notes
09. Management of Cash Bcom Notes
10. Management of Receivables Bcom Notes
11. Inventory Management Bcom Notes
12. Financial Statements Bcom Notes
13.Ratio Analysis Bcom Notes
14. Funds Flow Statement Bcom Notes
15. Cash Flow Statement Bcom Notes


  1. विपणन- अर्थ, कार्य एवं महत्त्व (Marketing Meaning, Functions & Importance)
  2. विपणन मिश्रण (Marketing Mix)
  3. विपणन वातावरण (Marketing Environment)
  4. उपभोक्ता व्यवहार (Consumer Behaviour)
  5. बाजार विभक्तीकरण (Market Segmentation)
  6. उत्पाद अवधारणा (Product Concept)
  7. उत्पाद नियोजन (Product Planning)
  8. पैकेजिंग (Packaging)
  9. ब्राण्ड तथा ट्रेडमार्क (Brand and Trademark)
  10. उत्पाद जीवन चक्र (Product Life Cycle)
  11. विक्रयोपरान्त सेवा (After-Sales Service)
  12. मूल्य निर्धारण (Pricing)
  13. वितरण वाहिकाएँ अथवा वितरण माध्यम (Channels of Distribution)
  14. भौतिक वितरण (Physical Distribution)
  15. प्रवर्तन (Promotion)
  16. विक्रय संवर्द्धन (Sales Promotion)
  17. विज्ञापन (Advertisement)
  18. वैयक्तिक विक्रय (Personal Selling)
  19. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन-प्रकृति, क्षेत्र एवं महत्त्व (International Marketing Nature, Scope and Importance)
  20. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन पर्यावरण (International Marketing Environment)
  21. अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बाजार की पहचान एवं चुनाव (Identifying and Selecting International Market)
  22. विदेशी बाजारों में प्रवेश विधि सम्बन्धी निर्णय (Foreign Market Entry Mode Decisions)

Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd

Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper

Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd
Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd

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30 thoughts on “Bcom 1st 2nd 3rd Year Notes and Question Paper”

  1. Vikash Kumar Modanwal

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  2. Afreen Tarannum

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