Bcom 1st Year Practices in Business Communication
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Practices in Business Communication
Q.17. What is meant by Group discussion? Explain the objectives, advantages and limitations of group discussion.
Group discussion consists of two words: Group + discussion. A group is defined as a combination of people with- definite ideas, skills and communicate with each other to achieve a discussion is and a subject or theme is thoroughly active a mined Thus group discussion is a oral communication among the
or issue with the purpose of getting a conclusion. At group discussion various memo errs express their views to the issue with arguments in favor and against of it.
A group discussion proves helpful in understanding a situation, exploring possibilities and finding out the solution of the problems. A group discussion gives a sense of participation to those who take
part in it. Group discussions are held to find the best solution to the organizational problems.
Following are the main purpose and objectives of group discussion:
(1) To get suggestions: Group discussions are mainly held to get various creative thoughts and suggestions. With the help of these ideas and suggestions, organizational problems can be solved
(2) Exchange of ideas: Group-discussion also aims to get people’s reaction through exchange of ideas. This encourages the participants to ask questions and to present their views confidently.
(3) For assessment of communication skill: Group discussions are used by organizations to assess the natural ability of different candidates and their communication skill. With the help of group discussion, this assessment can be done in lesser time.
(4) To built consensus: Group discussions are held deliberately by the organization to arrive at decisions which are in the overall interest of the organization. This built consensus regarding particular decision which contributes to the commitment of members.
Main advantages of group discussion are as follows:
(1) Pooling of knowledge and information: A group consists of several persons. An individual can not possess the same volume of information and knowledge which a group can bring into decision making. Pooling of such knowledge and information helps to improve the quality of decisions.
(2) Diversified views: An individual can look at an issue from his point of view while a group can examine the issue from different viewpoints. A group can take appropriate decision after considering
the several alternatives. And using different approaches.
(3) Better understanding and cooperation: Group-discussion promotes better understanding and cooperation in the organization. It helps in improving employer employee relations and creates team spirit in the organization.
(4) Commitment: Group discussion increases the commit of members for a particular decision. Participation and involvement in decision making proves helpful in effective implementation of decisions.
(5) Innovative ideas and creative decisions: Group discussion encourages lateral thinking. It enables the members to think on lines different from the commonly accepted ones. It helps in taking
creative decisions.
(6) Personal development: Group discussion helps in the development of individuals in the organization. Through group discussion, they learn how to gather data, evaluate it, generate alternatives, calculate risk and choose the best alternative. It draws out the latent talent of the people.
Group discussion suffers from the following limitations:
(1) Delay in making decisions: Group take more time to take decisions than individuals. Different persons have different opinions and viewpoints. This cause delay in decision making and a
lot of time is wasted in discussions.
(2) Expensive method: Group discussion is an expensive process. Sending notice to the members, fixing a place for the meeting and distribution of study material etc. all make this process extensive.
(3) Domination by few members: Generally, few members dominate group decision making due to their high status, better competence or outspoken nature. It affects the quality of decision.
(4) No use in emergency situation: Group discussion is of no use in an emergency situation as the organization has to take quick decisions in such situations.
(5) Problem of responsibility: No individual can be held responsible because a group decision is no one’s decision. Therefore, group may tend to come out with irresponsible decisions.
(6) Difficulties in decision making: If due importance is not given to a member’s opinion or if his view is not accepted, he may feel insulted and block other people’s decision.
Q.18. explain the concept of Seminar. What are its features? How will you arrange a successful Seminar?
what is Seminar? How a seminar can be arranged?
Seminar is an important tool of oral communication. It is one form of group communication in- which different persons make a presentation or speech on a particular topic. This speech is then followed by questions and expert comments from the audience. Thus, it is a kind of meeting at ear-views and talk which people pool their know led e, exchange toga the Ho- analyze information which is relevant to the topic set before them. Seminar provides opportunity to listen experts I titular field of knowledge.
A seminar may be less formal but its formality cannot be denied. It is a formal as it needs to be planned and organized. During seminar one person acts as a chairman of the session and conducts the seminar by introducing the topic and the speaker. At the end of the session, he invites the audience to ask questions and ensures that the discussion follows in the light of the-theme.
