B com 1st Year Business Communication An Introduction

B com 1st Year Business Communication An Introduction

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B com 1st Year Business Communication An Introduction;-

Business Communication An Introduction


Q.1 What do you meant by Business Communication ? Explain its features and objectives in detail.

What is business communication ? Explain its characteristics and importance for management.
The word communication has been derived from the Latin Word ‘communist’ which means ‘to share’. Hence, communication can be defined as exchange of facts, or emotions of two or more persons. It is process through which two or more persons exchange ideas to create better understanding and harmonious relations. Communication is completed when the receiver under stands the message in the same sense and spirit that the communicator intends to convey.
In the words of W.H. Newman and C.F. Summer,
“Communication is an exchange off acts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons. ”  
According to the The of laimann, “Communication means the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. “
According to Peter Little, “Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and / or an organisation so that the understanding response results. “

From the above definitions, it can be concluded that communication takes place when a person explains his opinions to others and understand their ideas: Communication can be oral or in written form and send signals accordingly.


The term Business Communication is made of two words Business + Communication. The term Business means all those human activities which are performed for making profits. It consists the production of goods and services coupled with the distribution of these goods and services through a socially organised system of exchange.
Thus, it can be said that the business communication is that part of communication which is related to the business activities and helps to make the business dynamic.
According to C. G. Brown,
“Business communication is a process of messages among persons which are associated with business. It consists of channels of distribution. ”
According to Scott,
“Administrative communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication offside ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish
organisational goals. ”            

Every Organisation, is held together by communication. It has to perform its functions through the process of communication. It is a means by which different persons are linked together in a group or
organisation to attain a common goal. No group activity is possible without communication. It enables the members to co-ordinate, to exchange and to progress. Hence, It becomes clear that the business
communication is that form of communication where the exchange of ideas, information or facts between two or more persons takes place in a business environment.


(I) Existence of Two Parties : Communication involves at least two parties, a sender and a receiver. The sender or communicator aims to speak, write or issue some instruction and the receiver, on the other hand, receives or listen the message. One person also cannot communicate.
(2) Two Way Process : Communication is essentially a two way process. Communication is not completed unless the receiver understands the message properly and sends back his response to
the sender. G. R. Terry has rightly said that simply talking or writing without regard to the recipient’s response is conductive to misunderstanding. For example if Mr. Y delivers a lecture in Hindi to a gathering of Englishmen or Americans (Who do not understand In, it will fall flat on them and there is no communication in it.
(3) Continuous Process : Communication is a continuous process. The owner of an enterprise has to remain in contact with Business Communication customers and employees continuously. When communication is absent human activities ceases to exist.
(4) Existence of Message : Communication involves. some message to be sent by the sender to some specific person or persons called as receiver. The message may be a thought, information,
speech, advice, order, suggestion, persuasion, warning. etc.

(5) Communication may be Verbal or Non-Verbal : Communication may be written, oral or in gestural mean depending upon the needs of the message. Communication consists not only of facts but ideas and emotions too. The tone and facial expressions often carry a greater meaning than words. We can communicate a lot through signs, symbols and gestures.
(6) Communication always Exists : Communication is an unavoidable phenomenon, communication always exists even when a person is not talking, his facial expressions, positive gestures and
other behavioral ways, even silence also convey a lot about the person’s attitude.
(7) Universal Process : Communication is a universal process. It is essential in all types of organisations and at all levels of , management.
(8) Mode of creating human relationship : Communication pervade} all human relationship. It create mutual understanding by giving information and influencing others. Business enterprise
can create and develop relationship with the help of communication.
(9) Communication is an inter-disciplinary science : Knowledge derived from several sciences is used in communication. Anthropology (study of body language), sociology and political science (study of voting behavior), psychology (study of persuasion and attitudes) have provided insights to make communication effective.
(10) Goal Oriented process : Communication is a goal oriented process. It can be effective only when the sender and receiver both are aware of the goal of communication.


