Bcom Principle of Marketing Previous Year Paper 2017

Bcom Principle of Marketing Previous Year Paper 2017

Bcom Principle of Marketing Previous Year Paper 2017 :-  Its Question paper is very helpful for you and your Exam you can get many more marks if you read full question and its solution.

    Bcom. III Examination , 2017
    Commerce – IV Principle of marketing
    Time : 2 Hour]                                  (C- 306)                                          [M.M : 100

  1. The registration of trade mark is :
    1. Compulsory
    2. Necessary
    3. Voluntary
    4. Unnecessary
  2. The registration of brand is :
    1. Compulsory
    2. Necessary
    3. Voluntary
    4. None of the above
  3. When the working, color, design of packaging is tested this test is known as :
    1. Consumer test
    2. Engineering test
    3. Dealer test
    4. Visual test
  4. Essential comodities act was passed in …
    1. 1951
    2. 1956
    3. 1955
    4. 1970
  5. The idea of warranty is based on the principle of …
    1. Buyer beware
    2. Seller beware
    3. Manufacturer beware
    4. All of the above
  6. The stages of product life-cycle are :
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 8
  7. The product life cycle is an attempt to recognize distinct stages in the sales history of a product .” this is statement is of :
    1. Arch paton
    2. Philip kotler
    3. W.j. stanton
    4. Lipson and darling
  8. Which of the following steps can be taken for the extension of product life cycle ?
    1. Product modification
    2. New markets
    3. New uses
    4. All of the above
  9. In energy stage of a product a different strategy is needed . “this statement is :
    1. true
    2. Ambiguous
    3. False
    4. Not clear
  10. Mostly new products are :
    1. Successful
    2. Unsuccessful
    3. 100% sucessful
    4. 100% unsucessful
  11. New product development means :
    1. Adding a new product in product line
    2. Imprising the old product
    3. Emphasis on consumer statisfaction
    4. All of the above
  12. According to w.j stanton the phases of price determination process are :
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 10
  13. When the demand of any product is …. Then change in price never affects on the quantity of purchase.
    1. Perfectly inelastic
    2. Perfectly elastic
    3. Relatively elastic
    4. Relatively inelastic
  14. Non- price competition is considered as a mixture of …
    1. Price and modification
    2. Price and addition
    3. Price and promotion
    4. None of the above
  15. When the manufacturer of dalda refined sets its rate at rs. 399, such pricing policy is called as :
    1. Customary pricing
    2. Psychological pricing
    3. Odd pricing
    4. Prestige pricing

  16. While fixing the price of a new product, manufacturer can adopt :
    1. Pernetration price policy
    2. Skim the cream price policy
    3. Follow of price leaders policy
    4. All of the above
  17. In marginal cost method……. Cost are to be considered for fuxing the price of a product.
    1. Variable
    2. Fixed
    3. Semi- variable
    4. Opportunity
  18. Which of the following is not the function of channel of distribution?
    1. Managing production
    2. Managing finance
    3. Promotional activityes
    4. Pricing
  19. Which of the following is not a method of direct distribution?
    1. Sale by post
    2. Sale by manufacturer’s shop
    3. Sale by agent
    4. Sale by wholesalers
  20. Wholesales render services towards :
    1. Retailer
    2. Super stockist
    3. Society
    4. Retailer and society
  21. Which of the following is not characteristic of retailer ?
    1. Generally sales goods on credit
    2. Salls goods directly to consumers
    3. Deals in small quantity
    4. Direct contract with customers
  22. The following formula is propounded by : D=T+FW+VW+S
    1. Wendell M. Smith
    2. Mc carthy
    3. Philip kotler
    4. Coundiff and still
  23. Promotion mix includes :
    1. Advertising and publicity
    2. Personal selling
    3. sales promotion
    4. All of the above
  24. Personal selling included :
    1. Selling
    2. Enhance to goodwill of the firm
    3. Services to the customers
    4. All of the above
  25. The medium of publicity is :
    1. press
    2. Tv
    3. Magzzine
    4. Mail
  26. Distributions of free samples include in :
    1. Dealers promotion
    2. Consumers promotions
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above
  27. Need of international marketing was felt because of :
    1. Desire to earn more profit
    2. Limited national market
    3. Attraction towards foreign markets
    4. growing competition is national market
  28. Method of entry into foreign markets include :
    1. Direct investment
    2. Joint ventures
    3. Exports
    4. All of the abvoe
  29. What can be sold in international marketing
    1. product
    2. Services
    3. Ideas
    4. All of the above
  30. Most popular method of entering into international markeing is :
    1. Licence
    2. Export
    3. Contract management
    4. Joint ventures
  31. Marketing is the delivery of livieng standard this defintion is of :
    1. Paul mazur
    2. William J. Stanton
    3. Hansen
    4. R.C. davis
  32. Marketing comprises both buying and selling . “ this defination is of :
    1. Pyle
    2. Clark and clark
    3. Philip kotler
    4. Honry fayol
  33. Which is not a merchandising function of marketing?
    1. Selling
    2. Standardising and grading
    3. Transportation
    4. Product planning and development
  34. Which is not an auxiliary function of marketing?
    1. Marketing financing
    2. risk bearing
    3. Market information
    4. Storage
  35. Physical distribution functions of marketing include :
    1. Sellintg
    2. transportation
    3. Risk bearing
    4. Buying and assembling

