Management Accounting Book Notes Question Paper

Management Accounting Book Notes Question Paper


Management Accounting Book Notes Question Paper :- 

In this post we are going to share b com management accounting introduction characteristics or nature of management accounting, objective or Purpose of management accounting, Functions of Management Accounting, Rule of management of accounting, cost accounting and management accounting.

Classification of Ratios, Turnover or Activity Ratios, Capital Structure Ratios or Long-term Solvency Analysis, Meaning of Fund, Where there is no Flow of Funds, Schedule of Changes in Working Capital, Applications of funds, Calculation of Funds from Operations, Items to be added back to net profit, Non Cash Items, Appropriation of Profits, Items to be deducted from net profits, Increase or Decrease in Share Capital, Increase or Decrease in Fixed Assets and Long-term Investments, Provision for Taxation, Goodwill all the think (Management Accounting Book Notes)

Management Accounting Book Notes Question Paper
Management Accounting Book Notes Question Paper

We Have Discus About- Short Answer Question, Long Answer Question, Public Finance: Meaning, Scope, and Importance, Public Vs. Private Goods, Principle of Maximum Social Advantage, Government Budget, Deficit Financing, Public Expenditure, Effects of Public Expenditure, Public Revenue, Taxation: Meaning, Canons and Classification, Effects of Taxation, Taxable Capacity, Incidence and Shifting of Tax, Problem of Justice in Taxation, Public Debt, Federal Finance in India, Finance Commission, Parliamentary Control on Public Expenditure. (Management Accounting Book Notes)



विषय-सूची (Contents)

S.R. NO.

Chapter Name

Short  Answer Question (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
Long  Answer Question  (दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
प्रबन्ध लेखांकन – एक परिचय (Management Accounting – An Introduction)
बजट का अर्थ एवं परिभाषा (Meaning and Definition of Budget)
अनुपात विश्लेषण (Management Accounting Ration Analysis Notes)
फंड फ्लो विश्लेषण (Management Accounting Funds Flow Analysis Notes)
रोकड़ प्रवाह विश्लेषण  (Cash Flow Analysis)
मानक लागत सामग्री और श्रम भिन्नता ( Standard Costing Material & labour Variance)
मानक लागत उपरिविवरण (Management Accounting Standard Costing Overhead Variance)
बिक्री विचरण (Management of Accounting Sales Variance)
सीमान्त लागत विधि एवं अवशोषण लागत विधि (Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing) 
लाभ – अलाभ विश्लेषण (Management of Accounting Break-even Analysis)
11 MCQ


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