MCQ of principal of Marketing
MCQ of principal of Marketing:-
In this post, we will help you in MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) Principal of Marketing with Solution Chapter wise this post will help you a lot in the examination. This post is for 3rd year Student This post can benefit more students.
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1. Marketing: An Introduction
1, “Marketing is the delivery of standard.” This definition is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) Paul Mazur ✓
(d) Hansen
2, “Marketing comprises both buying and selling activities.” This definition is of:
(a) Pyle ✓
(b) Clark and Clark
(c) Hansen
(d) St. Thomas
3, “Marketing is the fundamental business philosophy.” statement is given by:
(a) Thomas
(b) Borch
(c) Brech
(d) Stanton ✓
4, The advantage of marketing is to:
(a) Consumers
(b) Businessmen
(c) Manufactures
(d) To all ✓
5, The basic objective of marketing function is to link:
(a) Producers & consumer ✓
(b) Wholeseller & retailer
(c) Producer & retailer
(d) Producer & advertiser
6, For business, marketing is:
(a) Compulsory ✓
(b) Necessary
(c) Unnecessary
(d) Luxury
7, Money spent on marketing is:
(a) Wastage
(b) Unnecessary expenditure
(c) Burden on the customers
(d) Investment ✓
8, Marketing expenditure is a burden:
(a) On industry
(c) On consumers
(b) On businessmen
(d) None of them ✓
9, Marketing Institutions include:
(a) Producer and Manufactures
(b) Middleman
(c) Facilitating agencies
(d) All of the above ✓
10, Which is not the function of marketing:
(a) Sales
(b) Purchases
(c) Education ✓
(d) Transportation
11, Macro marketing was introduced by:
(a) Taylor
(b) Stanton
(c) Philip Kotler
(d) R. Myre ✓
12, Marketing concept is:
(a) Production-oriented
(b) Sales-oriented
(c) Customer-oriented
(d) All above ✓
13, Importance of marketing concept is for:
(a) Society
(b) Consumers
(c) Producers
(d) All above ✓
14, “The marketing concept is customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organisational goals.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler ✓
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) Cundiff Still and Govoni
(d) Clark & Clark
15, Utility concept of marketing has been given by:
(a) Paul Mazur
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) Richard Buskirk ✓
(d) Clark & Clark
16, Neglect of marketing is one of the main factors which keeps an economy undr developed, are the views of:
(a) R.S. Davar
(b) Petr F. Drucker ✓
(c) Philip Kotler
(d) None of the above
17, Marketing’is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.” Who quoted this statement?
(a) H.L. Hanson
(b) Prof. Malcom Mc Nair
(c) Clark and Clark
(d) American Marketing Association ✓
18, Marketing starts from:
(a) Consumer ✓
(b) Production
(c) Sales
(d) None of these
19, Modern Concept of marketing does not accept:
(a) High quality services
(b) Satisfaction of customers
(c) Research and Development
(d) Dissatisfaction of customers ✓
20, Which is not the merchandising function of marketing?
(a) Product Planning and Development
(b) Standardization and Grading
(c) Storing of raw material ✓
(d) Buying and assembling
21, Marketing is the that open the doors of the economic growth of underdeveloped countries:
(a) Process
(b) Means
(c) Key ✓
(d) Device
22, “Marketing is the creation and delivery of standard of living.” This statement is of:
(a) Malcomm Mc Nair ✓
(b) Paul Mazur
(c) Hansen
(d) Philip Kolter
23, “Just as marketing does not begin at the end of the production line it does not end with the final sale.”This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) W.J. Stanton ✓
(c) R.S. Davar
(d) None of these
24, The emphasis in marketing is on the identification and satisfaction of ………:
(a) Customer needs ✓
(b) Market needs
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
25, The collection, analysis and interpretation of data for guiding marketing decision is ………..:
(a) Marketing research ✓
(b) Marketing information research
(c) Marketing database
(d) None of these
26, Which activities are included in marketing?
(a) Product Planning and Development
(b) Transportation
(c) Market Information
(d) All of these ✓
27, “Marketing is the delivery of standard of living of the society.” What meaning derives this statement?
(a) Delivery of better quality goods and services
(b) Charging reasonable prices
(c) Giving aftr-sales-srvices
(d) All of these ✓
28, Product Orientd Concept of marketing dose not include.
(a) Preference to Customer’s needs ✓
(b) Maximum Production
(c) Profit Maximization
(d) Sales Maximization
29, Social marketing concept is given by:
(a) Philip Kotler ✓
(b) M.M.C. Nayar
(c) Hanson
(d) Peter F. Drucker
30, “Combination of all marketing resources and marketing efforts of an enterprise through which its pre-determined objectives may be achieved.” This statement refers to ………:
(a) Sales Promotion
(b) Marketing Management ✓
(c) Marketing Mix
(d) Marketing efforts
31, In modern age consumer is the………… of the market:
(a) Buyer
(b) Monarch ✓
(c) Black-sheep
(d) White-elephant
32, Marketing includes activities involved in the flow of goods and service from production to consumption.” This statement is:
(a) Prof. Pyle
(b) Clark and Clark
(c) Converse, Huegy and Michell ✓
(d) William J. Stanton
83, When start the marketing period based on customer orientation:
(a) 1900
(b) 1920
(c) 1930
(d) 1950 ✓
34, Effective Marketing helps in:
(a) Developing New Products
(b) Creating a competitive environment
(c) Building demand for products
(d) All of above ✓
35, “A marketing system is the set of significant institutions and flows that connect an organisation to its markets”. This definition is given by:
(a) William J. Stanton ✓
(b) St. Thomas
(c) Edward and David
(d) Philip Kotler
36, The top most aspect in a business is
(a) Production
(b) Finance
(c) Personnel Management
(d) Marketing ✓
37, The oldest concept of marketing is known as:
(a) Production Concept ✓
(b) Selling Concept
(c) Marketing Concept
(d) Societal Marketing Concept.
38, Scope of selling in comparison to marketing is
(a) Narrow ✓
(b) Broad
(c) Equal
(d) Different
39, “The function of marketing is the establishment contact.” Who said this?
(a) Paul T. Cherington ✓
(b) Prof. Itenson
(c) Stanton
(d) None of these.
40, According to McGarry, functions of marketing is:
(a) 5
(b) 6 ✓
(c) 4
(d) 3
41, According to Clark and Clark, functions of marketing is:
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 8 ✓
42, Marketing is:
(a) Science
(b) An art
(c) Both science and art ✓
(d) None of the above
43, Marketing is a:
(a) Human activity
(b) Customer-oriented activity
(c) Exchange activity
(d) All of the above ✓
44, Marketing is related with:
(a) Economics
(b) Sociology
(c) Political science
(d) All of the above ✓
45, Scope of marketing includes:
(a) Consumer Research
(b) Sales promotion decisions
(c) After-sales service
(d) All above ✓
46, Every institution has to performed the tasks in modern era, which are:
(a) Innovation
(b) Innovation and marketing ✓
(c) Marketing
(d) None of the above
47, Subsidiary functions of marketing is:
(a) Marketing Finance arrangement
(b) Grading
(c) Market information
(d) All above ✓
48, Physical distribution works of marketing does not include:
(a) Branding
(b) Packaging
(c) Price Determination ✓
(d) Standardisation and Grading
49, Which of the following does not include in the marketing research:
(a) Advertising ✓
(b) Product research
(c) distribution research
(d) Price related research
50, “Marketing Management action.” Who said this:
(a) Stanton ✓
(b) R.S. Davar
(c) Philip Kotler
(d) None of the above
51, is the marketing concept Meaning of Seller’s market is where:
(a) Supply of goods exceeds demand
(b) Demand of goods exceeds supply ✓
(c) Monopoly in production
(d) Both (b) and (c)
52, Main aspect of Relationship Marketing is:
(a) Distributors
(b) Suppliers
(c) Customers
(d) All above ✓
53, Main object of marketing management is:
(a) Increase in sales
(b) Consumer satisfaction ✓
(c) Exchange
(d) None of the above
54, Day to day the status of relationship marketing is:
(a) Decreasing
(b) Increasing ✓
(c) Indifferent or same
(d) None of the above
55, Marketing is a:
(a) Human activity
(b) Economic Activity
(c) Social activity
(d) All of the above ✓
56, Centre point of marketing is:
(a) Customer ✓
(b) Product
(c) Producer
(d) None of the above
57, Product concept of marketing is:
(a) the oldest concept ✓
(b) modern concept
(c) elementary concept
(d) Both above (a) and (c)
58, Modern concept of Marketing is:
(a) customer oriented
(b) Demand oriented
(c) Satisfaction oriented
(d) All above ✓
59, Reason of increasing importance of marketing is:
(a) Tendency of customization
(b) Increase in competition
(c) Technological changes
(d) All above ✓
60, Basic Component of marketing is:
(a) Marketing research
(b) Product planning
(c) Merchandising
(d) All above ✓
61, Assumption of marketing concept is:
(a) Production according to needs of the customers
(b) Reasonable profit
(c) Multi concept
(d) All of the above ✓
62, According to Philip Kotler, number of marketing concept is:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4 ✓
(d) 5
63, The societal marketing concept lay emphasis on:
(a) Integrated marketing with ecological consideration
(b) Social welfare
(c) Pollution control
(d) All of the above ✓
64, Societal Marketing concept emphasis on:
(a) Selling efforts
(b) Consumer satisfaction
(c) Human satisfaction ✓
(d) None of the above
65, The selling concept aims at:
(a) Maximum profit through increased sales ✓
(b) Maximum profit through customer satisfaction
(c) Human satisfaction
(d) None of the above
66, Which type of utility is created in the product through marketing:
(a) Place utility
(b) Time utility
(c) Ownership utility
(d) All above ✔
2. Marketing Mix
67, “The policies adopted by the manufacturer to attain success in the market constitute the marketing mix.” Who said this:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) R. S. Davar ✓
(c) Mc Carthy
(d) None of the above
68, Which statement is correct:
(a) Marketing is a production process
(b) Marketing is a burden in the field of business
(c) Marketing concept is a component of selling
(d) Marketing mix should be customer oriented ✓
69, The word marketing mix for the first time was used by:
(a) R. S. Davar
(b) Neil H. Borden ✓
(c) Philip Kotler
(d) William J. Stanton
70, According to McCarthy P,s of marketing mix are:
(a) 4 ✓
(b) 6
(c) 2
(d) 3
71, Marketing mix is determined:
(a) For the satisfaction of producers
(b) For the satisfaction of manufacturers
(c) For the satisfaction of consumers ✓
(d) For the satisfaction of the Government
72, Main elements of the marketing mix are:
(a) Product planning
(b) Pricing
(c) Marketing research
(d) All above ✓
73, Which of the following does not affect the marketing mix:
(a) Market demand
(b) Cost of production
(c) Quantity of production ✓
(d) Transportation
74, Four ‘P’ combination does not include:
(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Planning ✓
(d) Promotion
75, Who has given the four basic elements of marketing mix:
(a) Peter F. Drucker
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) N.H. Borden
(d) Mac Carthi ✓
76, Which of the following is not an Element of Marketing Mix?
(a) Person ✓
(b) Place
(c) Price
(d) Product
77, According to Lazer and Kelloy P’s of marketing mix are:
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 3 ✓
(d) 7
78, “Marketing mix is the set of controllable variable that the firm can use to influence the buyers response.” This statement is:
(a) Pro, Neil H Borden
(b) Philip Kotler ✓
(c) James Cullit
(d) Phelphs and Westing
79, “Marketing Mix refers to the amount and kinds of marketing variables, the firm is using at a particular time.” Who introduced this definition of Marketing Mix?
(a) R.S. Daver
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) Nail H. Bordon ✓
(d) William J. Stanton
80, The word marketing mix for the first time was used:
(a) Harvard Business School ✓
(b) American Marketing Association
(c) Council of the institute of marketing
(d) None of these
81, Which of the following is not the element of marketing mix:
(a) Advertisement
(b) Personal selling ✓
(c) Distribution
(d) Sales promotion
82, To which ‘P’ of Marketing Mix is related to Transportation, Warehousing and Storage:
(a) Place ✓
(b) Price
(c) Product
(d) Promotion
83, Elements of marketing mix i.e., product, price, promotion and place are:
(a) Controllable ✓
(b) Un-controllable
(c) Dynamic
(e) None of the above
84, Which of the following P’s of marketing mix is concerned with selection of distribution channel:
(a) Price
(b) Product
(c) Promotion
(d) Place ✓
85, Who has explained ‘4 P’s’ of marketing?
