Bcom Qualifying Course Sports and Physical Education Question Paper 2018

Bcom Qualifying Course Sports and Physical Education Question Paper 2018

Bcom Qualifying Course Sports and Physical Education Question Paper 2018 :-  hello everyone today we are presented to the Bcom part one qualifying course exam paper its question paper is the physical education of ccsu meerut 2018. its is very helpful to suggested how to crack your exam.

Bcom Qualifying Course Sports and Physical Education Question Paper 2018
Bcom Qualifying Course Sports and Physical Education Question Paper 2018



  1. Are found in balanced diet-
    1. Fat
    2. Protein
    3. Carbohydrate
    4. All of the above
  2. Free throw is related to
    1. Wrestling
    2. soccer
    3. Volleyball
    4. basketball
  3. what is the full name of I.O.A.?
    1. Indian olympic Association
    2. Indian opening association
    3. Indian Orthopedic Association
    4. International Olympic Association
  4. Dronachariy Award is given to whom :
    1. Player
    2. coach
    3. Physical Teacher
    4. Sports Scientists
  5. Maka Trophy Relates to –
    1. Inter-region Games
    2. Inter-state Games
    3. Inter- University Games
    4. International Games
  6. Which of these is not aims of Physical Education?
    1. physical development
    2. mental development
    3. social development
    4. Economic development
  7. Who gives arjuna awards ?
    1. president
    2. sports minister
    3. defense minister
    4. prime minister
  8. which is the national game of india?
    1. hockey
    2. basket ball
    3. volley ball
    4. badminton
  9. In india where the first asian games is organized-
    1. kolkata
    2. delhi
    3. Chennai
    4. mumbai
  10. pulses are a good source of-
    1. carbohydarates
    2. fats
    3. proteins
    4. vitamins
  11. how many circles are there in olympic flag-
    1. three
    2. two
    3. four
    4. five
  12. the immediate treatment of injury is _
    1. hydro therapy
    2. cryo therapy
    3. thermal therapy
    4. electro therapy
  13. who is the founder of assian games
    1. pt. jawahar lal nehru
    2. Maulana abdul kalam azad
    3. P.M. joseph
    4. Prof. G.D. sondhi
  14. ‘copa’ cup is associated with
    1. hocky
    2. cricket
    3. football
    4. basket ball
  15. ]I.P.L. is related with which game.
    1. football
    2. cricket
    3. hockey
    4. basket ball
  16. Modern olympic game started in
    1. 1886
    2. 1896
    3. 1906
    4. 1916
  17. Dimension of physical education
    1. physical dimension
    2. mental dimention
    3. social dimension
    4. all of the above
  18. the normal blood pressure of the healthy person is :
    1. 120-140 mm hg
    2. 80-120 mm hg
    3. 60-100 mm hg
    4. 100-120 mm hg
  19. Physical education is the teaching process, which is the basis-
    1. physical activities
    2. social activities
    3. mental activities
    4. all of the above
  20. A balanced diet is required-
    1. for good habits
    2. for mental efficiency
    3. for proper growth and devalopment
    4. for physical efficiency
  21. P.v sindhu is related to which geme
    1. tenis
    2. badminton
    3. table tenis
    4. boxing
  22. quality of physical education teacher has
    1. decent
    2. good executor
    3. young
    4. smart
  23. what is developed from ferlek training?
    1. speed
    2. endurance
    3. strength
    4. flexibility
  24. the treatment done through water is known
    1. elector therapy
    2. hydro therapy
    3. wax therapy
    4. all of the above
  25. the main function of red blood cells (R.B.C.) is
    1. Carry oxygen
    2. controlling the temperature
    3. prevention of diseases
    4. blood clotting

