Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017

Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017 :- All Bcom 3rd Year Student we are is presents today Bcom 3rd year Question Paper , Unsold Paper , Previous Paper, Most important Question and Practice Sets . This Question Paper is of the chaudhary charan singh university Meerut (Ccsu) but all University’s student follow us and do the practice this question paper is auditing subjects.

Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017
Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017

    Bcom. III Examination , 2017
    Commerce – II Auditing
            Time : 2 Hour]                                   (C- 302)                                     [M.M : 100

  1. According to companies act. Creating of secret reserve is :
    1. Prohibited
    2. Voluntary
    3. Compulsory
    4. None of these
  2. Capital profits can be utilized for :
    1. To issue bonus shares
    2. To writing off preliminary expenses
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. None of these
  3. If auditors is not appointed by the company in its general meeting then :
    1. Audit will not take place in that year
    2. Retiring auditor automatically will continue his work
    3. Central government will appoint the auditor
    4. Board of directors will appoint the auditor.
  4. The double entry system was invented in :
    1. 1440
    2. 1449
    3. 1494
    4. 1521
  5. In which country, the first’ institute of chartered accountant was establish ?
    1. England
    2. America
    3. Britain
    4. India
  6. When the institute of chartered accountant of india established ?
    1. 1 july, 1948
    2. 1 july, 1949
    3. 1 july, 1950
    4. 1 july, 1951
  7. Who can be appointed as an auditor in a company ?
    1. Commerce graduate
    2. Lawyer
    3. Cost account
    4. Chartered accountant
  8. Auditing begins, where…..
    1. Accountancy ends
    2. Book-keeping ends
    3. Investigation ends
    4. None of these
  9. A machine purchased for rupee , 50,000 but debited to purchase account is the error of …….
    1. Clerical error
    2. Error of principal
    3. Compensatory error
    4. None of these
  10. For a publc company , auditing is :
    1. Luxury
    2. Symbols prestige
    3. Necessity
    4. All the above
  11. From the following which is the function of an auditor ?
    1. To examine the arithmetical accuracy of account.
    2. To detect and prevent the errors
    3. To detect and prevent the frauds
    4. All the above
  12. An old machine sold for rupee 10,000 but credited to sales account is a error of :
    1. Error of principle
    2. Error of commission
    3. Error of omission
    4. Compensatory error
  13. Auditing can be defined as:
    1. Preparation of books of accounts
    2. Examination of books of accounts
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. None of these
  14. Which of the following government in india followed the education of accountancy first ?
    1. Government of delhi
    2. Government of Kolkata
    3. Government of Mumbai
    4. Government of Chennai
  15. An auditor should have
    1. Tactfulness
    2. Honesty
    3. Morality
    4. All the above
  16. High moral character of an auditor is :
    1. Born qualities
    2. Acquired knowledge
    3. General qualities
    4. None of these
  17. Protection from evasion of tax is object of auditing……..
    1. Primary object
    2. Social object
    3. Subsidiary object
    4. None of these
  18. For a betelshop keeper, auditing is  :
    1. Necessity
    2. Luxury
    3. Economies
    4. None of these
  19. Domestic use of official sofa is :
    1. Embezzlement of goods
    2. Embezzlement of labour
    3. Embezzlement of property
    4. None of these
  20. An auditors is :
    1. 0as watch dog
    2. As lion
    3. As blood hound
    4. As street dog
  21. Generally auditing is not necessary for a small sole trading business because :
    1. Legally it is not necessary
    2. Its scope is limited
    3. Its proprietor has full control on it
    4. None of these
  22. Prevention of fraud is ……. Object of auditing :
    1. Main
    2. Secondary
    3. Social
    4. None of these
  23. Audit working papers are the property of :
    1. Owner of the busiess
    2. Directors
    3. Managers
    4. Auditor
  24. Personal audit is :
    1. Voluntary
    2. Compulsory
    3. A and b borth
    4. None of these
  25. Under the management audit is done :
    1. Only fixed assets
    2. Work of the top authorities
    3. Work of Auditor
    4. All the account books
  26. Interim audit is get done :
    1. At the beginning of the year
    2. At the end of the year
    3. At the middle of the year
    4. None of the these
  27. From the following, which audit continues for the whole year?
    1. Annual Audit
    2. Internal Audit
    3. Complete Audit
    4. Continuous Audit
  28. Which type of audit is more suitable where there is no satisfactory system of internal check?
    1. Periodical audit
    2. Interim audit
    3. Continuous audit
    4. Annual audit
  29. Audit at the time of admission of a new partner, is called by :
    1. Casual audit
    2. Partial audit
    3. Standard audit
    4. All the above
  30. The special audit of company is get done by whom :
    1. Shareholders
    2. Central government
    3. Stategovernment
    4. Board of directors
  31. Institute of chartered- accountants of india (ICAI) is a body of:
    1. Co-operative body
    2. Private bvody
    3. Autonomous body
    4. None of these