(a) Mc Carthy ✓
(b) Lipson and Darling
(c) Kotler
(d) R. S. Davar
86, Which of the following element of marketing mix is not concerned with product:
(a) Branding
(b) Product planning
(c) After sale servicene
(d) Advertising ✓
87, Which of the following includes the price-mix
(a) Determination of cost and price
(b) Credit terms
(c) Discounts and allowances
(d) All of the above ✓
88, Which of the following includes place mix:
(a) Distribution channels
(b) Warehousing
(c) Inventory
(d) All of the above ✓
89, Which of the following includes promotion mix:
(a) Advertising
(b) Sales promotion
(c) Personal selling
(d) All of the above ✓
3. Marketing Environment
90, “In environment only one thing is fixed and that is change.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Alvin Toffler ✓
(c) William J. Stanton
(d) Peter F. Drucker
91, Marketing management has control over micro environment factors:
(a) Yes ✓
(b) No
(c) Partial
(d) Uncertain
92, Marketing management has control over macro/external environment factors:
(a) Yes
(b) No ✓
(c) Partial
(d) Uncertain
93, Which of the following is not external force of marketing environment:
(a) Demographic environment
(b) Economic environment
(c) Consumer demand environment
(d) Company’s resources ✓
94, Which of the following is not related to micro- environment:
(a) Customers
(b) Suppliers
(c) Technological Forces ✓
(d) Marketing Intermediaries
95, Strategic and marketing analysis do not include:
(a) Environmental Analysis
(b) Productivity Analysis ✓
(c) Competitor Analysis
(d) Customer Analysis
96, The social aspect comes under the marketing is:
(a) Pollution
(b) Adulteration
(c) Both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) None of the above
97, Factors/Forces which directly affect the market operation ability of the company are:
(a) Controllable ✓
(b) Uncontrollable el
(c) Macro
(d) None of these
98, Factors/forces which indirectly affect the market operation ability of the company are:
(a) Controllable
(b) Uncontrollable ✓
(c) Micrololla
(d) None of these
99, Which of the following is not related to micro environment?
(a) Supplies
(b) Customers
(c) Competitors
(d) Technological forces ✓
100, Economic environment is concerning to:
(a) Internal environment
(b) External environment ✓
(c) Moral environment
(d) All of the above
101, Under economic environment, a marketing manager generally studies the following factors and trends:
(a) Real income growth
(b) Variations in geographical income distribution and its trends
(c) Trends in consumer savings
(d) All of the above ✓
102, Anthropological factors that influence marketing, belongs to:
(a) Demographic forces ✓
(b) Social forces
(e) Economical forces
(d) Physical forces
103, Demography is the study of:
(a) Human beings
(b) Human population ✓
(c) Brand loyalty
(d) None of the above
104, When the environmental forces do not show a significant change, these are termed as:
(a) Static Environment
(b) Dynamic Environment
(c) Macro Environment
(d) Marketing-mix ✓
105, Which of the following Marketing Environment?
(a) Demographic Environment
(b) Economic Environment
(c) Competitive Environment
(d) Micro Environment is not an external force of
106, Which of the following is not a economic determinant?
(a) Personal Income
(b) Consumer’s Credit
(c) Standard of living
(d) Personality ✓
107, Factors affecting macro environment of an enterprise are:
(a) Demographic and Cultural
(b) Economic and Technological
(c) Political and Legal
(d) All of above ✓
108, Benefit of environment scanning are:
(a) Customers’ need can be known
(b) marketer can make SWOT analysis easily
(c) Strategies of the competitors can be anticipated
(d) All of the above ✓
109, Company’s micro environment is:
(a) Controllable
(b) Partially controllable
(c) Both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) None of the above
110, Company’s External environment is:
(a) Controllable
(b) Partially controllable
(c) Uncontrollable ✓
(d) None of the above
111, Part of external environment is:
(a) Microenvironment
(b) Macro environment
(c) Both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) None of these
112, Which of the following is factor of micro environment:
(a) Customers
(b) Competitors
(c) Social groups
(d) All above ✓
113, Which of the following is not concerned with economic environment?
(a) Demand determinants
(b) Government Policies ✓
(c) Tax structure
(d) State of development
114, Which of the following is not concerned with demographic environment:
(a) Size of population
(b) Density of population
(c) Birth rate
(d) Religion and caste
115, Which of the following is concerned with Natural environment:
(a) Natural resources
(b) Climate
(c) Pollution
(d) All above ✓
4. Consumer Behaviour
116, “The whole behaviour of a person while making purchases may be termed as consumer behaviour.” This statement is of:
(a) Goethe ✓
(b) Paul
(c) Still
(d) Philip Kotler
117, Consumer behaviour is:
(a) Uncertain
(b) Dynamic activity
(c) Wide process
(d) All these ✓
118, The tendency of Indian buyer is:
(a) To bargain
(b) To file complaint
(c) To purchase cheap
(d) All these ✓
119, Maslow hierarchy of needs are:
(a) 4
(b) 5 ✓
(c) 3
(d) 2
120, Consumer behaviour is:
(a) Basis of marketing concept
(b) Mental thinking
(c) Part of human behaviour
(d) All these ✓
121, According to R. S. Buskirk, solution of how many questions is required for the analysis of consumer behaviour:
(a) 5 ✓
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 3
122, According to Philip Kotler, solution of how many questions is required for the analysis of consumer behaviour:
(a) 6
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 5
(d) 3
123, Which of the following is not economic factor to influence the consumer behaviour:
(a) Personal income
(b) Consumer credit
(c) Standard of living
(d) Personality
124, Which of the following is Psychological Factor to influence the consumer behaviour:
(a) Family income
(b) Price-level
(c) Credit facilities
(d) Basic Needs ✓
125, Which of the following factor affects the consumer behaviour:
(a) Psychological factor
(b) Economic factor
(c) Cultural factor
(d) All of the above ✓
126, Which of the following motive affects the buying behaviour:
(a) Inherent versus learned motives
(b) Emotional versus rational buying motives
(c) Consumer variable Vs. Product variable
(d) All of the above ✓
127, “Life-style of a consumer decides his buying behaviour to a large extent.” This statement is:
(a) Vague
(b) False
(c) True ✓
(d) Irrelevant
128, Reaction of a consumer towards a product or a service while taking decision to buy or not to buy it, is known as:
(a) Consumer eagerness
(b) Consumer rationality
(c) Consumer buying behaviour ✓
(d) Consumer thinking
129,” In business field the study of consumer behaviour is conducted at macro level.” This statement is:
(a) Vague
(b) False
(c) Confusing
(d) True ✓
130, Heart dominates over head and mind in…….. buying motives:
(a) Rational
(b) Basic needs
(c) Willpower
(d) Emotional ✓
131, Main model of consumer behaviour are:
(a) Organisational Model
(b) Haword Seth Model
(c) Nicosia Model
(d) All the above ✓
132, A buying motive is the urge of a consumer which forces him to………….:
(a) Use some goods
(b) Work more
(c) Go to market
(d) Buy a product ✓
133, buying motives are very necessary for human life:
(a) Prime ✓
(b) Secondary
(c) Auxiliary
(d) None of these
134, “Safety, prestige, ego, love etc. are psychological factors which affect consumer’s buying behaviour.” This statement is:
(a) True ✓
(b) False
(c) Confusing
(d) Irrelevant
135, “The consumer behaviour is changeable according to time and circumstances.” This statement is:
(a) True ✓
(b) False
(c) Partially True
(d) Fartially False
136, Who classified the buying motives on the basis of Emotional and Rational buying motives?
(a) Edwin B. Flippo ✓
(b) A.H. Maslow
(c) Tarks
(d) M.T. Copeland
137, In modern age consumer is the of the market:
(a) Buyer
(b) Monarch ✓
(c) Black-sheep
(d) White-elephant
138, Which of the following is not a buyers behaviour model?
(a) Economic model
(b) Learning model
(c) Sociological model
(d) Motivational model ✓
139, Emotional motives are:
(a) Internal motives ✓
(b) External motives
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of these
140, “Consumer behaviour is the process whereby individuals decide whether, what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase goods and services.” This definition is given by:
(a) Goethe
(b) R.S. Davar
(c) R.S. Buskrik
(d) Walter C.G. & G.W. Paul ✓
141, Characteristics of Indian Consumers buying are:
(a) ining Tendency
(b) Quality v/s Price
(c) Brand or trademark consciousness
(d) All of the above ✓
142, A motive becomes a buying motive when the individual seeks satisfaction through the purchase of something.” This is defined by:
(a) W.J. Stanton ✓
(b) R.S. Davar
(c) Goethe
(d) None of these
143, Emotional buying motive is:
(a) Fear or safety
(b) Love or affection
(c) Vanity
(d) All above ✓
144, Which of the following factor affect consumer behaviour:
(a) Motivation
(b) Perception
(c) Learning
(d) All of these
145, Which of the following factor affect consumer behaviour:
(a) Family
(b) Life style
(c) Reference group
(d) All of these ✓
5. Marketing Segmentation
146, “Market segmentation is the strategy of dividing markets in order to conquer them” This statement is of:
(a) Davar
(b) Robert ✓
(c) Stanton
(d) Pearce
147, “Product differentiation and market segmentation are alternative marketing strategy.” This statement is of:
(a) Still
(b) Davar
(c) Smith ✓
(d) Kotler
148, Market segmentaton is:
(a) Dealer’s oriented
(b) Customer’s oriented ✓
(c) Owner’s oriented
(d) Worker’s oriented
149, The main object of market segmentation is:
(a) Grouping of customers ✓
(b) Grouping of dealers
(c) Grouping of producers
(d) Grouping of manufactures
150, Market segmentation:
(a) Improves quality of products
(b) Control prices
(c) Reduces competition
(d) Assists in sales promotion ✓
151, Which of the following is a psychological basis for market segmentation?
(a) Family size
(b) Religion
(c) Income
(d) Life style ✓
152, Which of the following is a geographical basis for market segmentation:
(a) Age
(b) Education
(c) Sex or gender
(d) Climate ✓
153, Which of the following is a Demographic basis for market segmentation:
(a) Age
(b) Sex or gender
(c) Education
(d) All above ✓
154, Which of the following marketing strategy is useful the concern has limited resources:
(a) Undifferentiated marketing strategy
(b) Differentiated marketing strategy
(c) Concentrated marketing strategy ✓
(d) None of the above
155, Which of the following marketing strategy is useful when the concern produces and marketing the various types of products:
(a) Undifferentiated marketing strategy
(b) Differentiated marketing strategy ✓
(c) Concentrated marketing strategy
(d) None of the above
156, Market segmentation is in the interest of:
(a) Consumer
(b) Trader
(c) Manufacturer
(d) All of the above ✓
157, Market segmentation is:
(a) Necessary ✓
(b) Unnecessary
(c) Wastage of money
(d) Wastage of time
158, Income segmentation is used to target which of the following groups:
(a) Affluent class
(b) Middle class
(c) Lower Income class
(d) All of the above ✓
159, Which of the following is not a psychological determinants?
(a) Motivation
(b) Perception
(c) Personality
(d) Standard of living ✓
160, Which Criteria are used for segmenting a market?
(a) Socio-economic
(b) Geographic
(c) Psychologic
(d) All of the above ✓
161, “Markets may be classified in several ways on the basis of customers’ characteristics”:
Who gave this statement about market segmentation?
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) R.S. Daver ✓
(c) William J. Stanton
(d) None of these
162, The market is segmented on the basis of………….
(a) Socio-economic factors
(b) Educational Level
(c) Psychological factors
(d) All of these ✓
163, Differentiated Marketing Strategy is also called…………..
(a) Concentrated Marketing Strategy
(b) Diluted Marketing Strategy
(c) Segregation of Market ✓
(d) Aggregation of Market
164, When a manufacturer offers a single product for entire market, this is known as:
(a) Market Segregation
(b) Market Aggregation ✓
(c) Single Product Policy
(d) Uniform Marketing
165, Market aggregation is useful in case of:
(a) Necessity products
(b) Comfort Products
(c) Luxury Products
(d) Essential Products ✓.
166, “In market segmentation the whole potential customers are divided into different segments on the basis of their specific characteristics.” This statement is:
(a) True ✓
(b) False
(c) Vague
(d) Confusing
167, Product Differentiation is:
(a) Market differentiation
(b) Difference in Product ✓
(c) Above A and B both
(d) None of the above
168, Swati publications publishes and sells books covering all types of consumer needs-competition books, and text books of schools, colleges and universities is an example of:
(a) Market specialisation
(b) Product specialisation ✓
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
169, Segmentation can be done on the basis of:
(a) Product
(b) Price
(c) Geographic location ✓
(d) Measurability
170, Product differentiation is:
(a) Market oriented strategy
(b) Product oriented strategy ✓
(c) Both of the above.