  26. Who has established the Y.M.C.A college of physical education
    1. H.C. buck
    2. P.M. josephy
    3. amba and pant
    4. Gkali Cock
  27. What is the meaning of kho word in kho- kho game ?
    1. to touch
    2. get up and run
    3. to run
    4. go out
  28. which is the main obstacle in the growth and eevelopment of a child
    1. lack of practice
    2. psychosis
    3. malnutrition
    4. environmental imbalance
  29. which is the storangest bone of the body
    1. humers
    2. femur
    3. sternum
    4. talus
  30. 16 PF  test was developed by
    1. aristotle
    2. thorndike
    3. R.B Cattel
    4. Eysenck
  31. The development of human behavior is dependent on which of the following
    1. Geneticism
    2. Environment
    3. Both
    4. none of these
  32. The following is one of the best sources of ascorbic acid?
    1. Gooseberry
    2. guava
    3. lemon
    4. tomatoes
  33. how many feathers are there in a badminton shuttle cock?
    1. 16
    2. 14
    3. 12
    4. 10
  34. Tachometer infection is?
    1. of blood
    2. of eye
    3. of skin
    4. of bone
  35. how many runs can be scored when a bye run is given in cricket
    1. one
    2. two
    3. three
    4. so many
  36. who defined the law of effect in learning?
    1. Pavlov theory
    2. thorndike theory
    3. Skinner theory
    4. gestalt therory
  37. how to start a basketball game?
    1. kicking the ball
    2. ball rolling
    3. bounce the ball
    4. none of these
  38. where is the lords ground?
    1. australia
    2. zimbabwe
    3. England
    4. new Zealand
  39. who does the I.O.C. allocate the Olympic games?
    1. country
    2. the province
    3. continent
    4. city
  40. IS the period of asian games
    1. 10 days
    2. 8 days
    3. 15 days
    4. 14 days
  41. night blindness is caused by the lack of these-
    1. vitamin -A
    2. vitamin- B
    3. vitamin- C
    4. vitamin -K
  42. Which game is related to the Euro Cup?
    1. lawn tennis
    2. kabaddi
    3. football
    4. volleyball
  43. Psycho means
    1. Science
    2. behavior
    3. Soul
    4. Mind
  44. The main components of growth and development are-
    1. genetic component
    2. Environmental component
    3. Dietary Component
    4. specific program for physical Education
  45. Spirometer is used to take the measerement of –
    1. Respiratory Capacity
    2. Strength
    3. Endurance
    4. Lung Capacity
  46. Paddlers are connected to which game?
    1. Hockey player
    2. Golf player
    3. boxer
    4.  Table tennis player
  47. How many players play in the volleyball game?
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  48. How much is teh weight of basketball?
    1. 600-650 gram
    2. 650-700 gram
    3. 700-750 gram
    4. 750-800 gram
  49. The road is made in Germany by the name of which Indian player?
    1. major dhyanchand
    2. roop singh
    3. uday singh
    4. SAachin tendulkar
  50. Athlee mean in Greek language-
    1. city state
    2. money earner
    3. aspiring as a prize
    4. the race
  51. which color olympic ring represents assian continent?
    1. black
    2. yellow
    3. blue
    4. green
  52. where is the 2018 FIFA world cup going to be held?
    1. africa
    2. russia
    3. spain
    4. brazil
  53. diabetes disease causes?
    1. insulin
    2. glucogenic
    3. ketogenic
    4. B.complex
  54. Who started physical education in india?
    1. Dr. Tara Chandra
    2. General Kariappa
    3. B. D. Sondhi
    4. H.C. Buck
  55. Good health is recognized-
    1. bright hair
    2. strong muscies
    3. rosy cheecks
    4. pink lips
  56. which one of the following is correctly matched ?
    1. vitamin A- rickets
    2. Vitamin C- Anaemia
    3. Vitamin D- Scabies
    4. Vitamin B Plague
  57. Which of the following is a law of learning?
    1. Law if readubess
    2. Law of exercise
    3. Law of effect
    4. All of the above
  58. Deficiency of vitamin D causes-
    1. Beri-Beri
    2. Scurvy
    3. Rickets
    4. Nigtht Blindness
  59. Carbohydrate loading mostly help
    1. marathon runners
    2. Boxers
    3. sprinter
    4. power lifters
  60. Distance of marathon race is –
    1. 43.195 Km
    2. 42.195 Km
    3. 41.185 Km
    4. 40.165 Km
  61. The weight of men’s javelin is
    1. 600 gms
    2. 800 gms
    3. 900 gms
    4. 1000 gms
  62. Osteology is the study of –
    1. Muscles
    2. Bones
    3. Joints
    4. Nerves
  63. Introverts are interested in-
    1. themselves
    2. others
    3. Them selvlels and others
    4. none of the above
  64. where will the 2020 Olympic games be help?
    1. tokyo
    2. london
    3. Rio de jeneiro
    4. Beijing
  65. Physical education is –
    1. Art
    2. Science
    3. Both
    4. None of these