  32. Which of the following is based on the principle of division of work ?
    1. Internal audit
    2. External audit
    3. Internal checking
    4. Internal control
  33. A chartered accountant sent circular letter for soliciting work, can he be held liabhle :
    1. For professional misconduct
    2. For misconduct
    3. For criminal offence
    4. For negligence
  34. Under the test checking :
    1. All the books of accounts are examined
    2. Specific books of accounts are examined
    3. Both (a) and (b) above
    4. None of these
  35. Routine checking is done by :
    1. Auditiors
    2. Management
    3. Employees of the firm
    4. All the above
  36. Audit programme should be :
    1. Flexible
    2. Clear
    3. Wider
    4. All the above
  37. From the following which is based on the principle of division of labour ?
    1. Internal checking
    2. Internal audit
    3. Internal control
    4. None of these
  38. Which types of employees are appointed as internal auditor ?
    1. Who are related to books of account
    2. Who are not related to books of accounts
    3. Who are not related to books of accounts but versed in accounting and honest
    4. None of these
  39. An internal auditor is :
    1. Temporary employee
    2. Permanent employee
    3. Employee on contract
    4. Casual employee
  40. Under the vouching checking is done of :
    1. Original books of accounts
    2. Final books of accounts
    3. Balance sheet
    4. All the above
  41. Examination of vouchers comes under the scope of :
    1. Routing checing
    2. Test checking
    3. Internal checking
    4. Vouching
  42. From the following which is true?
    1. Entry can be made without the voucher
    2. Comparing the vouchers with entry is not essential
    3. There should be no entry withgout vouchers and no vouchers without entry
    4. None of these
  43. Every voucher should be signed by
    1. Clerk
    2. Accountant
    3. Manager
    4. Responsible person
  44. Which of the following is not floating esset :
    1. Goodwill
    2. Prepaid expenses
    3. Stock
    4. Debtors
  45. From the following which is wasting assets ?
    1. Cash
    2. Furniture
    3. Coal mines
    4. Goodwill
  46. Quoted price is related with :
    1. Stock
    2. Share
    3. Goodwill
    4. Plant and machinery
  47. Stock is valued at :
    1. Cost price
    2. Market price
    3. Cost or market price whichever is less
    4. Market or cost price whichever is more
  48. Highest in price first out method of valuation is used, when :
    1. The price of material is increasing
    2. The price of material is decreasing
    3. The price of material is constant
    4. None of these
  49. Intrinsic value method of valuation is concerned with :
    1. Plant and machinery
    2. Stock
    3. Goodwill
  50. An expenditure is capital expenditure because :
    1. The amount is paid in lumps sum
    2. The amount is large
    3. It is related to the benefit of future
    4. It is related to the benefit of current year
  51. A receipt is a capital receipt because :
    1. It is cre dited to capital A/c
    2. It os reated to fixed assets
    3. Amount is large
    4. It is received in current year
  52. A loss is capital loss because :
    1. It arises due to abnormal reasons
    2. It means withdrawal of capital
    3. It is related to accounting year
    4. It is related to fixed assets
  53. Depreciation is a revenue loss, because
    1. It related to current accounting year
    2. It is shown in debit side of P & L A/c
    3. It is related to fixed assets
    4. None of these
  54. Capital contributed by the proprietor, is :
    1. Capital profit
    2. Capital receipt
    3. Revenue receipt
    4. None of these
  55. Amount received against tra  de debt previously written of as bad debt, is :
    1. Capital profit
    2. Capital receipt
    3. Revenue receitpt
    4. None of these
  56. “auditor is not a value” was stated in :
    1. Union bank Ltd. Allahabad case
    2. London oil storage Co. Case
    3. Mackson and Robins case
    4. Kingston Cotton Mills case
  57. During a company audit, the management argues with the auditor that machinery has been very well maintained and is as good as new. Hence there is no need for charging depreciation on it. Whether the auditor should :
    1. Ignore it
    2. Accept it
    3. Reject it
    4. None of these
  58. Provision for depreciation is :
    1. Voluntary
    2. Compulsory
    3. Conventional
    4. None of these
  59. Sinking fund is made for :
    1. Specific object
    2. General object
    3. Both specific and general object
    4. None of these
  60. Obsolescence of assets, is :
    1. Internal cause of depreciation
    2. External cause of depreciation
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. None of these
  61. If the cost of a machine is rupee 25500, scrap value is rupee 2300 and expected life is 5 years, then amount of annual depreciation will be :
    1. Rupee 5560
    2. Rupee 5100
    3. Rupee 4640
    4. Rupee 3260
  62. Appointment of company auditor is made by :
    1. Central government
    2. Shareholders
    3. Board of directors
    4. None of these
  63. Special audit of any company is conducted by :
    1. central government
    2. shareholders
    3. board of directors
    4. none of these
  64. Can an auditor be helpful in checking the black money ?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Doubtful
    4. None of these
  65. The remuneration of compay’s auditor is determined by :
    1. Shareholders
    2. Board of directors
    3. Central government
    4. Appointing authority