(d) None of the above
171, When the company follows one product one segment principle, it is:
(a) Undifferentiated marketing
(b) Differentiated marketing.
(c) Concentrated marketing ✓
(d) All of the above
172, When the company follows one product-all segment principle, it is:
(a) Undifferentiated marketing ✓
(b) Differentiated marketing
(c) Concentrated marketing
(d) None of the above
173, Hindustan Lever Ltd. sells various types of soaps (Lifeboy, Lux, Rexona, Liril, Pears etc.) and each soap has its market-it is an example of:
(a) Undifferentiated marketing
(b) Differentiated marketing ✓
(c) Concentrated marketing
(d) None of the above
174, Market segmentation appeared with new concept of marketing in
(a) 1930 year
(b) 1940 year ✓
(c) 1950 year
(d) 1960 year
175, In ‘AIO’ life style segmentation social issues, politics, education and culture are:
(a) Activities
(b) Interests
(c) Opinions ✓
(d) None of the above
176, Economic, social, competition, consumer’s age, income, education and consumption pattern can be base of:
(a) Market segmentation
(b) Market
(c) Advertisement
(d) Marketing
177, Assumption of market segmentation is:
(a) Markets are heterogeneous
(b) Different market segments respond differently
(c) Market segmentation is consistent with the marketing concept
(d) All of the above ✓
178, Objective of market segmentation is:
(a) To achieve market targets
(b) To make the marketing policies
(c) To know the needs and buying habits of buyers
(d) All of the above ✓
179, Reason for the development of market segmentation is:
(a) Technological progress
(b) Increase in competition
(c) Development of customer oriented markets
(d) All of the above ✓
180, Requirement of effective market segmentation is:
(a) Identifiable
(c) Responsiveness
(b) Measurable
(d) All of the above ✓
181, Which of the following is benefit of market segmentation?
(a) Effective marketing programme
(b) Helpful in SWOT analysis
(c) Helpful to create new markets
(d) All of the above ✓
182, Which of the following method of market segmentation is customer oriented:
(a) Undifferentiated market strategy
(b) Differentiated market strategy ✓
(c) Concentrated market strategy
(d) None of the above
183, Advantage of undifferentiated market strategy is:
(a) Reduction in production cost
(b) Reduced market research expenses
(c) Large scale production
(d) All of the above ✓
184, Which of the following is not an advantage of undifferentiated market strategy:
(a) Large scale production
(b) Cost economies
(c) Increase customer satisfaction ✓
(d) All of the above
185, Which of the following is not an advantage of differentiated marketing strategy:
(a) Increased sale
(b) Customer oriented
(c) Product according to the needs of the segment
(d) Cost economies ✓
186, Which of the following factor affect market segmentation:
(a) Company resources
(b) Product homogeneity
(c) Product life cycle stage
(d) All of the above ✓
6. Product Concept
187, The term product cocept was firstly used by:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Theodore Levitt ✓
(c) W. J. Stanton
(d) R. S. Davar
188, “A product concept is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services.” This definition is of:
(a) R. S. Davar
(b) Stanton
(c) W. Alderson ✓
(d) None of these
189, “A product may be regarded from the marketing view-point as a bundle of benefits’ which are being offered to consumer.” This definition is of:
(a) R. S. Davar ✓
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) Stanton
(d) None of these
190, Which of the following is consumer product:
(a) Convenient products
(b) Shopping products
(c) Speciality products
(d) All above ✓
191, Which of the following is Industrial Product:
(a) Raw mateials
(b) Machines and major equipments
(c) Component parts
(d) All of the above ✓
192, Product must satisfy:
(a) Dealer’s needs
(b) Consumer’s needs ✓
(c) Producer’s needs
(d) None of these
193, Who classify the product into consumer products, Industrial products and Defence products:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Stanton
(c) R. S. Davar ✓
(d) Alderson
194, Which of the following is Dimension of Product Concept:
(a) Managerial dimension
(b) Consumer dimension
(c) Social dimension
(d) All of the above ✓
195, According to Theodore Levitt, Dimensions of Product Concept are:
(a) 2
(b) 3 ✓
(c) 4
(d) 5
196, Customers of Consumer Products are:
(a) Producer
(b) Final consumer ✓
(c) Both
(d) None of both
197, The factors affecting product mix are:
(a) Change in market demand
(b) Production effect
(c) Competitive actions and reactions
(d) All of the above ✓
198, Product-mix structure includes:
(a) Width side of the product-mix
(b) Depth side of product-mix
(c) Consistency side of the product-mix
(d) All of the above ✓
199, Product line refers to:
(a) Specific product or brand
(b) Group of products that are closely related ✓
(c) Group of different types of products
(d) All of the above
200, Products which are not included in industrial products:
(a) Fabricating products
(b) Equipment products
(c) Speciality products ✓
(d) Supplies products
201, Number of average products in each product line, state its:
(a) Consistency
(b) Depth ✓
(c) Width
(d) None of the above
202, Which statement is correct:
(a) Product Mix is not influenced by any factor
(b) There is no importance of product from buyers
(c) (A) and (B) Both
(d) Every product is a separate brand ✓
203, When goods or services are used by ultimate consumers they are termed as:
(a) Convenience goods
(b) Consumer goods ✓
(c) Speciality goods
(d) Industrial goods
204, Specific model, Brand or size of a product that a firm sells is known as:
(a) Product Item ✓
(b) Product Line
(c) Product Mix
(d) None of these
205, A strategy of increasing sales by improving existing products is:
(a) Market development
(b) Product development ✓
(c) Diversification
(d) None of these
206, “There is no difference between consumer products and industrial products.” Comment on this statement :
(a) True
(b) Untrue ✓
(c) Irrelevant
(d) Unclear
207, Industrial products are those which are used by:………
(a) Ultimate consumers
(b) Manufacturing units ✓
(c) Persons living in industrial Areas
(d) Workers of Industrial units
208, “Product Mix is the composite of products offered for sale by a firm or a business unit.” Who gave this definition of Product Mix?
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) W.J. Stanton
(c) American Marketing Association ✓
(d) Esmond Pears
209, The category of consumer goods which are purchased frequently without making an effort as a habit is referred as:
(a) Durable goods
(b) Undurable goods
(c) Convenience goods ✓
(d) None of these
210, Industrial goods include:
(a) Equipment
(b) Raw materials
(c) Fabricating Parts
(d) All of the above ✓
221, The third layer of the total product which is the psychological feeling about a product that influence a consumer purchase, known as:
(a) Symbolic product ✓
(b) Core product
(c) Agumented product
(d) None of the above
212, The process of introducing higher quality products by a manufacturer, whose low quality products are famous is termed as:
(a) Trading
(b) Trading up ✓
(c) Trading down
(d) None of the above
213, The customer category who are more price conscious conservation, best to adopt a new product are:
(a) Early adopters
(b) Early majority
(c) Late majority bab
(d) Leggards ✓
214, On the classification of adopters given by Rogers, smallest proportion is that of:
(a) Laggards
(b) Innovators ✓
(c) Early majority
(d) Late majority
215, The life of a product is:
(a) Unlimited
(b) Limited ✓
(c) Static
(d) None of the above
216,”Product Item, Product Mix and Product Line are synonym to each other.” What do you think about this statement?
(a) True statement
(b) Wrong statement ✓
(c) Misleading statement
(d) Confusing statement
217, “A big company can use separate Brand for a particular product name.” What is your opinion about this statement?
(a) True statement ✓
(b) False statement
(c) Irrelevant statement
(d) Vague statement
218, Product can be:
(a) Tangible
(b) Intangible to
(c) Both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) None of these
219, … is the centre of all marketing activities:
(a) Finance
(b) Product ✓
(c) Customer
(d) None of these
220, Which of the following is not a shopping good:
(a) Jewellary
(b) Television
(c) Furniture
(d) Groceries ✓
221, The composite of products offered for sale by a firm or a business unit is termed as:
(a) Product line
(b) Product-mix ✓
(c) Product item
(d) None of these
222, Dominant factor which influence the change in product mix is:
(a) Marketing and manufacturer image
(b) Competition and Finance
(c) Change in demand of product
(d) None of the above ✓
223, Specific model, brand or size of a product that a company sells, is known as:
(a) Product item✓
(b) Product line
(c) Product mix
(d) None of these
224, Product mix is:
(a) One dimensional
(b) Two dimensional
(c) Three dimensional ✓
(d) Four dimensional
7. Product Planning and Development
225, “Product planning is the starting point for the entire marketing programme in a firm.” This statement is of:
(a) Pyle
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) William J. Stanton ✓
(d) None of these
226, Product Modification Strategies include:
(a) Quality improvement strategy
(b) Style improvement strategy
(c) Functional features improvement strategy
(d) All of the above ✓
227, Main reason for product innovation is:
(a) Continuous loss
(b) Less profit
(c) Technological development ✓
(d) National development
228, Which of the following is the first step in Product Development Process:
(a) Creation of New Product Ideas ✓
(b) Screening of the Ideas
(c) Business Analysis
(d) None of these
229, Which of the following is the last step in Product Development Process:
(a) Creation of New Product Ideas
(b) Product Commercialisation ✓
(c) New Product Development V
(d) None of these
230, New product development means:
(a) Addition of a new product in product line
(b) Improvement in the old product
(c) Emphasis on consumer satisfaction
(d) All of the above ✓
231, Mostly new products are:
(a) Unsuccessful ✓
(b) Successful
(c) 100% successful
(d) 100% unsuccessful
232, Which of the following is cause for ‘Product Elimination Decision:
(a) Declining sales
(b) Decline in profit
(c) Falling prices
(d) All of the above ✓
233, Which of the following is Product Change Decision:
(a) Product modification decision
(b) Product elimination decision
(c) New product development decision
(d) All of the above ✓
234, “Product development encompasses the technical activities of product research, engineering and design.” This definition is of:
(a) Pyle
(b) Clark and Clark
(c) William J. Stanton ✓
(d) None of these
235, The reason of failure of new product is:
(a) Product related defect
(b) Price of product
(c) Distribution related defect
(d) All of the above ✓
236, Main reason for product innovation is:
(a) Less Profit
(b) Technological Development ✓
(c) National Development
(d) Continuous loss
237, Which of the following is the last step in New Product Development process?
(a) Screening of Ideas
(b) Business Analysis
(c) Test Marketing
(d) None of the above ✓
238, Which of the following is a component of product planning?
(a) Product innovation
(b) Product standardization
(c) Product diversification
(d) All of the above ✓
239, Which of the following is not an expansion of product concept:
(a) Core product ✓
(b) Multi product
(c) Generic product
(d) Augmented products
240, The next step in new product development process after idea generation is:
(a) Screening of idea ✓
(b) Business analysis
(c) Test
(d) Product development
241, Product planning stress on:
(a) Cost needs
(b) Possibilities of profit
(c) Possibilities of sales
(d) All of the above ✓
242, Product differentiation is
(a) Market oriented strategy
(b) Product oriented strategy ✓
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
243, Which of the following is not a component of product planning:
(a) Product innovation
(b) Product standardization
(c) Product diversification
(d) Product availability ✓
44, The buyer who buy the product for re-sale is called:
(a) Consumer
(b) Organizational buyer ✓
(c) Customer
(d) Purchaser
245, Principle of product development is:
(a) Principle of standardization
(b) Principle of simplification
(c) Principle of specialization
(d) All above ✓
246, Advantage of product planning is:
(a) Maximum utilization of resources
(b) Increase in profit capacity
(c) Fulfilment of social responsibilities
(d) All above ✓
8. Brand, Trademark and Packaging
247, “A brand name is concerned with that part of words or numbers of the brand that can be vocalized.” This statement is of:
(a) Lipson and Darling ✓
(b) American Marketing Association
(c) R. S. Davard Jon
(d) None of these
248, The characteristics of a good brand are:
(a) Short name
(b) Memorable
(c) Attractive
(d) All these ✓
249, A brand is in the interest of:
(a) Producer
(b) Consumer
(c) Middlemen
(d) All of the above ✓
250, Brand for a particular product is called:
(a) Individual brand ✓
(b) Family brand
(c) Competitive brand
(d) None of these
251, When an organisation use the one and same brand for all products of one line or one group, is called:
(a) Individual brand
(b) Family brands ✓
(c) Manufacturer’s brand
(d) None of these
252, When an organisation use the one and same brand for all products, is called:
(a) Individual brand
(b) Family brand
(c) Umbrella brand ✓
(d) None of these
253, Lux is the brand name of:
(a) L.T.C.