  66. Psychologyu is related to –
    1. The body
    2. Brain
    3. Behavior
    4. None of these
  67. Who is the father of the modern Olympic games?
    1. Ernest Cortius
    2. Mohammad Ali
    3. Jesse owens
    4. Pieree de coubertin
  68. How many events are there in Heptathlon?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 9
    4. 6
  69. There is a height of hurdle in the 110 meter hurdles nrace?
    1. 1.052 mt
    2. 1.607 mt
    3. 7.760 mt
    4. 1.067 mt
  70. Fast muscies Fibers are
    1. white muscles fiber
    2. red muscles fiber
    3. both
    4. none of these
  71. years, months and day are said to be age/.
    1. Anatomical age
    2. Chronlogical age
    3. Psy Chological age
    4. none of these
  72. life of red blood cell is
    1. 125 days
    2. 90 days
    3. 120 days
    4. 115 days
  73. Development is not a process running for life.
    1. true
    2. false
    3. doubtful
    4. none of these
  74. The early year of the ancient olympic games was
    1. 1896 AD
    2. 776 BC
    3. 393 AD
    4. 1776 AD
  75. Facts soluble vitamins are
    1. vitamins A,D,P,K
    2. vitamins A,B,C,D
    3. vitamins B and C
    4. Vitamins A,D,E,K
  76. The deficiency of vitamin K causes
    1. rickets
    2. Anemia
    3. Prolonged Blood clotting time
    4. none of the abopve
  77. How many parts of ashtanga yoga are
    1. Six
    2. Eight
    3. Four
    4. two
  78. The best time to do yoga-
    1. Afternoon
    2. Forenoon
    3. Early morning
    4. evenijg
  79. What is the heart rate of a Healthy person
    1. 80 per minute
    2. 72 per minute
    3. 874 per minute
    4. 111 per minute
  80. In which game uses ‘Libro’?
    1. Table tennis
    2. Hockey
    3. Football
    4. Volleyball
  81. The word raider is related to what game?
    1. khabaddi
    2. Baseball
    3. snooker
    4. Swimming
  82. How many players are there in kabbadi
    1. eight
    2. seven
    3. nine
    4. twelve
  83. What is the full form of U.G.C.
    1. Union government Center
    2. Union of government Court
    3. University Grant Commission
    4. Under Ground Center
  84. Sun light is a source of
    1. Vitamin B
    2. Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin D
    4. none of these
  85. The Women first time participated in the olympics
    1. 1896 Athens
    2. 1900 paris
    3. 1920 Antwerp
    4. 1928 Amsterdam
  86. Word persona means
    1. best man
    2. deal dol
    3. mask
    4. privet nature
  87. Who said that sound mind lives in a sound body
    1. rocusseau
    2. aristotle
    3. plato
    4. Nehru
  88. The city of loympia is located
    1. Greec
    2. France
    3. Russia
    4. London
  89. Full form of W.H.O.
    1. work for health organizastion
    2. world health organization
    3. world home organizaotion
    4. Whole health organization
  90. What is the full name of WADA ?
    1. with aia delhi association
    2. world anti droping agency
    3. world anti diuretics association
    4. world association of dribble
  91. what is full name of NSNIS
    1. netaji subhash national indian sports
    2. national institute of national indian sports
    3. netaji subhash nationa institute of sports
    4. none of these
  92. what is the measurement of volleyball grounds?
    1. 18 x 8 mt
    2. 17 x 9 mt
    3. 18.5 x 9.5 mt
    4. 18 x 9 mt
  93. What do the olympic rings signify?
    1. five continents
    2. five rivers
    3. five countries
    4. five mountains
  94. what is the height of the volleyball net in mens
    1. 2.40 mt
    2. 2.43 mt
    3. 2.42 mt
    4. 2.24mt
  95. An examples of hingle joint.
    1. shouler joint
    2. wrist joint
    3. knee joint
    4. hip joint
  96. Court measerement for basketball is –
    1. 26 x 14 mt
    2. 25 x 15 mt
    3.  28 x 15  mt
    4. 28 x 16 mt
  97. Term advantage is related to which game?
    1. Lawn tennis
    2. Bridge
    3. Football
    4. Cricket
  98. vijendra singh is related to which game?
    1. Weight lifting
    2. Boxing
    3. Hockey
    4. wrestling
  99. Sports perfomance dependent upon
    1. on practice
    2. on money
    3. on friend
    4. on time
  100. Match the list with the sectiopn and select the answer with the help code given below-


List- 1 List II
(a)  Volleyball (1) Jump Ball
(b)  Basketball (2)  Libro
(c)  Golf (3)  Par
(d)  Tennis (4) Double Fault


(a) (b) (c ) (d)
(A) (1) (3) (2)` (4)
(B) (2) (1) (3) (4)
(C) (2) (4) (3) (1)
(D) (1) (2) (3) (4)

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