  66. Expenditure on research is :
    1. Capital expenditure
    2. Revenue expenditure
    3. Deferred revenue expenditure
    4. None of these
  67. Civil liability of a company auditor is for :
    1. Willingly making a false statement
    2. Negligence
    3. Mis-statement in prospectus
    4. All the above
  68. The liability for assistant negligence is :
    1. Assistants liability
    2. Auditors’s liability
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. Employer’s liability
  69. From the following, which is the fictitious assets :
    1. Goodwill
    2. Copyright
    3. Preliminary expenses
    4. All the above
  70. Which of the following statement is correct :
    1. Verification and valuation are the same thing
    2. Verification is a part of valuation
    3. Valuation is not a part of verification
    4. Valuation is the base of verification
  71. As per companies act 2013. Table ‘f’ is the substitute of ……….
    1. Memorandum of association
    2. Article of association
    3. Prospectus
    4. Minute book
  72. Before commencing the audit work, a company auditor should :
    1. Examine the appointment
    2. Study the nature of the business
    3. Examine the statutory records
    4. All the above
  73. For what the masimum period, an auditor can be appointed ?
    1. 5 years
    2. 4 years
    3. 3 years
    4. 2 years
  74. A company auditor at a time can not be the auditor of more than how many companies :
    1. 10
    2. 15
    3. 20
    4. 25
  75. The minimum subscription with application at least how many percentage of face value of shares :
    1. 5%
    2. 10%
    3. 15%
    4. 25%
  76. Dividend means :
    1. Volume of profit
    2. Ratio of profit to capital
    3. Portion of profit which is distributed to shareholders
    4. Part of profit which is paid
  77. Dividend can not be distributed out of :
    1. Capital receipts
    2. Capital profit
    3. Revenue profit
    4. None of the above
  78. Dividend should be paid within how many days of its……. Declaration :
    1. 42 days
    2. 35 days
    3. 30 days
    4. 25 days
  79. Auditing practicing committee (APC) was established by :
    1. State government
    2. Central government
    3. Chartered accountants
    4. ICAI
  80. Audit of co- operative institutions is :
    1. Voluntary
    2. Compulsory
    3. Necessity
    4. None of these
  81. Investigation is initiated by :
    1. Owner of the concern
    2. Out side partie
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. None of these
  82. Generally the manipulation of accounts is done by :
    1. Top management
    2. Shareholders
    3. Accountant
    4. Clearks
  83. Verification of assets means :
    1. Valuation of assets
    2. Checking of ownership of assets
    3. Checking of the title, existence and possession of assets
    4. All the above
  84. In verifying the liabilities, an auditor see that :
    1. All liabilities are shown clearly in the balance sheet
    2. All liabilities are related with business
    3. All liabilities are correct and authorized
    4. All the above
  85. Which of the following is an intangible assets :
    1. Patents
    2. Preliminary expenses
    3. Investment
    4. None of these
  86. A reserve which is not apparent on theface of the balance sheet is :
    1. Secret reserve
    2. Capital reserve
    3. Revenue reserve
    4. Provision
  87. Interim dividend is declared by :
    1. Board of directors
    2. Auditors
    3. Company secretary
    4. Shareholders
  88. An company auditors is presented audit report to :
    1. Board of director
    2. Company registrar
    3. Central government
    4. Shareholders
  89. Which types of report is given by an auditor, when accounts of the company give a tru and fair view of the company :
    1. Unqualified report
    2. Qualified report
    3. Interim report
    4. Final report
  90. Bonus shares ara isse on
    1. Without consideration
    2. Special discount
    3. On premium
    4. At par
  91. It is a general rule that no company can pay :
    1. Dividend on equity shares
    2. Dividend on preference shares
    3. Above (a) and (b) both
    4. Interest on capital
  92. Which of the following statement is true :
    1. Auditing is the backbone of vouching
    2. Vouching is the backbone of accounting
    3. Vouching is the backbone auditing
    4. Vouching is the backbone of accounting
  93. Audit working papers are the property of :
    1. Owner of the business
    2. Manager
    3. Audit
    4. Accountant
  94. While conducting the audit of an educational institution the auditors should go through the :
    1. Rules and bye laws of such institution
    2. Memoranlum of association
    3. Articles of association
    4. All the above
  95. For aided educational institutions, audit is :
    1. Voluntary
    2. compulsory
    3. Statutory
    4. Necessary
  96. An auditor may be penalized by an imprisonment for falsification in accounts for a maximum period of :
    1. 10 years
    2. 7 years
    3. 5 years
    4. 3 years
  97. The books of account of a company should be preserved for a period not less than :
    1. 3 years
    2. 5 years
    3. 7 years
    4. 8 years
  98. The number of standards issued by institute of chartered accountant of india is :
    1. 35
    2. 40
    3. 20
    4. 25
  99. The maximum number of member in private company can be :
    1. 50
    2. 100
    3. 200
    4. 250
  100. Dividend equalistation reserve’ is the example of which reserve :
    1. Revenue reserve
    2. Capital reserve
    3. Secret reserve
    4. Special reserve