(b) Hindustan Lever ✓
(c) TATA
254, The types of Brand on the basis of Marketing area are:
(a) 2
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 6
(d) 8
255, According to the number of products brand is:
(a) Competitive Brnad
(b) Umbrella Brand ✓
(c) National Brand
(d) All above
256, Which of the following is a Brand name:
(a) Thaper
(b) Reliance
(c) Videocon ✓
(d) Jindal
257, A Brand that is given legal protection is known as:
(a) Trademark ✓
(b) Brand Mark
(c) Copy
(d) None of the above
258, Which of the following is a Brand name?
(a) Thapar
(b) Jindal
(c) Bata ✓
(d) None of these
259, Brand includes:
(a) A name
(b) Some words
(c) A Design
(d) Any one or two or all of these ✓
260, Which organisation started registration for trade marke in India:
(a) Trade Marks
(b) Trade Act, 1958
(c) Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 ✓
(d) Merchandise Marks Act, 1958
261, Which of the following has greater importance?
(a) Trade mark
(b) Brand ✓
(c) Packaging
(d) None of these
262, A specific name given to product is called:
(a) Brand ✓
(b) Trade marks
(c) Patent
(d) Symbol
263, “All trade marks are brands and thus include the words, letters or numbers which may be pronounced they may also include pictorial design.” This statement is :
(a) Stanton ✓
(c) Copeland
(b) R.S. Davar
(d) Manson and Rath
264, Which of the following is a brand of distributor:
(a) Private Brand
(b) Trader Brand
(c) Household Brand
(d) All of above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
265, Benefit of brand is :
(a) Communication value
(b) Product image
(c) Facilitate introduction of a new item
(d) All of these ✔
266, Scope of brand in comparison of trademark is:
(a) Limited ✓
(b) Wider
(c) Different
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
267, Brand is:
(a) Registered
(b) Unregistered ✓
(c) Compulsory
(d) None of these
268, Which of the following provide legal protection:
(a) Brand
(b) Trademark ✔
(c) Packaging
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
269, Packaging involves all the activities of designing producing the container for a product.” This definition:
(a) Pride and Ferrell
(b) Mason and Rath
(c) Philip Kotler ✓
(d) None of these
270, “Packaging includes all activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.” This definition is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) William J. Stanton ✓
(c) Clark and Clark
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
271, For marketing, packaging is:
(a) Compulsory
(b) Necessary
(c) Unnecessary
(d) Luxury
272, The most basic function of packaging is:
(a) Protection ✓
(b) Attraction
(c) Convenience
(d) Cost reduction
273, Essential elements of Good Package are:
(a) Protective
(b) Convenient
(c) Reusable
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
274, “The label is an information tag, wrapper or seal attached to a product or product’s package.” This statement is:
(a) Lipson and Darling
(b) R. S. Davar
(c) Mason and Rath ✓
(d) None of these
275, Which of the following has maximum wide scope:
(a) Brand
(b) Labelling
(c) Packaging ✓
(d) Trade Mark
276, Labelling is:
(a) Compulsory ✓
(b) Necessary
(c) Voluntary
(d) Wastage of money
MCQ of principal of Marketing
277, Who state the three types of labelling: Brand, Labels, Grade Labels and Descriptive-cum-informative Labels:
(a) R. S. Davar
(b) Lipson and Darling
(c) Mason and Rath
(d) None of these ✓
278, Packaging is in the interest of:
(a) Consumer
(b) Producer
(c) Middlemen
(d) All of the above ✓
279, “Packaging makes the product attractive, informative and safe.” Do you agree with this statement?
(a) To some extent
(b) Perfectly yes ✓
(c) Not at all
(d) No comment
280, Packaging materials are used to………..:
(a) Deceive the customers
(b) Conceal the defects of the product
(c) Make the product safe and attractive ✓
(d) Improve the quality of the product
281, Labels are used for………..:
(a) Telling product’s name
(b) Showing product’s Brand
(c) Showing the name of manufacturing firm
(d) All of these ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
282, Packaging is the use of containers and wrapping materials plus decoration and labelling to protect the product to help and promote its sales and to make it convenient for the customer to use the product.” This statement is:
(a) R.S. Davar
(b) Manson and Rath ✓
(c) American Marketing Association
(d) Philip Kotler
283, Wrappers, Cartons, Jars, Tin containers etc. come in the category of…………:
(a) Product Line
(b) Product Item
(c) Packaging Material ✓
(d) Product Mix
MCQ of principal of Marketing
284, The main objective of packaging is to…………..:
(a) Attract the customers
(b) Improve the image of the product
(c) Keep the product safe
(d) All of these ✓
285, Which of the following is not policies and strategies of packaging:
(a) Re-use packaging
(b) Package Design Decision ✓
(c) Multiple Packaging
(d) Changing the package
286, Main object of Packaging is:
(a) Protection ✓
(b) Product identification
(c) Portability
(d) All of the above
287, Essential of good package is:
(a) Economy
(b) Consumer’s convenience
(c) Pollution Free
(d) All of these ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
9. After-Sale Service
288, After sales service is the part of:
(a) Sales promotion
(b) Marketing ✓
(c) Advertising
(d) Management
MCQ of principal of Marketing
289, After-sales services include:
(a) Product installation service
(b) Product repair service
(c) Product guarantee or warranty
(d) All of the above ✓
290, After-sales service increases:
(a) Customer satisfaction ✓
(b) Cost
(c) Profit
(d) None of these
291, After-sales services should be:
(a) At cost
(b) Free ✓
(c) At concessional rate
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
292, In the sale of automobiles after-sales service is:
(a) Optional
(b) Necessary
(c) Compulsory ✓
(d) None of these
10. Product Life Cycle
293, The product life-cycle is an attempt to recognise distinct stages in the sales history of a product.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kolter ✓
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) Arch Patton
(d) Lipson and Darling
MCQ of principal of Marketing
294, The stages of product life-cycle are:
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6 ✓
(d) 4
295, The life of a product is:
(a) Limited ✓
(b) Unlimited
(c) Static
(d) None of these
296, The last stage in the product life cycle is:
(a) Maturity stage
(b) Saturation stage
(c) Obsolescence stage ✓
(d) Decline stage
MCQ of principal of Marketing
297, In which stage of the following sales shall be at peak level:
(a) Growth stage
(b) Maturity stage
(c) Saturation stage ✓
(d) None of these
298, Death of a product take place:
(a) In maturity stage
(b) In decline stage
(c) In saturation stage
(d) In obsolescence stage
299, The first stage in the product life cycle is:
(a) Introduction stage ✓
(b) Decline stage
(c) Growth stage
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
300, “Product, like people have life-cycle.” Choose option:
(a) Correct Statement ✓
(b) Vague Statement
(c) Confusing Statement
(d) Misguiding Statement
301, In Saturation stage the sales of a product reaches to……….
(a) Lowest stage
(b) Peak stage ✓
(c) Declining stage
(d) None of these
302, Which of the following factor affect the product life cycle?
(a) Rate of technical changes
(b) Position of competitive entry
(c) Risk bearing capacity
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
303, Which of the following is shortest part of adopters in Rogers classification:
(a) Laggards
(b) Innovators ✓
(c) Early majority
(d) Late majority
304, Which of the following is not a stage of product life:
(a) Growth
(b) Selling ✓
(c) Saturation
(d) Decline
MCQ of principal of Marketing
305, At which stagte of PLC, market improvement and product improvement techniques are used:
(a) Introduction stage
(b) Growth stage
(c) Maturity stage ✓
(d) Decline stage
306, Which of the following is utility of product life cycle:
(a) Helpful in product pricing
(b) Helpful in sales promotion
(c) Helpful in making marketing programme
(d) All of the above ✓
307, An Introduction Stage of PLC, rapid penetrating strategy is termed as:
(a) High price, high production
(b) High price, less production
(c) Low price, high promotion ✓
(d) Low price, less promotion
MCQ of principal of Marketing
308, High price, high promotion marketing strategy adopted at the introductory stage of PLC is known as:
(a) Rapid skimming strategy ✓
(b) Slow skimming strategy
(c) Rapid peneterating strategy
(d) None of the above
11. Pricing Policies
MCQ of principal of Marketing
309, “Price is a monetary summary of all the conditions which give value to a produet.” This statement is of:
(a) Walton Hamilton ✓
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) William J. Stanton
(d) R. S. Davar
310, Price Policy is:
(a) In favour of the consumer
(b) In favour of the government
(c) In favour of producer-manufacturer
(d) In favour of all ✓
311, Pricing Policy is determined by:
(a) Producers ✓
(b) Consumers
(c) Distributors
(d) State
MCQ of principal of Marketing
312, Elasticity of demand is effected by:
(a) Nature of commodity ✓
(b) Supply
(c) Demand
(d) None of these
313, Under skimming pricing policy, the price of a new product fixed at the initial stage is:
(a) Low
(b) High ✓
(c) Minimum
(d) None of these
314, Under penetration pricing policy, the price of a new product fixed at the initial stage is:
(a) Minimum
(b) Low ✓
(c) High
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
315, Prestige price policy method is applied in:
(a) Essential goods
(b) Comfort goods
(c) Luxury goods ✓
(d) None of these
316, Under Prestige Price Policy, the price of a product fixed is:
(a) Low
(b) High ✓
(c) Minimum
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
317, Pricing decisions are affected by:
(a) Cost of product
(b) elasticity of demand
(c) Competition
(d) All above ✓
318, Price policy is determined by whom?
(a) Lower Management
(b) Middle Management
(c) Top Management ✓
(d) None of the above
319, Skimming the cream pricing policy is adopted for:
(a) Export products
(b) New products ✓
(c) Established products
(d) Daily use products
MCQ of principal of Marketing
320, Right to price control on things to Government:
(a) Essential Commodities Act, 1955 ✓
(b) Essential Commodities Act, 1965
(c) Essential Commodities Act, 1951
(d) Essential Commodities Act, 1975
321, Product Mix pricing policies are:
(a) Product Line Pricing
(b) By-Product Pricing
(c) Optional Feature Pricing
(d) All above ✓
322, The exchange value of a product or service in its monetary value is known as:
(a) Price ✓
(b) Pricing
(c) Cost
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
323, To fix the price 99.95 of an article instead of 100, is a policy of:
(a) Customary pricing policy
(b) Psychological pricing policy ✓
(c) Promotion pricing policy
(d) None of the above
324, Price fixation at B.E.P. indicates:
(a) Pricing below cost
(b) Pricing above cost
(c) Pricing at no profit no loss point ✓
(d) Reasonable pricing
MCQ of principal of Marketing
325, Customer and competitors are which type of factors affecting pricing:
(a) Internal
(b) External ✓
(c) Both (a) and (b) 326
(d) None of the above
326, Which of the following does not affect the pricing directly?
(a) Order size
(b) Intensity of competition ✓
(c) Quality of sale person
(d) Distance of market
327, Price determination decision is mainly affected by:
(a) Demand element ✓
(b) Supply element
(c) Market element
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
328, Functional discount usually given to traders and are not available to ultimate consumer is:
(a) Seasonal discount
(b) Trade discount ✓
(c) Quality discount
(d) All of the above
329, A psychological pricing policy of setting prices on the basis of tradition is:
(a) Prestige pricing
(b) Off set pricing
(c) Customer pricing
(d) Odd-even pricing ✓
330, Which of the following is a type of pricing policy:
(a) Prestige Price Policy
(b) Skimmimg Price Policy
(c) One price policy
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
331, In case of more elastic demand, price policy will be:
(a) High price policy
(b) Low price policy ✓
(c) Traditional price policy
(d) All above
332, High prices is indication of:
(a) High quality goods
(b) Prestige image
(c) Both (a) and (b) above ✓
(d) None of these
333, The aim of low price policy will be:
(a) Entry in market
(b) To capture competitors’ market
(c) Both above (a) and (b) ✓
(d) None of these
334, Cash discount is provided to:
(a) Customers
(b) Traders
(c) Producers
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
385, ₹ 10 per unit for less than 100 units, ₹ 9 per unit for 100 or more units reflects which one of the following discounts?
(a) Trade
(b) Seasonal
(c) Cash
(d) Quantity ✓
336, A pricing method in which the sellers submit sealed or open price proposals for the buyer’s consideration, known as:
(a) Adiministered pricing
(b) Negotiated pricing
(c) Bid pricing
(d) None of above
337, The price at which goods (g) and services(s) would change ownership of free and unrestricted competition prevailed is:
(a) Market price
(b) Normal price ✓
(c) Extra ordinary price
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
338, Which of the following is not promotional pricing:
(a) Special event pricing
(b) Price leaders
(c) Superficial discounting
(d) Prestige pricing ✓
339, Consumer Protection Act 1986 is not implement:
(a) Delhi
(b) U.P.
