Bcom 3rd Year Information Technology Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Bcom 3rd Year Information Technology Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Bcom 3rd Year Information Technology Previous Year Question Paper 2017 :-  All Bcom 3rd Year Student we are is presents today Bcom 3rd year Question Paper , Unsold Paper , Previous Paper, Most important Question and Practice Sets . This Question Paper is of the chaudhary charan singh university Meerut (Ccsu) but all University’s student follow us and do the practice this question paper is Information Technology subjects.

Bcom 3rd Year Information Technology Previous Year Question Paper 2017
Bcom 3rd Year Information Technology Previous Year Question Paper 2017


    B.com. III Examination , 2017
    Commerce – IV Information Technology
            Time : 2 Hour]                                   (C- 304)                                     [M.M : 100

  1. ……  elements in ISA evaluate the reliability of a particular system :
    1. Exposres
    2. Causes
    3. Controls
    4. All (a), (b) and (c)
  2. DQDB is used  in :
    1. LAN
    2. MAN
    3. WAN
    4. PAN
  3. If A = (1011)2 , B= (1001)2 , then calculate C= A x B = ?
    1. (110011)2
    2. (100011)2
    3. (100001)2
    4. (111100)2
  4. Calculate :  (110110111)2 = (?)8
    1. (567)8
    2. (677)8
    3. (667)8
    4. (766)8
  5. Convert : (110111111001)2 = (?)16
    1. (9DF)16
    2. (9FD)16
    3. (FD9)16
    4. (DF9)16
  6. Which is an incorrect option ?
    1. 1 byte = 8 bites
    2. 1 kb = 1024 bytes
    3. 1mb = (1000) kilo bytes
    4. 1 nibble = 4 bites
  7. …… Ensure that EDI transactions are sent securely are reliably.
    1. VAN
    2. FTPS
    3. VPN
    4. FEDI
  8. Free E-mail services hot mail started in india by:
    1. Saber bhatiya
    2. Rajeev Gandhi
    3. WIRO
    4. Infosys
  9. The ……… performs simple mathematics for the CPU.
    1. BUS
    2. DIMM
    3. CPU
    4. ALU
  10. Any component of the computer you can see and touch :
    1. Software
    2. Peripheral
    3. Strorage
    4. Hardware
  11. The full form of ftp:
    1. File transfer process
    2. File transfer protocol
    3. File transfer program
    4. File transfer pole
  12. In hexadecimal number system the value of B is :
    1. 02
    2. 01
    3. 11
    4. 09
  13. Thich of these is known as point and draw device.
    1. Mouse
    2. Scanner
    3. Printer
    4. CD-ROM
  14. The binary equivalent of (15)10  is :
    1. 1110
    2. 1101
    3. 1111
    4. 1011
  15. The ‘md’ is the command of
    1. Unix
    2. DOS
    3. Windows-95
    4. FTP
  16. 1 MB is equal to :
    1. 1024 KB
    2. 1024 x 1024 bytes
    3. 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes
    4. (a) and (b) both
  17. Programs stored in ROM are called :
    1. Hardware
    2. Firmware
    3. Software
    4. None of the above
  18. The OSI/RM contains :
    1. 5 layers
    2. 6 layers
    3. 7 layers
    4. 8 layers
  19. A program for viewing web pages Is called :
    1. Word processor
    2. Spreadsheet
    3. Protocol
    4. A browser
  20. Among, which is not a web browse :
    1. Internet explorer
    2. Mozilla
    3. Net scape navigator
    4. Foxpro
  21. Scatter chart is also known as :
    1. XX chart
    2. XY chart
    3. YX chart
    4. YY chart
  22. A device needed to communicate with computers using telephones lines is a :
    1. Disk
    2. CUP
    3. VDU
    4. Modem
  23. In ….. Topology if a computer network cable is broken whole network goes down :
    1. Bus
    2. Star
    3. Ring
    4. Mesh
  24. In communication the meaning of www. Is :
    1. With wide web
    2. Wide world web
    3. Web wide world
    4. World wide web
  25. Ethernet uses :
    1. Bus topology
    2. Ring topology
    3. Mesh topology
    4. All of the above
  26. In GUI, G stands for :
    1. Giga
    2. Grand
    3. Global
    4. Graphical
  27. The full form of FAT is :
    1. Fixed allocation table
    2. Free allocation table
    3. File allocation table
    4. File allow table
  28. Hexadecimal equivalent of (121)10  is :
    1. 81
    2. 79
    3. 97
    4. 72
  29. The POS stands for :
    1. Place of sale
    2. Point of scale
    3. Priority of sale
    4. None of these
  30. New technology includes :
    1. Smart phones
    2. E-Mails
    3. Tablets
    4. All of these
  31. Which of these is a limitation of WAP ?
    1. High speed
    2. High cost
    3. Large amount of data transfer
