Bcom 2nd Year Notes for all subject with chapter wise
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Bcom 2nd Year Notes for all subject with chapter wise
- (आयकर कर की आधारभूत) Basic Concepts of Income Tax
- (कृषि-आय) Agricultural Income
- (कर-नियोजन, कर बचाव एवं कर अपवंचन) Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
- (निवास-स्थान तथा कर दायित्त्व) Residence and Tax Liability
- (कर-मुक्त आयें) Exempted Income
- (वेतन से आय) Income From Salary
- (मकान सम्पत्ति से आय) Income From Home Property
- (व्यापर अथवा पेशे के लाभ एवं प्राप्तियाँ) Profits and Gains of Business of Profession
- (पूँजी लाभ) Capital Gain
- (अन्य साधनों से आय) Income For Other Sources
- (आय का मिलना एवं मानी गयी आयें) Clubbing of Income and Deemed Incomes
- (हानियों की पूर्ति एवं आगे ले जाना) Set off and Carry Forward of Losses
- (सकल कुल आय में से कटौतियाँ ) Deductions from Gross Total Income
- (कर का अग्रिम भुगतान) Advance Payment of Tax
- (कर-नियोधरण की कार्य- विधि) Procedure For Assessment
- (आय-कर पदाधिकारी तथा उनके अधिकार) Income-Tax Authorities and their Power
- (अर्थदण्ड, अभियोजन, अपील एवं पुनर्विचार) Penalties, Prosecutions, Appeals and Revision
खण्ड-अ-कम्पनी सन्नियम
• लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)
• दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer Questions)
01. कम्पनी– एक परिचय (Company-An Introduction)
02. कम्पनियों का वर्गीकरण (Classification of Companies)
03. निजी कम्पनी (Private Company)
04. कम्पनी प्रवर्तक (Company Promoters)
05. कम्पनी का निर्माण- समामेलन एवं व्यापार का प्रारम्भ (Formation of a Company: Incorporation and Commencement of Business)
06. पार्षद सीमानियम एवं अन्तर्नियम(Memorandum and Articles of Association)
07. प्रविवरण (Prospectus)
08. कम्पनियों का प्रबन्ध संचालकगण (Management of Companies-Directors)
09. कम्पनी की सभायें (Company Meetings)
10. कम्पनी का समापन (Winding-up of Company)
खण्ड-ब-औद्योगिक सन्नियम
• दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Long Answer Questions)
01. कारखाना अधिनियम, 1948 (The Factory Act, 1948)
02. औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 (Industrial Dispute Act, 1947)
03. श्रमिक क्षतिपूर्ति अधिनियम, 1923 (The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923)
लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (Short Answer Questions)
- public finance : meaning, scope and importance
- public Vs Private Goods
- Government Budget
- Deficit Financing
- Public Expenditure
- Effects of Public Expenditure
- Public Revenue
- Taxation : Meaning, Canons and Classification
- Effect of Taxation
- Problem of Justice in Taxation
- Public Debt.
- Federal Finance in India
- Finance Commission
- Parliamentary Control on Public Expenditure
- Material
- Labor
- Theory
- Numerical
- Overhead
- Machine hour rate
- Unit or output Costing
- Reconciliation of cost and financial accounts
- Contract and job Costing
- Process Costing
- Theory
- Numerical
- Operating Coasting
- Theory
- Numerical
- Short notes of Cost Account is also available one day pattern learn to full cost account
- विपणन- अर्थ, कार्य एवं महत्त्व (Marketing Meaning, Functions & Importance)
- विपणन मिश्रण (Marketing Mix)
- विपणन वातावरण (Marketing Environment)
- उपभोक्ता व्यवहार (Consumer Behaviour)
- बाजार विभक्तीकरण (Market Segmentation)
- उत्पाद अवधारणा (Product Concept)
- उत्पाद नियोजन (Product Planning)
- पैकेजिंग (Packaging)
- ब्राण्ड तथा ट्रेडमार्क (Brand and Trademark)
- उत्पाद जीवन चक्र (Product Life Cycle)
- विक्रयोपरान्त सेवा (After-Sales Service)
- मूल्य निर्धारण (Pricing)
- वितरण वाहिकाएँ अथवा वितरण माध्यम (Channels of Distribution)
- भौतिक वितरण (Physical Distribution)
- प्रवर्तन (Promotion)
- विक्रय संवर्द्धन (Sales Promotion)
- विज्ञापन (Advertisement)
- वैयक्तिक विक्रय (Personal Selling)
- अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन-प्रकृति, क्षेत्र एवं महत्त्व (International Marketing Nature, Scope and Importance)
- अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय विपणन पर्यावरण (International Marketing Environment)
- अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय बाजार की पहचान एवं चुनाव (Identifying and Selecting International Market)
- विदेशी बाजारों में प्रवेश विधि सम्बन्धी निर्णय (Foreign Market Entry Mode Decisions)
- Meaning definition and Roles of Entrepreneur Notes
- Entrepreneurship An Introduction Theory and Nature Characteristics Notes
- Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Environment and its Roles Notes
- Meaning Definitions Qualities Functions and Types of Leadership
- Meaning Nature Causes Management of Business risks
- Meaning Definitions Principle Importance of Decision Making
- Promotion of a Venture Opportunity Analysis Notes of Entrepreneurship
- PEST or STEP Analysis External Environmental Analysis Notes
- Legal Requirements for Establishment of a New Unit Notes of Entrepreneurship
- Meaning of Working Capital Raising of Funds Notes of Entrepreneurship
- Venture Capital and Documentation Requirement Sources Notes of entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Behavior Innovation and Psycho Theories Notes of Entrepreneurship
- Social Responsibility of Entrepreneur Social Responsibility Notes
- Entrepreneurial Development Programme Notes of Entrepreneurship
- Role of Entrepreneur Notes
- Export Promotion and import Substitution Notes of Entrepreneurship