(c) Jummu – Kashmir ✓
(d) Gujarat
340, The type of demand for a product in which the product’s revenue does not vary with price change, is called:
(a) Elastic Demand
(b) Inelastic Demand
(c) Unitary Demand ✓
(d) None of the above.
MCQ of principal of Marketing
341, A psychological pricing policy of setting a limited number of prices for selected groups of merhandise, known as:
(a) Cutomary pricing
(b) Price lining ✓
(c) Odd even pricing
(d) None of the above
342, A psychological pricing policy of setting prices on the basis of tradition is:
(a) Prestige pricing
(b) Offset pricing
(c) Customary pricing ✓
(d) Odd even pricine
MCQ of principal of Marketing
343, The exchange value of a product or service in its monetary value is known as:
(a) Price ✓
(b) Pricing
(c) Both of above
(d) None of above
12. Distribution Channels
344, “Any sequence of institutions from the producer to the consumer, including none or any number of middlemen is called a channel of distribution.” This definition is of:
(a) Richard Buskirk
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) McCarthy ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
345, “Channels of distribution are paths consisting of economic institutions through which a producer of goods delivers his products into the hands of ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) McCarthy
(c) Richard Buskirk ✓
(d) None of these
346, According to R. S. Davar, types of distribution channels are:
(a) 3✓
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) None of these
347, According to Philip Kotler, types of distribution channels are:
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 4 ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
349, According to William J. Stanton, types of distribution channels for consumer goods are:
(a) 3
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 5
(d) None of these
349, According to William J. Stanton, types of distribution channels for Industrial Goods are:
(a) 3
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 5
(d) None of these
350, Which of the following is not the method of Direct Distribution System:
(a) Merchant Middlemen ✓
(b) Vending machine
(c) Producer’s own retail stores
(d) Franchise shops
MCQ of principal of Marketing
351, Which of the following is the method of Direct Distribution System:
(a) Door to door selling
(b) Mail order retailing
(c) Vending machine
(d) All these ✓
352, Which of the following is not the method of Direct Distribution System:
(a) Chain shops or multiple shops
(b) Door to door selling
(c) Broker agent ✓
(d) Mail order business
353, Which factor affects the choice of Channel of Distribution:
(a) Market considerations
(b) Product considerations
(c) Middlemen considerations
(d) All these ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
354, Which factor affects the choice of channel of Distribution:
(a) Number of potential customers
(b) Size of order
(c) Number of products manufactured
(d) All these ✓
355, Which of the following is not the function of Channels of Distribution:
(a) Managing finances
(b) Managing production ✓
(c) Promotional activities
(d) Pricing
356, Main disadvantage of direct distribution is:
(a) Higher Distribution Cost ✓
(b) Non-timely availability of goods to customers
(c) Customers problems not solved
(d) No direct control of manufacturer on distribution function
MCQ of principal of Marketing
357, Which of the following is to be said wholesaler on the basis of territory:
(a) Local wholesaler
(b) State-level wholesaler
(c) National wholesaler
(d) All these ✓
358, Wholesaler is chain between:
(a) Producer and consumer
(b) Producer and retailer ✓
(c) Retailer and consumer
(d) None of these
359, Which of the following is involve in wholesale trade:
(a) Stockist
(b) Distributors
(c) Functional middlemen
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
360, Functional middlemen includes:
(a) Factor
(b) Broker
(c) Auctioner
(d) All of the above ✓
361, Wholeseller renders services towards:
(a) Wholeseller
(b) Retailer
(c) Society
(d) Retailer and society ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
362, Which of the following is not the characteristic wholesaler:
(a) Selling goods to retailer
(b) Selling goods on credit to retailer
(c) Selling goods directly to consumers ✓
(d) Selling few goods only
363, Retailing includes all forms of selling to ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Buell
(c) Clark and Clark ✓
(d) All of the above
364, Retailer is chain between:
(a) Producer and consumer
(b) Wholesaler and consumer ✓
(c) Producer and wholeseller
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
365, Which of the following is not characteristic of retailer:
(a) Deals in small quantity
(b) Sells goods directly to consumers
(c) Maintains personal contacts with customers
(d) Generally sells goods on credit ✓
366, Which statement is not correct:
(a) Retailer renders services to manufacturer ✓
(b) Retailer renders services to wholesaler
(c) Retailer renders services to consumers
(d) Retailer renders services to wholesaler and consumers
367, “A retail intermediary is a business unit that sells to the consumers.” This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Stanton
(c) Buell ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
367, A big store engaged in the retail trade of wide variety of article under the same roof, is called:
(a) Departmental store ✓
(b) Multiple shops
(c) Super market
(d) Franchise shops
368, Number of retail stores handling similar lines of merchandise under a common ownership and management is called:
(a) Franchise shops
(b) Multiple shops ✓
(c) Super market
(d) Departmental store
369, Main advantage of Indirect distribution is:
(a) Low distribution cost ✓
(b) No full control of manufacturer on distribution channel
(c) (A) and (B) both
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
370, Main function of whole saler is:
(a) Dispersion of goods
(b) Grading
(c) Market survey
(d) All above ✓
371, “Retailing consists of those activities involved in selling directly to ultimate consumer.” This statement is:
(a) Cundiff and Still ✓
(b) Clark and Clark
(c) Converse and Huegy
(d) Tailer
372, “Marketing Channels are the distribution network through which producer’s product flow to the market.” This definition is given by:
(a) Stanton
(b) R.S. Davar
(c) Cundiff, Still and Govony ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
373, Which of the following is Key link between producer and Retailer?
(a) Salesman
(b) Whole saler ✓
(c) Owner
(d) None of the above
374, The right Distribution Channel of Consumer goods is:
(a) Producer…………. Consumer…………. Retailer
(b) Retailer…………. Wholesaler…………. Consumer
(c) Producer…………. Wholesale…………. Retailer…………. Consumer ✓
(d) Wholesaler…………. Producer…………. Consumer
MCQ of principal of Marketing
375, “Middlemen and agents are nothing but social parasites and sooner they are eliminated the better for society.” This statement is of:
(a) W.J. Stanton
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) R.S. Davar
(d) None of the above ✓
376, The selection of distribution channel is determined basis of:
(a) The type of product
(b) Nature of the market
(c) Buying habits of consumer
(d) All of the above ✓
377, The functions of Distribution Channels are:
(a) Flow of goods to the right place
(b) Flow of goods in due time
(c) To protect goods from damage in the way
(d) All of these ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
378, Which factor affects the distribution channel?
(a) Size of the order of goods
(b) Perishability of goods
(c) Weight of goods
(d) All of these ✓
379, Producer → Whole seller → Retailer → Consumer. This indicater is:
(a) Indirect Distribution Method ✓
(b) Direct Distribution Method
(c) Indirect Selling Plan
(d) Direct Selling Plan
380, “Wholeseller sells to retailers or other merchants and or industrial, institutional and commercial user, they do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers.” This statement is of:
(a) American Marketing Association ✓
(b) Manson and Rath
(c) A.L. Larson
(d) S.E. Tomes
MCQ of principal of Marketing
381, Which statement is not true:
(a) Retailers generally deal in many goods
(b) Manufacturer can also deal in retailer
(c) Retailer renders service to manufacturer
(d) None of these ✓
382, Distribution channel is an important element of:
(a) Product mix
(b) Price mix
(c) Marketing mix ✓
(d) Communication mix
383, The main functions of distribution channel are:
(a) Routinisation of decisions
(b) managing Finance
(c) Promotional activities
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
384, The selection of distribution channels is determined by:
(a) The types of product
(b) Nature of product
(c) Buying habit of consumers
(d) All of the above ✓
385, The policy where a manufacturer seeks to use as many outlets as possible in many places as possible like convenience goods, referred as:
(a) Intensive distribution ✓
(b) Extensive distribution
(c) Selective distribution
(d) None of the above
386, Middleman when generally handle the goods he sells but does not own them, are:
(a) Brokers
(b) Commission Merchants ✓
(c) Both of above
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
387, Shortest channel of distribution is:
(a) Zero level channel ✓
(b) One level channel
(c) Two level channel
(d) Three level channel
388, Which policy of distribution forces its intermediaries to buy its all product items:
(a) Selective distribution policy
(b) Exclusive distribution policy
(c) Full line forcing ✓
(d) The policy of reciprocity
MCQ of principal of Marketing
389, A functional middleman, who represent buyers sellers on a permanent basis, are:
(a) Broker
(b) Agent ✓
(c) Co-operative
(d) None of the above
390, The ability of one channel member to influence another members marketing decision and goal achievement, called:
(a) Channel co-operation
(b) Channel conflict
(c) Channel power ✓
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
391, VMS’ means:
(a) Various marketing systems
(b) Vertical marketing systems ✓
(c) Vertical market systems
(d) None of the above
392, Decentralised buying with centralised selling is a feature of:
(a) Departmental store ✓
(b) Multiple shop/chain stores
(c) Both of above
(d) None of the above
393, On the basis of ownership, the retailer may be:
(a) Independent stores
(b) Co-operative chains
(c) Both of above ✓
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
13. Physical Distribution
394, “Physical distribution involves the management of the physical flow of product and the establishment and operations of flow system.” This statement is of:
(a) Stanton ✓
(b) McCarthy
(c) Kotler
(d) Cundiff & Still
395, Physical distribution is the basic element of:
(a) Marketing research
(b) Market segmentation
(c) Channels of distribution ✓
(d) Marketing mix
MCQ of principal of Marketing
396, Which statement is not true:
(a) Physical distribution system creates time utility
(b) Physical distribution system creates place utility
(c) Physical distribution system creates time and place utility
(d) Physical distribution system does not create time and place utility ✓
397, Functions of Physical Distribution System include:
(a) Warehousing decision
(b) Transport decision
(c) Inventory decision
(d) Warehousing, transport & inventory decisions ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
398, Door to door or godown to godown facility is provided by:
(a) Rail transport
(b) Air transport
(c) Road transport ✓
(d) None of the above
399, Which statement is true:
(a) Development of transport has resulted in development of industries
(b) Development of industries has resulted in development of transport
(c) Development of transport and development of industries go together ✓
(d) Both are not related to each other
400, Functions of Transport include:
(a) Price stability
(b) To encourage large scale production
(c) Balanced regional development
(d) All of the above ✓
401, Physical distribution includes:
(a) Determining warehouse location
(b) Establishing a material handling system
(c) Maintaining an inventory control system
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
402, Items like iron, timber etc. are kept in:
(a) Special commodity warehouse
(b) Household warehouse
(c) Yard and ground storage ✓
(d) None of the above
403, On the basis of place of necessity the different kinds of warehouse are:
(a) In plant warehousing
(b) Custodian warehousing
(c) Bonded warehouses
(d) All of above ✓
404, Central Warehousing Corporation was established in:
(a) 1955
(b) 1956
(c) 1957 ✓
(d) 1958
MCQ of principal of Marketing
405, Warehouses are meant for:
(a) Raw material
(b) Final products ✓
(c) Raw material and finished products
(d) None of the above
406, In India warehouses are mainly used:
(a) In international business ✓
(b) At national level business
(c) At state level business
(d) At local level business
407, Inventory control is:
(a) Managerial control
(b) Physical control
(c) Financial control
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
408, Inventory control includes:
(a) Raw materials
(b) Semi-finished goods
(c) Finished products
(d) All of the above ✓
409, In which of the following inventory control method, items of inventory are classified according to their value importance:
(a) Perpetual inventory system
(b) A.B.C. Technique ✓
(c) Economic order quantity/EOQ
(d) All of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
410, The Amount of inventory required to meet the average lead time, is known as:
(a) stock
(b) Base stock ✓
(c) Average stock
(d) None of the above
411, “Physical distribution is the actual handling and moving of goods within individual firms and a long channel systems.” Who gave this statement about Physical distribution?
(a) R.S. Daver
(b) William J. Stanton
(c) E.J. Mc Carthy ✓
(d) Cundiff & Sill
412, Which of the following is not the physical distribution cost?