  36. Petrol cooking gas and paper are the examples of market
    1. Sellers
    2. buyers
    3. Both a and b
    4. Brokers
  37. Car, tv, scooter, cycle and presser cooker is the examples of market.
    1. Sellers
    2. Buyers
    3. Both a and b
    4. Consignment
  38. Which of the following is not included in the category of middlemen ?
    1. wholesalers
    2. Retailers
    3. Advertising agencies
    4. Agents
  39. Retailors include “
    1. Chain shops
    2. Retail stores
    3. Postal trade organization \
    4. All of the above
  40. Faciliting agencies include :
    1. Marketing advisors
    2. Advertsing agencies
    3. Transport companies
    4. All of the above
  41. Who is known as a father of marketing management ?
    1. Williasm j. Stanton
    2. Philip kotler
    3. Tousley, clark and clark
    4. Hansen
  42. Marketing expenditureis a burden :
    1. On consumers
    2. On businessmen
    3. On industry
    4. none of the above
  43. Marketing concept is useful for :
    1. Producers
    2. Consumers
    3. Economy
    4. All of the above
  44. The old marketing concept is :
    1. Product- oriented
    2. Consumer- oriented
    3. Society- oriented
    4. Service – oriented
  45. Customer satisfaction is the main motto of marketing concept.
    1. macro
    2. Traditional
    3. Societal
    4. None of the above
  46. In the factory we make conmetics and in the drug store we sell hepe. Who said this statement?
    1. Philip kotler
    2. Charles revson
    3. R.P. Calhoon
    4. R.S.  davar
  47. The purpose of a company’s to create a customer. “This statement is of:
    1. Pater F. Drucker
    2. Henery Fayol
    3. Philip kotler
    4. R.c. Davis
  48. In modern marketing Concept the main priority is given to …
    1. Product
    2. Customer
    3. Market
    4. Society
  49. The main object of marketing management is :
    1. Create customer
    2. Satisfaction to customers
    3. Increase profits
    4. All of the above
  50. Marketing mix remain :
    1. Varible
    2. Fixed
    3. Optimum
    4. Certain
  51. What are the main elements of marketin Mix?
    1. Sales force
    2. Pricing
    3. marketing research
    4. All of the above
  52. According to McCarthy P’s of marketing mix are :
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 12
  53. Which is not a method of motivational research ?
    1. Word association tests
    2. thematic Appreciation tests
    3. Depth interview
    4. None of the abvoe
  54. The base of marketing research is :
    1. Qualitative informations
    2. Quantitative information
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above
  55. Marketing research is wider than market research : “this statement is :
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Ambiguous
    4. Uncertain
  56. Which marketing organization is suitabole for small organisation?
    1. market- oriented
    2. Product-oriented
    3. Function-oriented
    4. customer -oriented
  57. Product oriented marketing organization is ….. Expensive
    1. Less
    2. More
    3. Onstant
    4. None of these
  58. Which basis would you use for the departmentaization of a small enterprise?
    1. On geographical basis
    2. On the basis of functions
    3. On the basis of product
    4. On the basis of customers
  59. Main object of sale organization is :
    1. Sales promotions
    2. Advertsing
    3. Marketing research
    4. Controlling the saies activity of sales personanels
  60. Speciallzation is possible in line and staff sales organization. This statement is :
    1. True
    2. False
    3. Ambiguous
    4. Uncertain
  61. In environment only one thing is fixed and that is exchange. “This statement is of :
    1. Philip Kotler
    2. William J. Stanton
    3. R.S davar
    4. Alvin toffler
  62. The macro environment factors of marketing environment are :]
    1. 8
    2. 6
    3. 4
    4. 2
  63. Strategic marketing planning is … for a developing country like india
    1. Necessary
    2. Expensive
    3. Unnecessary
    4. Burden on the firm
  64. Strategic marketing planning is ;
    1. Expansion of marketing activities
    2. Unnecessary mental exercise
    3. Magic box
    4. Technique of becomming man of crores over night
  65. Market segmentation is the strategy of dividing markets in order to conquer than .
    This statement is of :