01. 1 02. 3 03. 3 04. 3 05. 1 06. 2 07. 4 08. 1 09. 2 10. 3
11. 4 12. 1 13. 2 14. 3 15. 4 16. 1 17. 2 18. 2 19. 3 20. 1
21. 3 22. 2 23. 4 24. 1 25. 2 26. 3 27. 4 28. 3 29. 1 30. 2
31. 3 32. 3 33. 1 34 2 35. 3 36. 4 37. 1 38. 3 39. 2 40. 1
41. 4 42. 3 43. 4 44. 1 45. 3 46. 2 47. 3 48. 4 49. 4 50. 3
51. 2 52. 4 53. 1 54. 2 55. 3 56. 4 57. 3 58. 2 59. 1 60. 2
61. 3 62. 4 63. 1 64. 1 65. 4 66. 3 67. 2 68. 2 69. 3 70. 4
71. 2 72. 4 73. 1 74. 3 75. 1 76. 3 77. 1 78. 3 79. 4 80. 2
81. 3 82. 1 83. 4 84. 4 85. 1 86. 1 87. 1 88. 4 89. 1 90 1
91. 4 92 3 93. 3 94. 1 95. 2 96. 2 97 4 98 1 99 3 100 1


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2 thoughts on “Bcom 3rd Year Auditing Previous Year Question Paper 2017”

  1. I want to know that in the final year of b.com answer sheet or OMR sheet will be provide in all subject???

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