(a) Cost of outward transportation of goods
(b) Cost of inward transportation of goods ✓
(c) Cost of storing by Wholesaler
(d) Cost of insurance of goods-in-transit
MCQ of principal of Marketing
413, Physical distribution involves the actual movement and storage of goods after they are produced and before they are consumed.” This definition is given by:
(a) Cundiff & Still ✓
(b) Stanton
(c) R.S. Davar
(d) None of the above
414, Which of the following is not the objective of physical distribution:
(a) Consumer satisfaction
(b) Profit Maximisation
(c) Market Research ✓
(d) None of the above
415, Is the physical distribution of gold coins possible through Post Office in legal way?
(a) Definitely Yes
(b) Definitely Not ✓
(c) Possibly Yes
(d) Not known
MCQ of principal of Marketing
416, ‘A’ sold his house of ‘B’ and gave its possession to him. Whether it is a physical distribution?
(a) Certainly Yes
(b) Certainly Not ✓
(c) May be Yes
(d) May be Not
14. Promotion
417, Promotion includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and other selling tools.” This statement is of:
(a) Pride and Ferrell
(b) Philip Kotler
(c) Mason and Rath
(d) Stanton ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
418, According to Hasty and Will, objects of promotion are:
(a) 4
(b) 3 ✓
(c) 5
(d) 6
419, According to Hasty and Will, object of promotion is:
(a) Demand objective
(b) Communication objective
(c) Specific or performance objective
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
420, According to William J. Stanton, Factors affecting Promotion Mix are:
(a) 3
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 5
(d) 6
421, Factors affecting Promotion Mix are: (i) Available funds, (ii) Nature of the market, (iii) Nature of the product and (iv) Stage of the product life cycle. This statement is of:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Buell
(c) Stanton ✓
(d) MeCarthy
422, Promotion Mix includes:
(a) Personal selling
(b) Advertising
(c) Sales promotion
(d) Personal selling, advertising, sales promotion and publicity ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
423, Can the exhibitions and seasonal discounts be as sales promotional activities?
(a) To some extent
(b) Some times
(c) Definitely ✓
(d) Never
424, Distribution of free samples, coupons, free gifts and trade fairs come in the category of:
(a) Advertisement
(b) Clearance of old stock
(c) Attracting new customers
(d) Sales Promotion Activities ✓
425, Which one of the following is not an element of Promotion-mix?
(a) Distribution ✓
(b) Advertising
(c) Sales Promotion
(d) Personal selling
MCQ of principal of Marketing
426, Who is benefitted from sales promotion activities?
(a) Manufacturers
(b) Wholesalers
(c) Retailers
(d) All of these ✓
427, Sales promotion activities are run for:
(a) Short-time ✓
(b) Removal of product’s defects
(c) Advertisement of product
(d) Creating monopoly in the market
428, Promotion word taken from:
(a) Italian
(b) Latin word ✓
(c) French
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
429, Available funds, Nature of the market, Nature Product, Stage of Product life cycle-factors Promotion mix are given by:
(a) Philip kotler
(b) Mecarthy
(c) Stanton
(d) None of above ✓
430, Main characteristics of sales promotion is:
(a) A part of promotional mix
(b) Non-recurring activity
(c) Supplementary activity
(d) All of the above ✓
431, Six steps in process of sales promotion : (i) Establishing the objectives, (ii) Selecting tools or methods, (iii) Developing sales promotion programme, (iv) Testing of the programme, (v) Implementing the programme and (vi) Evaluting the programme have been described by:
(a) Stanton
(b) Philip Kotler ✓
(c) McCarthy
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
432, Sales promotion activities are conducted by:
(a) Producers ✓
(b) Wholesalers
(c) Retailers
(d) State
433, Which statement is more correct:
(a) Sales promotion helps in personal selling
(b) Sales promotion helps in advertising
(c) Sales promotion helps in personal selling and advertising ✓
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
435, Distribution of free samples include in:
(a) Consumers promotion ✓
(b) Dealers promotion
(c) Consumers and dealers promotion
(d) None of the above
436, Public relations is needed:
(a) To businessmen
(b) To Government
(c) To Government establishment
(d) To all the above ✓
437, Public relations is established:
(a) Between business unit and its departments
(b) Between business unit and its customers.
(c) Between government and the public
(d) Between all the above ✓
438, In the modern competitive economy public relations is:
(a) Necessary ✓
(b) Optional
(c) Unnecessary
(d) Wastage of time and money
MCQ of principal of Marketing
439, Government public relations media in India are:
(a) Publication division
(b) Press Information Bureau
(c) Directorate General, All India Radio, New Delhi
(d) All of the above ✓
440, Which statement is correct:
(a) Sales promotion helps in personal selling
(b) Sales promotion encourage consumers to buy
(c) (a) and (b) both ✓
(d) None of these
- Advertising Media
441, “Advertising can be described as the art of creating a demand for an article or a service.” This statement relates to:
(a) C. L. Bolling ✓
(b) G. B. Giles
(c) Frank Presbrey
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
442, Advertising is an art in form of printing.” Defined by:
(a) Philip Kotler
(b) Lasker ✓
(c) Alderson
(d) Cundiff
443, Advertising is:
(a) Wastage of money
(b) Wastage of energy
(c) Wastage of time
(d) Investment ✓
444, Essentials of a good advertising copy are:
(a) Attention value
(b) Suggestive value
(c) Memorising value
(d) All above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
445, Advertising is:
(a) An art
(b) Science
(c) Both Art and Science ✓
(d) None of these
446, Outdoor advertising includes:
(a) Newspaper advertising
(b) Magazine advertising
(c) Folders
(d) Posters and hoardings ✓
447, Which of the following is outdoor advertising:
(a) Wall writings
(b) Electric sign boards.
(c) Sandwich board advertising
(d) All above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
448, Which statement is correct?
(a) Expenses on advertisement is the wastage of money
(b) Advertisement increases the cost of production
(c) Advertisement ever misleads the consumers
(d) Advertisement increases the knowledge of customers ✓
449, Essentials of a good advertising copy is:
(a) Sentimental value
(b) Suggestive value
(c) Memorising value
(d) All of the above ✓
450, Which is not the evaluation method of advertising effectiveness?
(a) Memory Test
(b) Opinion Research
(c) Awareness Survey
(d) Cost Survey ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
451, DAGMAR’ concept was firstly developd by:
(a) A.H. Moslow
(b) E.H. Burack
(c) Russel H. Colley ✓
(d) None of the above
452, ‘POP’ means:
(a) Point of purchase ✓
(b) Purchase of product
(c) Power of purchasing
(d) None of the above
453, The amount earmarked by top management for advertisement is called:
(a) Advertising media
(b) Advertising appropriation ✓
(c) Advertising method
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
454, Which is not Media of Advertising:
(a) News Paper
(b) Posters
(c) Circular
(d) Buying ✓
455, Which advertising media you would use when you have to give product demonstration:
(a) Press
(b) Radio
(c) T.V. ✓
(d) Direct Mail
456, Advertising, sales promotion, public relation and publicity are the type of:
(a) Mass-selling
(b) Personal selling
(c) Non-Personal selling ✓
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
457, Examples of non-personal communication media are:
(a) Print media
(b) Broadcast media
(c) Electronic Media
(d) All of the above ✓
458, The life of outdoor media of advertising is:
(a) Very limited
(b) Limited
(c) Long life ✓
(d) None of the above
459, Advertising is a salesmanship without a personal salesman.” Who said this:
(a) Stanton
(b) Mason and Rath ✓
(c) Wood
(d) Wheelar
MCQ of principal of Marketing
460, “Advertising can be described as the art of creating a demand for article or a service.” Who said this?
(a) Stanton
(b) Mason and Rath
(c) C. L. Bolling ✓
(d) Wheelar
461, “The purpose of advertising is to reduce percentage cost of production and distribution.” Who said this:
(a) Stanton
(b) E. F. L. Breach ✓
(c) Bolling
(d) Wheelar
462, Main objectives of advertising are:
(a) To generate demand for the products
(b) Dissemination of proper information to the public about new products
(c) To increase popularity
(d) All of the Above ✓
463, Advertising is a:
(a) Mass Communication of manufacturer
(b) Speedy Communication
(c) Commercial Communication
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
464, Advertisement is criticized because:
(a) It increases cost of goods
(b) It misleads the facts
(c) It forces people to buy things which in fact are not within their reach
(d) All of the above ✓
465, Advertisement is helpful in:
(a) Increasing the sales
(b) Creating brand image
(c) Dominating the market
(d) All of the above ✓
466, Objective of advertisement is:
(a) To increase the sales
(b) To assist salesman
(c) To educate the customers
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
467, Which of the following is media of advertising?
(a) Radio and Television
(b) Display
(c) Posters
(d) All of the above ✓
468, Which of the following is a method of advertising budgeting:
(a) Percentage on sales method
(b) Affordable method
(c) Competitive matching of parity method
(d) All of the above ✓
469, Which of the following is indoor method of advertising:
(a) Newspapers ✓
(b) Posters
(c) Hoardings
(d) Travel display
470, Merit of indoor advertising is:
(a) Market coverage
(b) Economical
(c) Flexibility
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
471, Which of the following is not media of indoor advertising:
(a) Magazines
(b) Radio
(c) Television
(d) Posters ✓
- Personal Selling
472, “Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally.” This statement is of:
(a) Candiff and Still
(c) Philip Kotler
473, Personal selling includes:
(a) Selling
(b) Services to the customers
(c) Developing goodwill of the firm
(d) Above mentioned all the functions ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
474, Which statement is true:
(a) Personal selling and salesmanship is synonym
(b) There is no relationship between personal selling and salesmanship
(c) Salesmanship is included in personal selling ✓
(d) Personal selling is included in salesmanship
475, Selling functions is:
(a) Economic function ✓
(b) Uneconomic function
(c) Service function
(d) None of these
476, A modern salesman is:
(a) By birth
(b) By education and training
(c) By birth, education and training both ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
477, In his work maximum freedom is given:
(a) Internal salesman
(b) Speciality salesman
(c) Export salesman
(d) Travelling salesman ✓
478, Russel emphasized the qualities for a successful salesman:
(a) 8
(b) 10 ✓
(c) 12
(d) 14
479, L. E. Waterman company emphasized the … qualities for a successful salesman:
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 8 ✓
(d) 9
MCQ of principal of Marketing
480, Six types of successful salesmen: (i) Speciality salesman, (ii) Junior salesman, (iii) Senior salesman, (iv) Sales engineer, (v) Export salesman and (vi) Missionary salesman have been described by:
(a) Russel
(b) Kirkpatrick
(c) B. R. Canfield ✓
(d) None of these
281, Which statement is true:
(a) Publicity is personal
(b) Manufacturer need not to make payment for publicity ✓
(c) Manufacturer has to pay for the publicity
(d) None of the above
482, Six steps in selling process: (i) Reception, (ii) Inquiry, (iii) Demonstration, (iv) Selection, (v) Addition and (vi) Co mmendation have been described by:
(a) Herbert N. Casson ✓
(b) Edwin Charles Grief
(c) Kirkpatrick
(d) None of these
483, Which of the following abbreviation is used for the steps in selling process described by Herbert N. Casson:
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
484, In selling process formula “RIDSAC” – R represents:
(a) Right
(b) Reception ✓
(c) Range
(d) Restriction
485, Certain qualities of salesman like maturity, tactfulness, straightforward, loyalty etc. are the characteristics of:
(a) Social
(b) Physical
(c) Mental
(d) Human ✓
486, Personal selling consists of contacting prospective buyers of product personally.” Who gave this statement?
(a) Richard Buskirk ✓
(b) W.J. Stanton
(c) R.C. Davis
(d) Peter F. Drucker
487, In personal selling. tries to influence the customer:
(a) Manufacturer
(b) Salesman ✓
(c) Wholesaler
(d) Agent
MCQ of principal of Marketing
488, Personal selling is more effective than………….:
(a) Indirect selling
(b) Salesmanship
(c) E-selling
(d) All of the above ✓
489, “Personal selling is personal conversation with the prospective customers for making sales.” To what extent this statement is correct?
(a) Perfectly correct ✓
(b) Partially correct
(c) Not correct
(d) May be correct
490, Conversation with customers, demonstration of goods removal of customer’s doubts etc. are the part of………….:
(a) Sales Promotion
(b) Advertisement
(c) Personal selling ✓
(d) After-sales service
491, Disadvantages of personal selling is:
(a) Lack of efficient salesman
(b) Difficulty to be at Right place at Right Time
(c) (a) and (b) both ✓
(d) None of these
MCQ of principal of Marketing
- International Marketing
492, Which of the following is not a form of international marketing:
(a) Export of services
(b) Export of project
(c) Deemed exports.