    4. None of the above
  32. A term related to sending data to a satellite is ……….
    1. Uplink
    2. Downlink
    3. Demodulate
    4. Modulate
  33. Computers are essentially….. Tools :
    1. Living
    2. Thinking
    3. Problem solving
    4. Reasoning
  34. CAM stands for :
    1. Computer advanced mobile
    2. Computer aided manufacturing
    3. Computer aided mobile
    4. All of the above
  35. ……. Means clarification or explanation of something:
    1. Management
    2. Information
    3. Deployment
    4. None of the above
  36. Original name of internet was :
    1. Apple
    2. Micro light
    3. ARPANET
    4. None of these
  37. …..  Is a volantile memory :
    1. Cache
    2. RAM
    3. ROM
    4. Auxillary memory
  38. Banks uses on cheques/drafts :
    1. Bar code
    2. MICR
    3. OMR
    4. UPC
  39. FDDI uses………. As transmission media :
    1. Optical fibre
    2. Coaxial cable
    3. Open wires
    4. Twisted pair cables
  40. (111100011001)2  =(?)16
    1. (F91)16
    2. (F19)16
    3. (A19)16
    4. (A91)16
  41. The ASCII value of character ‘f’ is :
    1. 102
    2. 50
    3. 70
    4. 072
  42. …….. Allows you to connect and login to a remote computer :
    1. Talnet
    2. FTP
    3. HTTP
    4. None of these
  43. HTTP is a …….. Protocol :
    1. Application layer
    2. Transport layer
    3. Network layer
    4. None of these
  44. Which of the following is a data link protocol :
    1. Eithernet
    2. Point to point protocol
    3. HDLC
    4. All of these
  45. All of the following are top level domains except :
    1. .com
    2. .mil
    3. .army
    4. .org
  46. The full form of UDP is :
    1. User database protocol
    2. User disk protocol
    3. User domain protocol
    4. User datagram protocol
  47. Computer literacy day is :
    1. 30 december
    2. 10 november
    3. 16 november
    4. 02 december
  48. Calculate (1101)2 + (1000)2 = ?
    1. (101010)2
    2. (2111)2
    3. (10001)2
    4. (11110)2
  49. Which of following language is used for A.I. :
    1. FORTRAM
    2. PROLOG
    3. COBAL
    4. C
  50. The central device in star topology is :
    1. STP server
    2. Hub/switch
    3. PDC
    4. Router
  51. ……  is a graphical representation of an algorithm.
    1. Process
    2. Program
    3. Package
    4. Flow chart
  52. In the architecture of database system external view is :
    1. Physical level
    2. Logical level
    3. Conceptual level
    4. View level
  53. ‘V’ symbol belongs to the logical operator :
    1. NOT
    2. OR
    3. AND
    4. XOR
  54. Ampersand (&) is a/am ……
    1. Arithmetic operator
    2. Comparision operator
    3. Text operator
    4. Reference operator
  55. What is the commonly used paper size :
    1. A4
    2. A3
    3. A5
    4. A6
  56. DFD stands for :
    1. Data flow document
    2. Date file diagram
    3. Data flow diagram
    4. None of the above
  57. DML language is used for :
    1. Define schema
    2. Define internal level
    3. Access data
    4. all of the above
  58. USB devices are :
    1. Portable
    2. Light weight
    3. Re-writable
    4. All of above
  59. Spooling is done for :
    1. Maximum memory Utilisation
    2. Minimum Memory Utilisation
    3. Minimum CPU Utilisation
    4. Maximum CPU Utilisation
  60. The two variables K-map contains :
    1. 2 minterms
    2. 4 minterms
    3. 6 minterms
    4. 8 minterms
  61. DPI stands for :
    1. Decimal per inch
    2. Dots per inch
    3. Delay per inch
    4. None of these
  62. Hard disk is also known as :
    1. Winchester disk
    2. Wind disk
    3. Air disk
    4. None of these
  63. A function inside another function is called a ……. Function
    1. Nested
    2. Round
    3. Inside
    4. Infunction
  64. MS Office does not contain :
    1. Word
    2. Excel
    3. Power point
    4. Adobe reader
  65. EDI has the advantages of :
    1. No time delays
    2. No uncertainty
    3. No errors
    4. All of these
  66. Which of the following is not an EDI standard ?
    1. TCP/IP
    2. X.12
    3. EDIFACT
    4. X.400
  67. The entire string of an EDI message is called :
    1. Transaction
    2. Data segment
    3. Data document
    4. Data transaction
  68. The physical layer is responsible for :
    1. Line coding
    2. Channel coding
    3. Modulation
    4. All of these
  69. The network layer concerms with :
    1. Bits
    2. Frames
    3. Packets
    4. None of these
