Bcom Public Finance Books Notes Question Paper Video Lecture Download PDF

Public Finance Books Notes Download


Bcom Public Finance Books Notes Question Paper Video Lecture Download PDF :- Hello friends, Sachin Daksh has uploaded this post in this post, we have told you how you can download Bcom Finance Notes PDF and video lectures, how you can see all the public finance notes PDF download in this post and Video Lectures are also available which we have made available for you so that you do not face any problem in reading online, you must share this post and all these video lectures with all your friends, with this in your groups Do share the post. In this post we have taught you here Public finance all chapter PDF Download. Public finance video lectures. If you have any problem in this post, you can comment on us or you can also follow us on the social account given below and you can be connected directly.

We Have Discus About:- Short Answer Question, Long Answer Question, Public Finance : Meaning , Scope and Importance, Public Vs. Private Goods, Principle of maximum Social Advantage, Government Budget, Deficit Financing, Public Expenditure, Effects of Public Expenditure, Public Revenue, Taxation : Meaning, Canons and Classification, Effects of Taxation, Taxable Capacity, Incidence and Shifting of Tax, Problem of Justice in Taxation, Public Debt, Federal Finance in India, Finance Commission, Parliamentary Control on Public Expenditure.

Bcom Public Finance Books Notes Question Paper Video Lecture Download PDF
Bcom Public Finance Books Notes Question Paper Video Lecture Download PDF

Public Finance in Hindi


विषय-सूची (Contents)

S.R. NO.

Chapter Name

Short  Answer Question (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
Long  Answer Question  (दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रश्न)
1. Public Finance : Meaning , Scope and Importance (लोकवित्त : अर्थ, क्षेत्र एवं महत्त्व)
2. Public Vs. Private Goods (सार्वजनिक बनाम निजी वस्तुएँ)
3. Principle of maximum Social Advantage (अधिकतम सामाजिक लाभ का सिध्दान्त)
4. Government Budget (सरकारी बजट)
5. Deficit Financing (घाटे की वित्त व्यवस्था या हीनार्थ प्रबन्धन)
6. Public Expenditure (लोक/सार्वजनिक व्यय)
7. Effects of Public Expenditure (लोक/सार्वजनिक व्यय के प्रभाव)
8. Public Revenue (लोक/सार्वजनिक आगम)
9. Taxation : Meaning, Canons and Classification (करारोपण : अर्थ, सिध्दान्त एवं वर्गीकरण)
10. Effects of Taxation (करारोपण के प्रभाव)
11. Taxable Capacity (करदान क्षमता)
12. Incidence and Shifting of Tax  (करापात तथा कर विवर्तन)
13. Problem of Justice in Taxation (करारोपण में न्याय की समस्या)
14. Public Debt (लोक/सार्वजनिक ऋण)
15. Federal Finance in India (भारत में संघीय वित्त व्यवस्था)
16. Finance Commission (वित्त आयोग)
17. Parliamentary Control on Public Expenditure (सार्वजनिक व्यय पर संसदीय नियंत्रण)


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