(d) To sent workers in Foreign country for job ✓
493, The process of marketing beyond the countries border is called international marketing”. Who said this:
(a) Phillip Ketiora
(b) Van Terpestra ✓
(c) Kotler
(d) None of the above
494, To make available company’s goods and services to more than one country’s customers for use, is known international marketing”. Who said this:
(a) Phillip Ketiora ✓
(b) Van Terpestra
(c) Kotler
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
495, Which of the following activity includes in international marketing:
(a) Exporting
(b) Overseas manufacturing
(c) Counter trade
(d) All of the above ✓
496, International marketing is a:
(a) Multinational process
(b) Part of marketing
(c) marketing of goods and services
(d) All of the above ✓
497, International marketing is of:
(a) Protective nature
(c) intense competition
(b) high degree of risk
(d) All of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
498, Benefit of international marketing is:
(a) Payment of imports
(b) Increase speed of economic growth
(c) Technological development
(d) All of the above ✓
499, International marketing is important as:
(a) it improves standard of living
(b) it increases employment opportunities
(c) it brings international co-operation
(d) All of the above ✓
500, Scope of international marketing includes:
(a) Export goods directly to foreign countries
(b) Providing consultancy services
(c) Appointing foreign agent
(d) All of the above ✓
501, Difficulty in international marketing is:
(a) Different laws and monetary systems
(b) High degree of risk
(c) Complicated export process methods
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
502, In international marketing, exporters have to face:
(a) multi-level competition
(b) Two-level competition
(c) tri-level competition ✓
(d) All of the above
503, Cause of entering in international market is:
(a) low level of consumption in domestic markets
(b) desire to earn more profits
(c) to get advantage of large scale production
(d) All of the above ✓
504, Problem in international marketing is:
(a) Dumping
(b) Tarrifs and other trade barriers
(c) Unstable governments
(d) All of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
505, Challenge in international marketing is:
(a) Piracy
(b) Lack of foreign exchange
(c) Foreign debt
(d) All of the above ✓
506, WTO was established in:
(a) 1948
(b) 1945
(c) 1995 ✓
(d) 1942
507, Specific analysis while selecting an export market includes:
(a) Consumer survey
(b) Cost and price analysis
(c) Test marketing
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
508, Organisation which provide foreign trade information in India is:
(a) Indian Trade Promotion Organisation
(b) State Trading Corporation
(c) Export-Import Bank
(d) All of the above ✓
509, Which of the following is first step of an organization engaged in international marketing:
(a) Arranging finance
(b) Selection of foreign market ✓
(c) Appointing qualified workers
(d) Advertisement of goods in foreign markets
510, In the process of analysis of foreign market selection, which of the following is not a step of general analysis:
(a) Geographical location
(b) Means of transport
(c) Consumer survey ✓
(d) Demographic and cultural environment
MCQ of principal of Marketing
511, Main purpose of preparing evaluation matrix is:
(a) To select a foreign market ✓
(b) To study business environment
(c) To study competitive situation
(d) All of the above
512, Which of the following is not a method of Direct export:
(a) Export through export houses ✓
(b) Joint ventures
(c) Licensing
(d) Opening overseas sales branch
513, Which of the following method of direct export requires minimum investment:
(a) Fully owned manufacturing
(b) Assembling
(c) Licensing to a foreign firm for manufacturing ✓
(d) Opening overseas sales branch
514, Which method is followed for exporting high technical product:
(a) Agent will be appointed in foreign country
(b) Direct export to foreign customer related priced
(c) Make contract with foreign manufacturer for production
(d) We will appoint export broker in foreign country
MCQ of principal of Marketing
515, Main demerit of opening overseas sales branch is:
(a) Huge investment ✓
(b) Problem in after sales services
(c) Language related hurdles
(d) Problem in identification of foreign market pores
516, Which of the following is main demerit of indirect export:
(a) High Risk
(b) Huge capital requirement
(c) Dependency on export houses ✓
(d) Language related hurdles
517, Which of the following is not a merit of direct export:
(a) Knowledge of customers
(b) Creation of goodwill
(c) Full control over foreign marketing activities
(d) No need to make own export arrangements ✓
518, Method of Indirect exporting is:
(a) Foreign distributor and Agent
(b) Joint Ventures
(c) Mergers and acquisition
(d) Export brokers ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
519, Which of the following is not a merit of indirect exporting:
(a) Economical
(b) less need of capital
(c) Creation of goodwill ✓
(d) All of the above
520, Opening overseas branch is a:
(a) Direct export ✓
(b) Indirect export
(c) Re-export
(d) None of the above
521, Frenchising is also known as:
(a) Special selling rights ✓
(b) Licensing
(c) Joint Venture
(d) Merger
MCQ of principal of Marketing
522, Indirect exporting is suitable when:
(a) goods are standardized
(b) The firm is new in export field
(c) lack of adequate financial resources
(d) All of the above ✓
523, Which of the following term define international marketing?
(a) Marketing within national boundaries.
(b) Marketing across national boundaries ✓
(c) Marketing in both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
524, Which of the following is not a element of international marketing.
(a) Licensing
(b) Exchange risk
(c) Legal status
(d) Penetration ✓
525, Which one among the following is a formulated obstruction in the way of international government marketing.
(a) Public relations
(b) Culture
(c) Ethnic conflicts
(d) Anti-Dumping Laws ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
526, The term Quota is associated with:
(a) Domestic marketing
(b) International marketing ✓
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
527, Which of the following is not a business offer for at company to enter into foreign market?
(a) Exporting
(b) Joint venture
(c) Contractual agreement
(d) Environment ✓
528, Today’s thrust for growth in International from which of the followings?
(a) Multinational Corporations ✓
(b) Markets of Developed nations
(c) Markets of less developed nations
(d) none of the above
529, Which of the following is not included in the major of international marketing environment?
(a) Economic environment
(b) Socio-cultural environment
(c) Political and legal environment
(d) Multinational agreements ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
530, Which of the following is not included in the term SWOT analysis of a multinational corporation:
(a) Strengths
(b) Weaknesses
(c) Opportunities
(d) Treatments ✓
531, Which of the following is not a major trade organisation?
(a) APEC
(d) IMF ✓
532, In which of the following attitudes/Orientation, the emphases is given to the home market for International decision making and other business activities:
(a) Poly centricity
(b) Ethnocentricity ✓
(c) Geocentricity
(d) None of the above
633, In which of the following attitude-oriented, the emphasis is given to the host countries for employing top managers and for taking international marketing decisions:
(a) Poly centricity ✓
(b) Ethnocentricity
(c) Geocentricity
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
534, In which type of orientation/Attitude a multinational company never identify itself with a particular country:
(a) Poly centricity
(b) Ethnocentricity
(c) Geocentricity ✓
(d) None of the above
535, A study of EPRG Frame work stands for which of the following:
(a) Erhibitions, psychology, Re-engineeing, Government policies.
(b) Ethnocentricity, poly centricity, Regio centricity and Geocentricity ✓
(c) Environmental, Privatisation, Reforms and factors General agreement
(d) None of the above
536, The concept of multinational corporation is associated with which of the following?
(a) International marketing ✓
(b) Domestic marketing
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
537, Which of the following is not included in the P’s marketing mix?
(a) Product
(b) Price Dace is the 4th correct opinion
(c) Process ✓
(d) Promotion
538, The factors which directly affect the International business operations of a business firm are:
(a) Controllable factors ✓
(b) Uncontrollable factors
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
539, The factors which indirectly affect the international business operations of a business firms are:
(a) Controllable factors
(b) Uncontrollable factors ✓
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
540, Anthropological factors, which influences international marketing operations belong to:
(a) Economic factors
(b) Demographic factors
(c) Political and legal factors
(d) Social factors ✓
541, Which of the following variable is not included in the demographic environment?
(a) Age
(b) Sex
(c) Nationality
(d) Purchasing Power ✓
642, A concept which encompasses different values, customs and different norms is called:
(a) Geographical environment
(b) Demographical environment.
(c) Cultural environment ✓
(d) None of the above
543, Language-the media of communication is an important component of which of the following:
(a) Demographic environment
(b) Cultural environment ✓
(c) Economic environment
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
544, All of the following are a determinants of purchasing power of an individual except:
(a) Income
(b) Prices
(c) Debt
(d) Cultural trend ✓
545, Purchasing power of an ndividual depends upon which of the following:
(a) Income
(b) Savings
(c) Prices, debts and credit availability
(d) All of the above ✓
546, All of the following are not a part of the micro environment of International business except.
(a) Economic forces
(b) Socio-cultural forces
(c) Political forces
(d) Supplier ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
547, All of the following are not a part of the macro environment of International business except:
(a) Supplier
(b) Intermediaries
(c) Demography ✓
(d) None of the above
548, International marketing environment consists of which of the following?
(a) Micro environmental forces
(b) Macro environmental forces
(c) Both (a) and (b) ✓
(d) All of the above
549, Which of the following statement is false in defining niche marketing?
(a) In niche marketing the customers do have a distinct complex set of needs.
(b) It should specialize its market operations efficiently
(c) Customers are usually not willing to pay premium price ✓
(d) All of the above are true
550, Which of the following is considered a first step in identifying the market segment:
(a) Analysis
(b) Idea generation
(c) Survey ✓
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
551, Which of the following is not included in the dimension, in which a market cluster can be profiled?
(a) Demographic
(b) Mental ability
(c) Attitude ✓
(d) None of the above
552, Which of the following is not a demographic variable market segmentation?
(a) Age
(b) Sex
(c) Background
(d) Life Style ✓
653, Which of the following is a trend of political legal environment?
(a) Supreme court
(b) Impact of public-interest groups
(c) Business regulations ✓
(d) All of the above
554, To a marketer understanding of culture is important because:
(a) Cultural changes provides new opportunities
(b) Cultural changes aware us regarding threats
(c) It provides target markets
(d) All of the above ✓
555, All of the following are an important component of the political environment except:
(a) Government agencies
(b) Pressure groups
(c) Laws
(d) Supreme court ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
556, Which of the following force helps to understand the environment of a particular region?
(a) Demographic environment
(b) Geographical environment ✓
(c) Economic environment
(d) None of the above
557, Which of the following force helps in shaping people’s standard of living?
(a) Socio-cultural ✓
(b) Demographic
(c) Political
(d) None of the above.
558, Which of the following is a part of the study of political environment?
(a) Increasing cost of production
(b) Increasing level of pollution
(c) Instability of the government ✓
(d) None of the above
559, International marketing environment can be best defined as:
(a) A set of controllable forces
(b) A set of uncontrollable forces. ✓
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
560, Which of the following is one of the major force that a business firm must monitor in International business:
(a) Cultural forces
(b) Demographical forces
(c) Economic forces
(d) All of the above ✓
561, The first and important environmental force to be monitor in International business is:
(a) Cultural environment
(b) Demographic environment ✓
(c) Political environment
(d) Economic environment.
MCQ of principal of Marketing
562, Assertion A: “Green Card” gives certain privileges to the card holder.
Reason R: Green card provide Automatic custom clearance.
(a) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A & R are true, But R is not the correct explanation.
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true ✓
563, Which one of the following is not the Industrial Association of India:
(c) CII
(d) ADB✓
564, For the development of infrastructure in our country Government of India develop “B.O.T.” model. What BOT means:
(a) ‘Build, operate, & Transfer’ ✓
(b) ‘ Better, operate, technology’
(c) Bombay, Orissa, Tripura
(d) None of the above
MCQ of principal of Marketing
565, “Hard Currency” means:
(a) Currency that can be exchanged for other currency quickly and without Govt. permissions
(b) Currency that can be exchanged for other currencies but Govt. permission required
(c) A currency that cannot be converted ✓
(d) Currency that is made of hard metal quickly
566, There are many types of organisational forms. Which of the following is not a type of organisation form:
(a) Functional
(b) Geographical
(c) Matrix
(d) Subsidiary ✓
567, The full benifit from international trade/marketring is possible when:
(a) When there is no economic grouping
(b) There is multilaterism is marketing ✓
(c) There is tariff levied on import
(d) Non tariff barriers.
568, Which one of the following is not the part of Cultural Environment?
(a) Customs
(b) Fashion & Fad ✓
(c) Knowledge & Belief
(d) Social Status
569, The last stage in the selling process is the stage:
(a) Approach
(b) Handling objections
(c) Closing
(d) Follow up ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
570, Segmenting markets by using attitudiral and behavioural characteristics is__
(a) Parallel pricing
(b) Price discrimination
(c) Psychographic ✓
(d) Product life cycle.
571, Global presence of gaint multinational corporations is evidence for the existence of globalisation.