  70. Which one of the following is not a function of network layer ?
    1. Routing
    2. inter networking
    3. Congesting control
    4. None of these
  71. A 4 byte IP address consist of :
    1. Network address
    2. Host address
    3. Both (a) and (b)
    4. None of these
  72. Which one of the following task is not done by data link layer ?
    1. Framing
    2. Error control
    3. Flow control
    4. Channel coding
  73. Header of a frame generally contains :
    1. Synchronization bytes
    2. Address
    3. Frame identifier
    4. All of the above
  74. A DNS client is called :
    1. DNS updater
    2. DNS resolver
    3. DNS handler
    4. None of these
  75. Which one of the following is not used to generic dynmic web page ?
    1. PHP
    2. ASP.NET
    3. JSP
    4. None of these
  76. Information system audit provide the audit service of :
    1. IT governance
    2. Information systems
    3. Integrated audits
    4. All of the above
  77. ……. Act upon causes in order to reduce exposures :
    1. Controls
    2. Inspection
    3. Intergrated audits
    4. None of these
  78. ……. Audit looks at the information follow :
    1. Internal
    2. IS
    3. Traditional
    4. None of these
  79. IT audit can be applied in the implementation of :
    1. Financial audits
    2. Performance audits
    3. Both of (a) and (B)
    4. None of these
  80. Is audit is performed in federal agencies in :
    1. Spain
    2. France
    3.  Germany
    4. England
  81. GIGO stands for :
    1. Garbage in garbage out
    2. Garbage internal garbage out
    3. Garbage in garbage outsourcing
    4. None of the above
  82. In which language the source program is written :
    1. English
    2. High level
    3. Symbolic
    4. Spanish
  83. PCI stands for :
    1. Payment card industry
    2. Payment cash industry
    3. Payment card internet
    4. Payment cash internet
  84. Controls in ISA can be :
    1. Preventive
    2. Detective
    3. Corrective
    4. All of these
  85. The …….. Is the physical path over which a message travels :
    1. P path
    2. Medium
    3. Protocol
    4. Route
  86. A set of rules that governs data communication :
    1. Protocols
    2. Standards
    3. Rfcs
    4. None of these
  87.  A computer on internet is identified by :
    1. E mail address
    2. Street address
    3. I.P. Address
    4. None of these
  88. Internet explorer fail under :
    1. Operating system
    2. Compiler
    3. Browser
    4. IP address
  89. Moving from one website to another is called :
    1. Downloading
    2. Browsing
    3. Uploading
    4. Attachments
  90. Calculate : (11111)2 – (1101)2 = ?
    1. (11101)2
    2. (10001)2
    3. (10010)2
    4. (10111)2
  91. If A = TRUE ,B = FALSE then calculate C = (A)’ and (B)
    1. True
    2. False
    3. True and false
    4. None of the above
  92. In power point presentation the key for side show is used :
    1. F4
    2. F2
    3. F8
    4. F5
  93. Which key is used to check speling :
    1. F3
    2. F7
    3. F5
    4. F9
  94. Measurement unit of sound frequency is :
    1. Megabyte
    2. Kilobyte
    3. Hertz
    4. Gigabyte
  95. Who developed UNIX operating system
    1. AT & T
    2. Intel
    3. Bell laboratory
    4. Coral
  96. Which one is false from the following :
    1. (ABC)16
    2. (2109)8
    3. (1101)10
    4. (1101)2
  97. Ftp server listens for connection on part number :
    1. 20
    2. 21
    3. 22
    4. 23
  98. Real time textual talk is popularly known as :
    1. Surfing
    2. Chatting
    3. Down loading
    4. (a) and (B)
  99. When you open internet, the first page is known as :
    1. Master page
    2. First page
    3. Main page
    4. Home page
  100. Which one of the following is not a search engine :
    1.  bing
    2. Google
    3. Yahoo
    4. Windo


T = 2 & 3

01. 4 02. 2 03. 1 04. 3 05. 4 06. 3 07. 1 08. 1 09. 4 10. 4
11. 2 12. 3 13. 1 14. 3 15. 2 16. 4 17. 2 18. 3 19. 4 20. 4
21. 2 22. 4 23. T 24. 4 25. 1 26. 4 27. 3 28. 2 29. 4 30. 4
31. 2 32. 1 33. 3 34 2 35. 2 36. 3 37. 2 38. 2 39. 1 40. 2
41. 3 42. 1 43. 1 44. 4 45. 3 46. 4 47. 4 48. 1 49. 2 50. 2
51. 4 52. 4 53. 4 54. 3 55. 1 56. 3 57. 3 58. 4 59. 4 60. 2
61. 2 62. 1 63. 1 64. 4 65. 4 66. 1 67. 2 68. 4 69. 3 70. 2
71. 3 72. 4 73. 4 74. 2 75. 4 76. 4 77. 1 78. 2 79. 3 80. 3
81. 1 82. 2 83. 1 84. 4 85. 2 86. 1 87. 3 88. 3 89. 2 90 3
91. 2 92 4 93. 2 94. 3 95. 3 96. 2 97 2 98 2 99 4 100 4

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