Principles of Management notes

Principles of Management Notes



“Principles of Management” is a fundamental subject in business and organizational studies that focuses on the concepts, practices, and strategies used by managers to effectively oversee and guide their teams or organizations. It covers a variety of management principles that can be applied across different industries and sectors.

UNIT-I: Nature of Management

  1. Meaning and definition of management in business
  2. Nature and purpose of management in organizations
  3. Key functions of management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling
  4. Management as an art and Management as a science
  5. Management as a profession: roles and responsibilities
  6. Key concepts of management, administration, and organization differences
  7. Importance of management skills and Different levels of management in an organization

UNIT-II: Evolution of Management Thought

  1. Contributions of F.W. Taylor to scientific management theory
  2. Henri Fayol’s principles of management and their relevance
  3. Elton Mayo’s human relations approach to management , Chester Barnard’s theory of executive functions in organizations & Peter Drucker’s modern management concepts and practices
  4. Concept of business ethics and its importance in decision-making
  5. Understanding the shift towards ethical practices in business & Practical tools for ensuring business ethics and corporate responsibility

UNIT-III: Functions of Management – Part I

  1. Meaning of planning in management and its importance, Need for effective planning in organizational success, Types of planning processes used in business management, Step-by-step process of planning in an organization, Barriers to effective planning and how to overcome them, Advantages and limitations of organizational planning & Levels of planning in organizational structures
  2. Need for forecasting in management decision-making & techniques of forecasting in business planning
  3. Types of decision-making processes in management, steps in the rational decision-making process for businesses & techniques for effective decision-making in management
  4. Elements of organizing in business management, organizational process and its impact on business operations, types of organizational structures in management, delegation of authority in management: need and challenges & difference between delegation and decentralization 
  5. Meaning and importance of staffing, directing & types of communication in management and their importance

UNIT-IV: Functions of Management – Part II

  1. Importance of motivation & theories of motivation
  2. Meaning of leadership in management and its importance
  3. Different leadership styles and their applications in business
  4. Key qualities and functions of an effective leader
  5. Need for controlling in organizational management
  6. Nature and importance of control in business management
  7. Process of controlling in management operations
  8. Techniques for effective management control in organizations
  9. Introduction to Total Quality Management (TQM) in businesses
  10. Need for coordination in organizational management
  11. Importance of coordination for achieving business goals

UNIT-V: Management of Change

  1. Models for change management in organizations
  2. Forces driving change in business environments
  3. Need for change in organizations to stay competitive
  4. Alternative techniques for implementing organizational change
  5. New trends in organizational change management practices
  6. Importance of stress management in workplace productivity
  7. Techniques for stress management in professional settings

UNIT-VI: Strategic Management

  1. Definition and scope of strategic management in businesses
  2. Types and classes of strategic decisions in organizations
  3. Levels of decision-making in strategic management processes
  4. Meaning and importance of strategy in business success
  5. Role of strategists in formulating business strategies
  6. Relevance of strategic management in modern organizations
  7. Key benefits of strategic management in organizational growth
  8. Understanding the application of strategic management in India

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