BCom 1st Year Effective Communication
Bcom 1st Year Effective Communication:-This post uploaded by sachin daksh. and in this post we share you bcom notes. its is very easily to learn notes. all this post is very important and helpful for all b.com student whose have bcom. in this post we are covered by all university syllabus. this is very helpful for Bcom, BCA, MCA, BBA, MBA, Mcom.
Effective Communication
Q.8. what do you understand by effective communication? What are the essential elements of an effective communication?
explain in brief the essentials of effective communication.
Ans. Meaning of Effective Communication: There is a lot of difference between communication and effective communication. all people communicate but very few people know the art of communicating effectively. Saying something is not sufficient, rather it is essential that receive of the message should understand the idea behind the message in the same way as is intended by the sender and
response accordingly. Communication can be effective only if it is clear, complete, precise, free from obstacles and completed with feedback from the receiver.
In the words of K. O. Locker,
“Effective communication is a process by which information is transmitted between individuals and organizations with the purpose to inform, to request or persuade and to build goodwill.
It is clear, complete, and correct and saves the reader’s time and helps in achieving its goals. ”
In the words of William Scott,
“Administrative communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish
organizations goals. ”
Every transmission of messages contains some objective. If these objectives are fulfilled with the communication, it will be called as effective communication. Otherwise it will be a sheer wastage of
labour and time. Many factors are to be considered in an effective commutation.
Essentials or principles of effective communication: Effective communication is the life and soul of the modern business. Communication is regarded as the basic skill of management as it is an essential part of everything the business manager does. An office manager should be conversant not only with the various methods nd devices of communication but also with different factors which have to be considered before adopting a particular system of communication in the office. On the basis of their experiences, the experts have prescribed certain principles, the observance of which
can make our communication easy, clear and effective. Main essentials of effective communication can be summarized as follows:
(1) Principle of clarity : An effective communicator must be clear about what he wants to say. It can be done only by careful planning. Communication does not take place by chance. The purpose of communication should be very much clear to communicator. The sender should avoid unnecessary use of words and symbols. He should also avoid the use of lengthy usage and should try to keep his
message away from ambiguity.
(2) Completeness of message: The second most important factor that makes communication effective is ‘the completeness of message’. In business communication, an incomplete can create not onlv ambiguity but also misunderstand mg. Therefore, the subject matter to be communicated must be adequate and full, which enables the receiver to understand the central idea of the message.
(3) Conciseness: ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ has rightly been said and this great saying conveys to us that we should be brief and to the point in our communication. We should practice the economy
of words and try to convey maximum In minimum words. The receiver of the communication is not impressed by the length of the message. He is impressed by the solid idea contained in it.
(4) Consideration: In order to communicate effectively the sender should think and look from the receiver’s angle. He should understand the emotions sentiments and need of the receiver. Consideration or the reader’s interest, needs and desires is known as the ‘you attitude’ in the business. Mullen a reader receives a business letter; he assesses how it affects him and his business and what action he needs to take on it. A direct approach with the ‘you attitude ‘transmit the message quickly and evoke the desired response.
(5) Correctness: For effective communication, the sender should not transmit any message unless he is sure of its correctness. If the message is concerned with legal matters, the sender should
know the correct legal position before he commits anything. Moreover, the sender should send his message at the correct time and in correct style.
(6) Consistency: For effective communication, it is necessary that the message transmitted Should not be contradictory. Consistency can be achieved if the communicator keeps in his mind the
broad objectives, policies and programmers of the enterprise. Communication should not conflict with the previous communication.
(7) Courtesy: Courtesy means a friendly and helpful behavior toward others. Politeness begets politeness and encourages participate communication. This will make communication acceptable without irritation and the feedback will also be graceful.
(8) Emphasis on attention: The purpose of communication is to draw the attention of the receiver. An effective communication changes the behavior of the receiver. Effective communication is
one which creates interest of the receiver; pay proper attention to the message and to act accordingly.
(9) Use of Informal Organization: According to this principle, informal channels of communication should be used judicious ly to-supplement the official channels. Informal communication can
be fruitfully utilized particularly when the official channels are slow and insufficient.
(10) Use of body language: In face to face oral communication, body language should be used to enforce words. Proper posture, right eye contact and appropriate facial expressions help to make
communication effective.
(11) Objectivity: Self control is essential for effective communication. The sender should be fully impartial while sending a message. He should not allow his emotions, attitudes or bias to dis tort the message. Similarly, the receiver should not allow his emotions to distort understanding and interpretation of information received from the sender.