The main objectives Of communication can be studied as follows :
(1) To Give Right Information’s : The main purpose of communication is\to transmit the right message to the right person in such a manger that will produce a response as desired by the sender.For this purpose, sender should use the appropriate mode of transmitting messages.
(2) remote Co-operation and understanding : Through effective communication, the management can convey its expectations to work -rs and workers can put their suggestions and grievances before the management. Thus, the two way communication promotes co-operation and understanding among management and worker
(3) Co-ordination among business activities : Communication helps in creating co-ordination among different groups of people operating the business. Individuals and groups come to know, what others are expecting from them with the help of communication. Thus, communication creates mutual trust among different groups in a business firm.
(4) Development of managerial skills : Business communication provide various important facts and information regarding the business to the maniac current so that they are in a better position to take appropriate and Heine business decisions which ensure the progress of enterprise.
(5) To avoid distortions : The object of communication is not only to pass and exchange policies, rules, and orders but also to avoid distortions in communication. It proves helpful to discourage
spread of miss-information, burnouts, gossip and emotional tensions of the workers.
(6) To Influence the Employees : Communication aims at transmitting information to change the behavior of the recipient. It is aimed at influencing, persuading, motivating and activating
towards the desired organisational goals.
(7) To maintain relations with external parties : Communication helps to maintain relations with external parties such as customers, trade unions, creditors, supplies etc. In the present era of globalization and advanced information technology, communication is imperative and indispensable.
(8) Quick decision and implementation : Communication .aims at providing t,h0 reliable and correct information to the management so that they could take quick decisions. Further, effect live communication also proves helpful in the proper implementation of plans and policies.
Q.2. What is business Communication ? Explain its importance in a business firm.
Discuss the importance of business communication.
Competition, complex methods of production, large scale operations and specialization in production functions have increased the importance of communication in a business firm. Managers cannot plan, organised, direct and control without communication. A manager typically spends 3/4 of his working day on communication and his success dependability communication
skills. Without effective communication organization cannot perform well, management cannot discharge its functions smoothly and the whole business is reduced to a stand still.
In the words of Keith Davis,
“The importance of communication for business is as much as the flow of life blood for the life of human beings. ”            
The importance can be understood in the following heads :
(1) Smooth working of a business firm : Communication is necessary for the successful, smooth and unrestricted working cf an enterprise. It is through communication that healthy and conductive environment is created, organisational goals and policies are conveyed to the employees and various resources necessary for their accomplishment are co-ordinates. If the messages are not flowing
freely across the organisation, Smooth and unrestricted working of the organisation are not possible.
(2) Helpful in Co-ordination: he modern complex organization are large in size having a large number of people wrong in the organisation to achieve the common goals. To achieve the desired
objective, it is necessary co-ordinate the efforts of labour engaged in the various activities. Communication is the most effective means for unifying and integrating the efforts of individuals towards the common goals. According to William H Newman: “Good communication aids in co-coordinating activities.”
(3) Basis of managerial functions : Communication plays an important role in discharging the various functions of mismanagement. With the process of communication management issue the orders,
convey the decisions to the concerned people, the instructions are given by the supervisor to the operator and a number of activities such as planning, directing, co-coordinating, controlling etc. are also
carried out by maintaining communication.
(4) Contacts with external parties : Communication is essential not only fraternal management of the organisation but also helps in maintaining good relations with the outside world. A business concern can keep itself in close contact with its customers, investors, dealers, suppliers and other sections of society through various forms of communication. It increases the goodwill of the firm and helps in creating a favorable public attitude towards the organisation.

(5) Job satisfaction : Communication plays an important role in inspiring people Co work ha:d and in fostering positive attitude. Managers can increase the self-confidence and job satisfaction of
employees by keeping in close touch with them. Openness, frank expression of opinions are necessary in the direction.
(6) Helpful in building human relations : Communication is a two way process which promotes cooperation and mutual understanding among the people of an organisation. Through effective
communication, the management can convey its expectations to workers and workers can put their suggestions and problems before the management. Thus, an efficient communication system builds
human relations.
(7) Help in motivation and leadership : Management can  motivate and lead employees through communication only. The employees have to be told what they have to do and how they have to do. It is through communication that a formal leader, that is the manager, guides and supervises his employees.
(8) rompt decision and its implementation : In order to mak prompt decision, fact collecting process is necessary. Information must be received before any meaningful decision and, for this
purpose communication is a primary requirement. Again, to implement the decision effectively, its communication to concerned subordinates is essential. Thus, decision making and its implementation
require an effective system of communication.
(9) Effective Control : Communication helps in controlling the cativities of the workers. The facts, standards and information are communicated to the concerned parties and they perform their
respective obligations according to the standards set forth in the plan. The management judge the performance of his subordinates and take remedial actions on the basis of feedback information from
(10) Frraining and Development : Communication is essential or the training and development of both workers and executives. Communication provides knowledge and the degree of learning depends to a great extent on the communication skills of the trainer. Communication facilitates delegation of authority
which is essential for developing executive skills.
Thus, we can say that communication is a vital element for the every existence of the organisation. The importance of communication may be concluded with the remark of Chester I Bernard, “The first executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication.”