    1. R.s. davar
    2. Robert
    3. Pearce
    4. William J.Stanton
  66. Which of the following strategy is related to market segmentation
    1. Undifferentiated
    2. Differentiated
    3. Concentrated
    4. All of the above
  67. Market segmentation is in the interest of :”
    1. Trader
    2. Consumer
    3. Manufacturer
    4. All of the above
  68. The nature of indian buyer is :
    1. The lodge complaint
    2. To purchase cheap
    3. To bargain
    4. All of the above
  69. According to A.H. maslow the hierachy of needs are :
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  70. The whole behaviour of a person while making purchases may be termed as consumer behaviour. “This statement if of:
    1. Hanson
    2. Kotler
    3. Geothi
    4. Paul
  71. Which is not an economic factor of affecting consumer behaviour?
    1. Family income
    2. Discretionary income
    3. Government policy
    4. Social needs
  72. The advertsement stogan of lic- jeevan ke sath bhee or jeevan ke bad bhee” is an example of :
    1. Learned motives
    2. Emotional motives
    3. Inherent motives
    4. Rational buying motives
  73. The first choice of bollywood heroine is LUX soap, “ it is an example of
    1. Inherent motivces
    2. Learned motives
    3. Emotional motives
    4. Rational buying motives
  74. Wine cigrattle cosmetics are the example of a :
    1. Maturity products
    2. Prestige products
    3. Functional products
    4. Hedonic products
  75. Cloths, sweets, biscuits, butter, breads are the example of….
    1. Hedonic product
    2. Anxiety product
    3. Status product
    4. Maturity product
  76. Learning model of consumer behaviour is propounded by:
    1. Alfred marshall
    2. Pavlovian
    3. Sigmond freud
    4. Thomas hobbers
  77. The behaviour of a consumer is :
    1. Inside
    2. Dynamic
    3. Uncertain
    4. All of these
  78. Consumer buyer purchase product for :
    1. Others
    2. His family
    3. Himself
    4. Himself and his family
  79. A Consumer can collect buying information from….
    1. Formal sources
    2. Informal sources
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above
  80. The following is not a part of formal source of buying informations:
    1. Adverising
    2. Pathrange of firm
    3. Personal selling
    4. Distribuion
  81. The term product concept was first used by:
    1. W.J. Staton
    2. Hansen
    3. Philip kotler
    4. Theodore levitt
  82. Product Mix are mainly affected by :
    1. Producting
    2. Financial
    3. Marketing
    4. All of the above
  83. Consumer productss are subclassified into :
    1. Conventinet product
    2. Shopping product
    3. Speciality product
    4. All of the above
  84. The key of feature of convenient produccts are :
    1. more buying frequency
    2. quick use
    3. products are not durable
    4. all of the above
  85. Furniture, ladies garments, costly sarees and costly set of crockery are the examples of :
    1. Convenient products
    2. Shopping products
    3. Speciality products
    4. Industrial products
  86. According to R.S. davar the main types of product are :
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  87. The number of customers are more in …. Products.
    1. Consumer
    2. Industrial,
    3. Defence
    4. All of the above
  88. The demand of ….. Products is autonomous:
    1. Consumer
    2. Industrial
    3. Defence
    4. All of the above
  89. In case of sale of durable goods , the main emphasis is given on…
    1. Personal selling
    2. After sale services
    3. Earned more profits
    4. All of the above
  90. Trading up strategy means :
    1. Adding high price product i product line
    2. Adding normal price product in product line
    3. Adding low price product in product line
    4. Adding below cost price in product
  91. The main motto of product differentiation stratetgy is :
    1. General service of whole market
    2. General service of limited market
    3. Special service of  limited market
    4. Special service of whole market
  92. The main motto of market segmentation strategy is :
    1. Special service of whole market
    2. Special service of limited market
    3. General service ofr whole market
    4. General service of limited market
  93. Which of the following advantage of product simplification is not considered as its advantage?
    1. Decreasing the cost of inspection
    2. Increasing the profits of business
    3. Increasing industrial unstability
    4. Easy marketing organization
  94. Labelling is :
    1. Compulsory
    2. Necessary
    3. Voluntary
    4. Unnecessary
  95. Maximum wide scope is of:
    1. Packaging
    2. Labelling
    3. Brand
    4. Trade mark
  96. When a manufacturer allots one brand name for all products of category it is known as :
    1. Regional brand
    2. Family brand
    3. Umbrella brand
    4. Provincial brand
  97. When a manufacturer uses a brand name for all its manufacturer product is is known as :
    1. Family brand
    2. Umbrella brand
    3. Local brand
    4. National brand
  98. In …. Brand the price of the product is fixed at a low rate by the manufacturer
    1. Competitive
    2. Fighting
    3. Family
    4. Umbrella
  99. Tata brand name is used for soap, truck, diesel engine, shampoo, coconut hair oil etc. is an example of :
    1. Family brand
    2. Blanket brand
    3. Umbrella brand
    4. Both b and c
  100. Brand includes trade mark but trade mark does not include brand.” this statement is :
    1. true
    2. False
    3. Not clear
    4. Ambiguous.