(12) Feedback: Obtaining feedback from the receiver is the most important principle of effective communication. Feedback is a process to ascertain whether or not the receiver properly understood
the message. It helps to listen, answer, interpret and amend the message.
(13) Elimination of noise: For effective communication, every possible effort must be made to eliminate noise caused by machines, communication devices, equipment etc.
Q.9. what do you understand by effective communication? Explain the importance of effective communication in business.
Ans. In the present era, the success of a business is much dependent on effective communication Effective and timely communication of values, competition, Technological know how, Government Regulation and other important information’s relating to business environment is very much necessary for the very existence and success of business. It is a well accepted fact that effective
communication is necessary to make an industrial organization effective. Significance of effective communication may be summarized as follows:
(1) Life blood of management : Effective communication is as important to management as blood is to body. With the help of effective communication, a manager is able to give practical shape to many of his plans and objectives. With effective communication he can convince other peoples with his policies and decisions. As the management is an art of getting things done through other people, it is communication that educates personnel working in the organization with the desire of the management.
(2) Basis of planning: Effective communication provides faxes and figures of past and present for effective planning. Communication is the only medium to express and transmit all the orders, guidelines,
suggestions and sentiments. Effective communication is also needed to implement the planned program
mess successfully.
(3) Effective decision-making: Crucial decisions have to be at every step in business organization and at different levels ta of management. Information required for decision process are collected through effective communication only. Managerial decisions are put into practice with the help of effective communication. Objectives and goals cannot be achieved unless the top management
can effectively communicate to the lower levels.
(4) Basis of Direction and Control : In a business organization , the employees come to know what their co-workers are doing by communication. The managers give orders, instructions, warnings and advice to the subordinates and receive information and suggestions from the departmental heads, supervisors and workers through effective communication. Effective communication will also prove helpful to make control over the works of different workers.
(5) Development of human relations: In modern days, tho emphasis is on recognition of dignity of labour and authority. Workers are not to be treated as a commodity. Effective communication helps in developing and maintaining human relations in the organization. It develops a feeling of dignity and self-respect along all employees.
(6) Basis of Co-ordination: In order to achieve the desired objectives, it is necessary to co-ordinate the efforts of labor engaged in the various activities of production and the organization. Co-ordination requires mutual understanding about the organization goals and the mode of their accomplishment, and the interrelationship between the works being performed by various individuals. This can all be achieved only through effective communication. Adoring to William H Newman—”Good communication aids in coordinating activities. ”
(7) Maximum production at minimum cost: Every organization aims at getting the maximum output at the minimum j cost and, for their purpose, it requires an effective internal and external communication system. In the external field, an efficient communication system helps in improving public opinion, having contacts with government departments, and getting market information in order to achieve’ the primary goals. It can seek co-operation of the workers by telling them the goals of the organization and
the ways to achieve them.
(8) Promotion of Industrial Peace: Peace is necessary in the organization to achieve more production. Long strikes and lockouts bring the firms at the verge of insolvency. The employees
should get proper information about organization at regular interval to avoid miss-understandings. Effective communication helps in managing information between employees to top management.
(9) Motivation: Effective communication enables management to change the attitude of the subordinates and to motivate, influence and satisfy them. Good communication assist the workers in
their adjustment with the pl. visual and social aspect of work, It is the basis of participate and democratic pattern of man pavement.
(10) Basis for leadership: Effective communication is the basis of leadership. Leader and his followers both can create mutual understanding, trust and harmony with the help of effective communication.
Thus, it becomes clear that effective communication is the basis of modern business. Its importance is being accepted by one and all. In the words of Harold Yasvin, “In our operation of business, communication system is playing an important and growing role. ” We have to inform more persons, we have to listen from a wide section so as tc understand their grievances well, We have to seek their cooperation in removing the problems so as to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust in the organization.
Short Answer Questions
Q. 1. Discuss the main four elements of effective communication.
Ans. See Page 29.
Q.2. “Communication is the life blood of business.” Explain.
Ans. See Page 31.
Q.3. Discuss the importance of effective communication.
Ans. See Page 31.
Q.4. “In an effective communication, conciseness and completeness are as important as courtesy and
clarity.” Discuss.
Ans. See Page 29 and explain the points of conciseness, completeness, courtesy and clarity in brief.
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