(a) Ecological
(b) Political
(c) Agricultural
(d) Economic ✓
572, The major advantage of survey research is its.
(a) Simplicity
(b) Structure
(c) Organisation
(d) Flexibility ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
573, International business models are:
(a) Market entry strategies
(b) Modes of market entry
(c) The basic business formula
(d) Ways of doing business internationally ✓
574, Which one is not the export promotion agency in India?
(a) Export Promotion Council
(b) World Trade Organisation ✓
(c) Commercial Banks
(d) Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
575, Which is not the part of “international promotion policy’?
(a) Advertising
(b) Personal Selling
(c) Sales Promotion
(d) Distribution Channel ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
576, Which is a bundle of utilities consisting of various product features and accompanying services.
(a) Product Idea
(b) Product Image
(c) Product Concept ✓
(d) Product features
577, Which is not the barrier of “advertising standardization”?
(a) Consumer literacy level
(b) Legal restrictions
(c) Attitude towards product ✓
(d) Size of product
578, An international marketing philosophy “a good product will sell itself is characteristic of___
(a) Product ✓
(b) Sales
(c) Marketing
(d) Relationship
MCQ of principal of Marketing
579, Todays consumer’s needs are:
(1) Creative
(2) Skill
(3) No Creativity
(4) Critical thinking
Select the correct answer from the codes below:
(a) 1, 2, 4 ✓
(b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 3, 4, 1
(d) 1, 2, 3
580, The criteria for eliminating the markets from the list while selecting markets:
(a) Banned countries should be dropped
(b) Shipping cost may be too high
(c) Having foreign exchange shortage
(d) GNP is so high
select the correct answer from the following:
(a) a, b, c ✓
(b) a, d, c
(c) b, c, d
(d) a, c, d
581, Which of the following is not the characteristic of ‘International brand’?
(a) Short Name
(b) Attractiveness in
(c) Memorable
(d) Registration ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
582, ____is the starting point for the entire marketing programme of a nation:
(a) Product Planning ✓
(b) Strategic Planning
(c) Budge
(d) Government Policy
583, 4 P’s Stand for_____>
(a) Product life cycle
(b) Marketing Mix ✓
(c) Price discrimination
(d) Personal Selling
584, A company faces several decisions in International marketing. The first of these decision is_____,
(a) deciding which market to enter? ✓
(b) deciding how to enter?
(c) deciding whether to go International market or not?
(d) looking at the global market environment.
MCQ of principal of Marketing
685, What is the correct sequence of International product planning process:
(a) Product objectives
(b) Product offering
(c) Marketing Mix
(d) Customer satisfaction
Select the correct answer from the following options:
(a) a, b, d, cl
(b) a, b, c, d ✓
(c) d, b, c, a
(d) c, d, b, a
586, Government of India established its first Export Processing Zone at in 1965?
(A) Bombay
(b) Kandla ✓
(c) Goa
(d) Andaman
MCQ of principal of Marketing
587, D.E.P.B. stands for:
(a) Duty Exempt Port Boundary
(b) Duty Entitlement Pass Book ✓
(c) Method of Export Payment
(d) Deposit Export Pay Bill Scheme.
588, Methods of allocating advertising budget for international firm are given below. Which one of the following is not method of budget:
(a) Affordable Method
(b) Percentage of Sales Method
(c) Competitive Parity Method
(d) Strategic Parity Method ✓
589, Foreign Exchange transactions are controlled by:
(a) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
(b) Foreign Exchange Management Act
(c) Reserve Bank of India ✓
(d) Ministry of Industry & Commerce
MCQ of principal of Marketing
590, Portfolio Investment is a form of foreign investment. Which one of the following is not the part of portfolio Investment?
(a) Global Depository Receipt
(b) American Depository Receipt
(c) Foreign Institutional Investment
(d) Foreign Direct Investment ✓
591, A form of tax which is levied on the value of each of the processes carried out by a business is called:
(a) Tariff
(b) VAT ✓
(c) Duty
(d) Sales Tax.109
592, Sale of a good abroad at a price which is lower than the selling price of the same goods at the same time in the same circumstances at home is called____.
(a) Non Tariff
(b) Dumping ✓
(c) Subsidy
(d) Devaluation
MCQ of principal of Marketing
593, Costs that does not vary with production or sales level is called___.
(a) Fixed Cost ✓
(b) Variable Cost
(c) Standard Cost
(d) Independent Cost
594, The main source of supply of Foreign Exchange is____
(a) Export of goods and services ✓
(b) Expenses of foreign embassy
(c) SDR withdrawal
(d) All of the above
595, “Rolls Royce” an international car company uses which of the following distribution channel formats:
(a) Intensive distribution
(b) Open distribution
(c) Exclusive distribution
(d) Selective distribution ✓
896, Is not the part of “export price quotation”:
(a) FAS Price
(b) FOB Price
(c) CIF Price
(d) GOV Price ✓
597, “Skimming the Cream” Strategy is also known as____
(a) High Price Strategy
(b) Odd Price Strategy
(c) Customary Price Strategy
(d) Low Price Strategy
MCQ of principal of Marketing
598, Pricing Strategy is an important part of fixing the international price. Which of the following is not the part of price strategy:
(a) Market Penetration Strategy
(b) Skimming Pricing Policy
(c) Bait Price Policy ✓
(d) High Profit Policy
599, There are four categories of export house. Which one require to export maximum amount
(a) Superstar trading House ✓
(b) Star trading House
(c) Export House
(d) Trading House
600, The word O.G.L. (Open General Licence) is related to which of the following option :
(a) For Export of Heavy Industry
(b) for Import of Small Scale goods
(c) For Import of Capital goods
(d) All of the above ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
601, Key factor that control global marketing is:
(a) Government Policy and Legislation ✓
(b) Social and technological changes
(c) Marketing activities and Plan
(d) All of the above
602, ___is the payment method most often used in international trade which offers the exporter best assurance of being paid for products sold the internationally:
(a) Bill of Lading
(b) Letter of Credit ✓
(c) Open account
(d) Draft
603, ____is a bilateral trade agreement between two nations, under which a nation imports from another country on the condition that other country will import product of same value from the first country:
(a) Counter trade ✓
(b) Buy-back
(c) Counter purchase
(d) Counter-sell
MCQ of principal of Marketing
604, Which Statement is not true:
(a) Physical distribution system creates time utility
(b) Physical distribution systèm creates place utility
(c) Physical distribution system creates time & place utility
(d) Physical distribution system does not create time and place utility. ✓
605, Which of the following is not the activities of Public Relation Department:
(a) Press Relation M
(b) Corporate Communication
(c) Lobbying
(d) Trade & fair ✓
606, Gallup and Robinson Test” is related to:
(a) To measure effectiveness of advertising ✓
(b) To measure quality of product
(c) Total cost of product
(d) To measure efficiency of sales promotion
MCQ of principal of Marketing
607, There are three major components of marketing Information system:
(1) Internal marketing Information
(2) Marketing Intelligence
(3) Accuracy of Information
(4) Marketing Research
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(a) 1, 2, 4 ✓
(c) 1, 2, 4
(b) 1, 2, 3
(d) 2, 3, 4
608, ETOP Stands for
(a) Even Terrace operation process
(b) Environmental, Threat, Opportunity Profile ✓
(c) Environment Tax on people
(d) English trade operation procedure
609, Which is not the “direct advantage” of Internationl Trade on economic development:
(a) Helpful in capital formation
(b) Exporting Area economic development
(c) Increase in Effective Demand ✓
(d) Expansion of Market
610, Recently Finance Minister declare M.E.P. different product. What does it mean:
(a) Minimum Export Price
(b) Multi Effect Product
(c) Major European Product
(d) Maximum Export Price
MCQ of principal of Marketing
611, The function of financial Leverage is:
(a) Financial Arrangement
(b) Debt Redemption
(c) Analysis of effect of fixed charges bearing sources of capital on profits ✓
(d) Effect of equity share capital on profit
612, MNC are often associated with which of the following.
(a) Exploitation
(b) Power
(c) Bigness
(d) All of the above ✓
613, What is the correct sequence of boundary less Marketing?
(1) Customer needs and wants
(2) Research and development
(3) Manufacturing and Engineering
(4) Customer value
(a) 4, 3, 2, 1
(b) 4, 2, 1, 3
(c) 1, 2, 3, 4 ✓
(d) 2, 3, 4, 1
MCQ of principal of Marketing
614, Which one of the following is not the reason for firms to go into international market?
(a) Market Saturation
(b) Foreign competition
(c) Emergence of new market
(d) All of the above
615, In ‘E.P.R.G.’ framework “Ethnocentric” means____
(a) Home country is superior ✓
(b) Each country is Unique MM
(c) Worlds is viewed as one Unit
(d) Overseas country is superior
616, E.P.R.G. framework has been given by____
(a) Miller V.A.
(b) Keegan W. J ✓
(c) Diamond R. S.
(d) Davic R. C.
617, Capitalist, Communistic and Democratic are the types of:
(a) Economic System /
(b) Social System
(c) Political system
(d) Ecology
MCQ of principal of Marketing
618, The process of collecting information about International External Environment is___
(a) Environmental Management
(b) Environmental Scanning ✓
(c) Marketing management
(d) Marketing Research
619, Which of the following is not the part of external international marketing Environment:
(a) Political
(b) Legal
(c) Product ✓
(d) Socio-culture
620, When an importing country sets limits on the amount of goods it will accept in certain product categories it is called
(a) Quota ✓
(b) Barrier
(c) Tariff
(d) Limit
621, Which one is not the technique of Environmental analysis of international marketing.
(a) Verbal & Written Information
(b) Search & Scanning
(c) Bargaining Power ✓
(d) Forecasting & Formal Studies
MCQ of principal of Marketing
622, Which is the right sequence of a stage of Internationalisation:
(a) Domestic → Transnational → Global International → Multinational.
(b) Domestic → International → Multinational → Global → Transnational
(c) Domestic → Multinational → International → Transnational → Global
(d) Domestic→ International → Transnational → Multinational → Global
623, Which of the following is not a part of privatisation:
(a) Denationalisation
(b) Decontrol
(c) Deregulation
(d) Decentralisation ✓
624, The technologial environment refers to new technology, new product and new market, which one is not the part of technological Environment
(a) Internet
(b) Search Engine
(c) Modems
(d) ISRO ✓
MCQ of principal of Marketing
625, SLEPT” Stand for:
(a) System, Leadership, Empowerment, people & Tactics
(b) Strategy, Leadership, Environment, Planning & Tactics
(c) Social, Legislation, Economic, political & Technological
(d) Social, Legal, Economic, Political and Technology
626, The study of human population in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, occupation and other statistics is called:
(a) Geothermy
(b) Demography ✓
(c) Monothermy
(d) Ethnography
627, Which one of the foreign entry method has maximum risk but maximum potential reward?
(a) Indirect Exporting
(b) Licensing
(c) FDI ✓
(d) Direct Exporting
MCQ of principal of Marketing
628, Which one of the following is not the basic needs according to ‘Maslow’:
(a) Physiological Need
(b) Self actualisation
(c) Image ✓
(d) Safety
629, What is the correct sequence of the following events
(1) WTO
(2) Liberalisation
(3) Globalisation
(4) IMF (International Monetan,
Select the correct answer from the code below:
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) 4, 2, 3, 1 ✓
(c) 4, 1, 2, 3
(d) 4, 3, 2, 1
MCQ of principal of Marketing
630, Which of the following factors influence the process of globalisation?
(1) End of Cold War in 1990
(2) Large flow of fund between countries
(3) Financial superiority
(4) Integrating with the world economy.
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
(a) 1, 2
(b) 1, 2, 4 ✓
(c) 2, 3, 4
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4
631, Which of the following is not in ‘ASEAN’ grouping
(a) Thailand
(b) Australia ✓
(c) Laos
(d) Myanmar
632, The organisation whose primary purpose is to provide financial and technical assistance for the development of poorer countries is the:
(a) International Monetary fund
(b) World Bank ✓
(c) International Development Association
(d) World trade Association
MCQ of principal of Marketing
633, Which one of the following is not globalisation:
(a) Development of Social consciousness.
(b) Technological change
(c) Global form of business
(d) Reduction in casteism ✓
634, “Most favoured Nation Treatment” is the fundamental principle of____
(a) GATT
(b) WTO ✓
(c) IMF
635, In UNCTAD IX which system was launched to promote world trade among developing countries:
(a) GSP
(b) G-77 ✓
(c) GSTP
(d) EEC
MCQ of principal of Marketing

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Sir plzz do provide the banking and gst part mcqs
Sir plz snd pdf of these markrtings MCQ