BCA 5th Semester Notes

BCA 5th Semester Notes

BCA 5th Semester Notes – In this article have BCA 5th Sem Notes for all Subjects with Unit Wise. it is very helpful for all students who are studying BCA courses. I think it is very helpful for you. please share this article with your all friends and your all groups.

Note: SDAK24.com have all BCA Notes and Question Paper. go to this website and learn easily everything about BCA course subjects. Please share this article with your friends and your all groups.

BCA 5th Semester Notes

Introduction to DBMS

  • Unit 1 – Introduction
  • Unit 2 – E-R Modeling
  • Unit 3 – File Organization
  • Unit 4 – Relational Data Model and SQL
  • Unit 5 – EER and ER to relational mapping
  • Unit 6 – Data Normalization

Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design

  • Unit 1 – Java Programming
  • Unit 2 – Java Applets
  • Unit 3 – Networking
  • Unit 4 – HTML
  • Unit 5 – Java Servelts
  • Unit 6 – Java Server Pages

Computer Network

  • Unit 1 – Basic Concepts
  • Unit 2 – Transmission Media
  • Unit 3 – Telephony
  • Unit 4 – Devices
  • Unit 5 – Transport and Upper Layers in OSI Model

Numerical Methods

  • Unit 1 – Roots of Equations
  • Unit 2 – Interpolation and Extrapolations
  • Unit 3 – Numerical Differentiation Numerical Integration
  • Unit 4 – Solution of Linear Equation
  • Unit 5 – Solution of Differential Equations

Related Links:

1. BCA 1st Semester Notes

2. BCA 2nd Semester Notes

3. BCA 3rd Semester Notes

4. BCA 4th Semester Notes

5. BCA 5th Semester Notes

6. BCA 6th Semester Notes


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