Q.3. Define communication. Explain its nature and essential elements.
Define communication. What are its characteristics and essential elements ?
See Q. No. 1 for the meaning and characteristics of communication.


Communication process is concerned with sharing and understanding of information. It consists of a whole series of related actions and reactions which together results in the sharing of
meaning. The main elements of communication can be explained as follows :
(1) Sender : The communication process starts with the sender, the person or group who wants to transmit the message to another person or group. The sender must have a clear picture in his
mind of what he wants to communicate. The sender must identify, analyse and arrange the ideas before transmitting them to the receiver.
(2) Message : A message means what is being communicated. It is the subject matter of communication. It may involve any fact, idea, opinion, figure, attitude or course of action including information. It exists in the mind of the communicator.
(3) Encoding : The process of conversion of subject matter into symbols, signs, words, actions? pictures etc. is called encoding. The sender put his ideas or facts into words, Symbols or pictures which
the other person can understand. For the proper understanding, it is necessary to use a formal language or set of codes. Words and symbols should be selected carefully keeping in mind the purpose of
communication and the need of the receiver.
(4) Communication Channel : Communication Channel means the medium through which the message passes. The sender has to choose the channel through which the message is to travel from the sender to the receiver. A message can be conveyed by telephone, computer, letter, memo, report, face to face exchange or other medium.
(5) Receiver : The person or group to whom the message is directed is known as receiver. Communication process is not com. pelted without the existence of a receiver of the message. Receiver receives the message and tries to interpret, perceive, understand and act upon it.
(6) Decoding : Decoding is a process under which receiver translates the words and symbols used in the message into idea and interprets it to obtain its meaning. If the receiver is families with the
codes used and his perception is good, he will derive the same meaning as meant by the sender. The message should be accurately reproduced in the receiver’s mind.
(7) Feed back : After receiving the message, the receiver sends back his response to the sender. This is called as feedback. Feedback is the key element in communication as it is the only way of judging
the effectiveness of the message. It enables the sender to know whether his message has been properly understood or not.


The concept of communication is universal and as old as human being. That is why different views have been expressed about the nature of communication. The nature of communication can be studied easily with the help of following facts :
(1) Communication-both an art and science : Communication contains both the elements those of a science and those of an art. Communication is a science because it provides a set of principles
which can guide the management to find a solution to the specific problems. It is also an art as It develops new situations, new designs and new systems needed for further improvement. “1 hus, it can be concluded that communication is both an art and science.
(2) Communication is a social process : Communication is a social process as it enables everyone in the society to satiety his basic needs and desires through exchange of written, spoken or nonverbal message. It is through communication that two or more persons interact and influence each other and consequently bridge the gap in their understanding.
(3) Communication is a human process : Communication is a human process as it involves two or more persons. This human and organisational process is the mean Of recording knowledge and pissing it on to the succeeding generations. It is the mean of individual and group progress.
(4) Communication is a universal process : The principles and techniques of communication are universal in application but not necessarily and exclusively applied to only business. These are applied to social, religious, charitable, formal, non formal, non profit organisation also. The fundamental principles of communication are applied to all human activities from the simplest small group to
great corporations and the public.
(5) Communication is a wide process : Communication is not merely recognized as a process of giving information but it also includes to obtain the response of the other party and make corrections and changes in his attitude accordingly. The management can convey its expectations to workers and workers can put their suggestions and grievances before the management. Communication is the chain of understanding that integrates an organisation from top to bottom, from bottom to top and from side to side.

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