Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes

Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes


Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes:- 

In this post, we want to tell you that Mcom 1st year, Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes all units, Unit 1 Managerial Functions Mcom Notes, Unit 2 Organizational Behaviour Mcom Notes, Unit 3 Motivation Mcom Notes, Unit 4 Group Dynamics and Team Development Mcom Notes, Unit 5 Leadership Mcom Notes.

Unit 1 Managerial Functions Mcom Notes
Unit 2 Organizational Behaviour Mcom Notes
Unit 3 Motivation Mcom Notes
Unit 4 Group Dynamics and Team Development Mcom Notes
Unit 5 Leadership Mcom Notes

Covered Syllabus: –

Unit 1: Managerial Function: Planning: concept, significance, types; organizing: concept, principles; Theories; Types of organizations; Authority, Responsibility; Power Delegation; Decentralization; Staffing; Coordinating; Control: Nature, Process and Technique.

Unit 2: Organization Behaviour: Organizational Behaviour: Concept and Significance; Relationship between management and organizational behavioural+ Emergence and ethical perspective; Attitudes; Perception, Learning; personality; Transactional Analysis.

Unit 3: Motivation: Process of Motivation; Theories of motivation: need hierarchy theory; Theory X and Theory Y; Two factor theory; Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s need theory, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory, Stacy Adams equity theory

Unit 4: Group Dynamics and Team Development: Group dynamics: definition and importance; Types of groups; Group formation; Group development, Group composition; Group performance factors; Principle: centered approach to team development.

Unit 5: Leadership: Concept, Leadership styles; Theories; Trait theory, Behaviour theory, Fielder’s contingency theory; Harsey and Blanchard’s situational theory; Managerial grid; Likert’s four systems of leadership.

Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes
Mcom Management Concept and Organizational Behaviour Notes


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