Bcom Topic Wise Study Material Sample Model Question Papers Refresher




  •  UNIT-1 : Introducation Business Communication : Basic form of communicating ; Communication models and processes : Effective Communication : Theories of communication : Audience analysis.
  • UNIT-2 : Self – Development and communication : Development of positive personal attitudes : SWOT analysis : vote’s model of interdependence : whole communication.
  • UNIT-3 :Corporate Communication : Formal and informal communication networks Grapevine : Miscommunication (Barriers): Improving communication

practises in business communication : Group discussions : mock interviews Seminars : effectivive listening exercises : individual and group presentations and reports writing.

  • UNIT-4 : Principles of effective communication.
  • UNIT-5 :   Writing skills : planning business massages : Rewriting and editing : The first draft : reconstructing the final draft : business letters and memo formats : Apperance request letters : good news and bad news letters : persuasive letters: sales letters collection letters : office memorandum.
  • UNIT-6 : Report Writing : introduction to a proposal , short report and formal report , report preparation .

Oral Presentation : Principles of oral presentation , factors affecting presentation sales presentation training presentation , conducting surveys , speeches to motivates effective presentation skills.

  • UNIT-7 : Non – Verbal Aspects of communication .

body language : kinesics, proxemics , para language.

Effective listening : Principle of effective listening : factors affecting listening excercises : oral , written and video sessions.

Interviewing skills : appearing in interviews : conducting interviews : writing resume and letter of application.

Modern Forms of Communication : Fax ;E-mail : Vedio conferencing : etc.

International Communication : cultural sensitiveness and cultural Context Written and presenting in international situations : inter- cultural factors in interactions : adapting to global business.



  • Unit-1    Indian Business Environment Concept, components, and importance
  • Unit-2    Economic Trends (overview) Income, Savings and investment, Industry, Trade and balance of payments, Money, Finance, Prices,
  • Unit-3    Problems of Growth: Unemployment, Poverty: Regional imbalances: Social injustice: Inflation: Parallel economy: Industrial sickness.
  • Unit-4    Role of Government: Monetary and fiscal policy: Industrial policy: Industrial licensing, Privatization: Devaluation; Export-Import policy; Regulation of foreign investment.
  • Unit-5    The Current Five Year Plan: Major policies; allocation.
  • Unit-6    International Environment: International trading environment (overview): Trends in word trade and the problems of developing countries: Foreign trade and economic growth: International economic grouping: International economic institution – GATT, WTO, UCTED, Word bank, IMF, GSP, GSTP, Countertrade.


  • Unit-1    INTERODUCTORY:  Meaning, Scope, Importance and Limitations of Statistics.
  • Unit-2   STATISTICAL INVESTIGATION: Planning of statistical investigation, census and sampling methods Collection of Primary and Secondary data, Statistical errors and approximation, classification and Tabulation of data, Frequency distribution.
  • Unit-3   DIAGRAMMATIC AND GRAPHIC PRESNATION: One Dimensional. Two dimensional Diagrams Histogram,  Historigram, Frequency polygon. Frequency curve and give curves. Graphs on Natural and semi-Logarithmic scales Graphic location of mode Median and quartiles.
  • Unit-4   STATISTICAL AVERAGE: Arithmetic, geometric and Harmonic means, Mode Median, Quartiles and percentiles, Simple and weighted averages. Uses and Limitations of different averages.
  • Unit-5  DISPERSION AND SKEWNESS: Range Quartile Deviation mean, Deviation and their coefficients, Standards deviation coefficient of variation, Skewness and its coefficients.
  • Unit-6  CORRELATION: Karl pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Probable Error and interpretation of coefficient of correlation Rank Difference Method and Concurrent Deviation method.
  • Unit-7  ANALYSIS OF TIME SERIES: Component of time Series, calculation of Secular Trend-moving Average method and method of Least squares.
  • Unit-8  INDEX NUMBERS: Utility of index numbers. Problems in the construction of index numbers, simple and weighted index number, Base shifting fishers ideal index number and tests of Reversibility.
  • Unit-9   INDIAN STATISTICS: Census Price, Agriculture and industrial statistics.



  • UNIT-1     Introducation : basic problems of an economy ; Working of price mechanism.
  • UNIT-2     Elasticity of demand: concept and measurement of elasticity of demand; price, income and cross elasticities; Average revenue, marginal revenue, and elasticity of demand; Determinants of elasticity of demand; Importance of elasticity of demand.
  • UNIT-3    Producation function: Law of variable proportion; Iso-quants;  Economoc regions and optimum factor combination; Expansion path; returns to scale; Internal and external economies and diseconomies; expansion path; returns to scale ; internal and external economies and diseconomies; ridge lines.
  • UNIT-4   Theory of Costs: Short-run and long-run cost curves – traditional and modern approaches.
  • UNIT-5    Market Structures; Market structures and business decisions ; of a business firm .

(a)    Perfect Competition; Profit maximization and equilibrium of firm and industry; short- run and long run supply curves; price and output determination. Practical applications.

(b)    Monopoly: Determination of price under monopoly ; Equilibrium of a firm Comparison between perfect competition and monopoly ; multi- plant monopoly; Price discrimination. Practical application.

(c)   Monopolistic Competition; Meaning and characteristics; Price and output determination under monopolistic competition ; product differentiation; selling costs ; Comparison with perfect competition; Excess capacity under monopolistic competition .

(d)   Oligopoly: Characteristics, indetermination pricing and output ; Classical models of oligopoly; Price leadersip ; Collusive oligopoly; Kinded demand curve.

  • UNIT-6   Factor Pricing-1 : Marginal Producticity theory and demand for factors ; Nature of supply of factor inputs; Determination of wage rates ;under perfect competition and monopoly; Exploitation of labor; Rent – concept; Ricardian and modern theories of rent; Quasi- rent.
  • UNIT-7    Factor Pricing-2 ; Interests- concept and theories of interest; profit – nature , concepts and theories of profit..





Bcom Topic Wise Study Material Sample Model Question Papers Refresher

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