Answer sheet**

t1 = A & B

T2 = C & D

X = Question Cancelled

01. 1 02. 3 03. 4 04. 3 05. 2 06. 1 07. 2 08. 4 09. 1 10. 2
11. 4 12. 2 13. 1 14. 3 15. 2 16. 4 17. 1 18. 1 19. 4 20. 4
21. 1 22. 3 23. 4 24. 4 25. X 26. 2 27. 4 28. 4 29. 4 30. 1
31. 1 32. 1 33. 3 34 4 35. 2 36. 1 37. 3 38. 3 39. 4 40. 4
41. 2 42. 4 43. 4 44. 1 45. 1 46. 2 47. 1 48. 2 49. 4 50. 1
51. 4 52. 1 53. 4 54. 3 55. 1 56. 3 57. 1 58. 2 59. 4 60. 1
61. 4 62. 2 63. 1 64. 1 65. 2 66. 4 67. 4 68. 4 69. 4 70. 3
71. 4 72. 2 73. 3 74. 4 75. 1 76. 2 77. X 78. 4 79. 3 80. 2
81. 4 82. 4 83. 4 84. 4 85. 2 86. 2 87. 1 88. 1 89. 4 90 1
91. 1 92 2 93. 3 94. 1 95. 1 96. 2 97 T1 98 2 99 T2 100 1

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