The various features of seminar are as follows:
(1) In a seminar discussions are held only in small groups.
(2) Topic of discussion is generally of high academic taste.
(3) It is a gathering of experts in specific fields.
(4) It is an oral form of business communication.
(5) Various experts resent their views and ideas to draw some
and be divided into a topic of every session is pre decided and a discussion is held on that topic in that session. Each session is presides by a person who has complete knowledge of the
topic known as chairperson. He invites the participant to present tugs_papers, Participant present his views on the topic and tells everything that he has to tell. He can project the main points of his
paper onto a screen by using an overhead projector. After each paper chairperson invites questions and comments and in this way a discussion is initiated on the topic. While presenting the paper, reader
should read the main points in an order and concentrate on consistency.
At the end, the chairman summaries the main points of the discussion and the conclusions reaches, if any. He has also to evaluate and indicate the success of the group in achieving its objective; and,
finally, he should thank the members for their contribution and help in examining the problem. The chairman’s concluding Remarks are meant to clarify the final ideas and to create a sense of achievement in the group.
After the seminar, the chairman has to prepare a summary of the conclusions, etc., and send a copy to the participants and also to other persons concerned.
Q9. What is meant by presentation? Distinguish between individual and group presentation.
Presentations are speeches on a e to a us mess executives have to make number oust o oral presentations on different occasions. Presentation is not merely a speech rather it involves developing strategy that fits the audience and purpose, having good content and organized material. Presentation can be of two types:
(1) Individual Presentation, (2) Group Presentation.
(1) Individual Presentation: In individual presentation, there is on a pre-decided topic to the audience. In this, the speaker speaks without interruption and at the end, answers the questions of the audience. Individual presentation further can be of two types:
(i) When there is one speaker and one listener and
(ii) When there is one speaker and a small group of listeners.
(2) Group presentation: When more than one speakers present their views on a pre-decided topic to the’ audience, it is termed as group presentation.
In group presentation, one speaker speaks at one time and all others listen to him. When one has finished, another speaker speaks and present his views. At the end, chairperson briefs the discussion
and thanks all audience. Group presentation is mainly occurs in, meetings, seminars and conferences.
Planning of group presentation requires utmost care. Order of presentation must be determined carefully as it involves several speakers. Proper arrangement of stage, lighting, background etc. enhances the impact of presentation. Organizing the presentation in proper manner can make the message more understandable, keep the audience happy and boost the image of the speaker.
Main features of group-presentation can be summarized follows:
(1) Group presentation is based on the pre-decided topic.
(2) One person from the group acts as chairperson and conducts the presentation.
(3) Speakers present their views one by one in fixed time.
(4) At the end, chairperson gives a summary and conclusion of the discussion.
(5) After the presentation is finished, the conclusions are written by the secretary.
(6) The members of the group who are affected by the decision are making aware of the decisions.
(7) Usually group presentation is rehearsed to make it more effective.
The main objectives of presentation can be summarized as follows:
(1) To demonstrate about the products and services of the company.
(2) To create positive image about the organization.
(3) To provide knowledge about the product.
(4) To overcome audience’s negative image regarding the products of the company.
(5) To express his views on the pre-decided topic.
(6) To entertain colleagues or workers or customers.
(7) To suggest a solution to a problem or settlement Of a dispute.
(8) To decide future course of action
Q.20. Explain the role Of Group discussion and Seminars in the business communication.
Ans. First of all, explain the meaning of group-discussion and seminars and then advantages of group discussion.
Short Answer Questions
Q.1. Explain the objectives of Seminars.
Ans. Main objects of seminars can be summarized as follows:
(1) Developing analytical and critical capacities.
(2) To develop the efficiency of presenting their experiences.
(3) To develop understanding and co-operative feelings.
(4) To provide useful knowledge and experience of experts to the audience.
(5) Provide an opportunity to experts to discuss an issue and to draw conclusion.
Q.2. Explain the main objects of presentation.
Ans. See page 74.
Q.3. Distinguish between individual presentation and group presentation.
Ans. See page 73.
Q.4. how will you conduct a Seminar?
Ans. See page 72.
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